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disconnect & Quit

Started by TeEhEiMaN, May 27, 2003, 12:01 AM

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I just looked at this. This is extremely dumb. Do you want a trigger that can easily be changed by simply changing the text there and not having to save settings, or do you want people to have to click "Save settings" or something along those lines?

It would make a lot more sence to use a global string called trigger or something.
using more expresive code than what the vars are actually called:
If Left(LCase(message),Len(trigger))=trigger Then
'...there's your trigger
If Mid(LCase(message),Len(trigger),10))="disconnect" Then
ElseIf Mid(LCase(message),Len(trigger),4)="quit" Then
End If
End If

First thing I do is check to see what the person's access is. Then I check for a trigger IF THEY HAVE ENOUGH ACCESS TO USE ANY COMMANDS, I then find the word after the trigger (until the first space) and search for a command that matches that. After that I see if they can use the command and then do whatever it is that that command does.


Is it completely lost on you that the last response to this topic was in May?
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


So... as I said, I was just looking at it. But not that I expect anybody to be anywhere efficient.