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Re: Lag Icon

Started by Guest, February 16, 2003, 01:30 PM

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Mesiah / haiseM

Quotestealth bot uses etherans getlagicon code???

id just like to add that stealth bot is a joke, if you think its a good bot, expand your horizons, its all open source bull shit thrown together in one bot, and a nice tic tac toe game downloaded from planet source code.
]HighBrow Innovations
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QuoteProbably would be better to do:

Dim ListUser As ListItem
Set ListUser = lvwUsers.ListItems.Add(, , UserName, , UserIcon)
ListUser.ListSubItems.Add , , , GetLagIcon(UserPing)

Noodlez: why would you add the user's icon for their ping?
Edit:  Also, Noodlez, if you're going to use FindItem, it would probably best to set fPartial to False so as to not return "User#2" when you're really looking for "User".

What do you mean the user icon? The first icon I added was the product icon, although I didn't show the GetIcon() for that


QuoteDim LagIcon as integer
LagIcon = GetLagIcon(ping)
lvwUsers.ListItems.Add ,,username,,icon
lvwUsers.FindItem(username).ListSubItems.Add ,,,,icon

Notice how the two words in bold & italic are the same.  Assuming icon is the index of the user's icon, you're adding it twice. That second icon should be LagIcon.


ack, that was an accident :p

btw, does your listview have a colum for lagicon?


Yes.. for testing i put the exact same listview settings as etheran bot's listview  ??? there is 2 colums and the one on right is blank where lagicon should be..i meant user icon as product icon, game icon, etc

ElseIf Product = "Starcraft: Broodwar" Then
   Set ListUser = lvChannel.ListItems.Add(, , Username, , 3)
ListUser.ListSubItems.Add , , , GetLagIcon(Ping)

i have it dimed at the top "Dim ListUser As ListItem"

is that right?? and i have this on formload
lvChannel.SmallIcons = imgPics so anything else?? that i should check?


Do you have to expressely set the LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES style in VB? You have to do that in C before you can display multiple images in a single row in a listview (well, unless you owner-draw it, of course).
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


i believe his problem is the fact he "DOESNT!" have the lag images in his imagelist  :-X  :P


That would indeed cause problems. :P
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


StealthBot actually doesn't use Etheran's code to assign icons. The only aspect of my program I used any part of EBBot for was to find the -scale- used in assigning ping icons.

Quoteid just like to add that stealth bot is a joke, if you think its a good bot, expand your horizons, its all open source bull shit thrown together in one bot, and a nice tic tac toe game downloaded from planet source code.

MesiaH, I really had more respect for you than that. I did, in fact, write my own code for an overwhelming majority of the 4500-some lines of code that make up StealthBot's current build. I spent a day or two writing the Tic Tac Toe system and getting all the protocol kinks worked out of it.

I have spent far too many hours grappling with Visual Basic to be ridiculed like that. Admittedly, I have used open source code. But not for the backbone of the bot, its command structure, GUI and the like. My open source code usage is limited to the structure of Winamp APIs, system tray minimization, and Grok's fantastic and ubiquitous AddChat subroutine ((which I modified myself after version 1.6 to automatically add timestamps to each line)). In the case of EBBot, I used Etheran's code as a reference so that I wouldn't have to research which ping times corresponded to which lag icon. Considering that I have not had Starcraft installed for a good six months now, this shouldn't be unreasonable.

Systray minimization, APIs, variant use.. when I started programming the bot, much of the stuff I use much more commonly now was way over my head. My knowledge has grown substantially, but admittedly is nowhere near most of vL's (and probably your own) work with VB. That's perfectly alright with me, I don't really care to be the best; but when someone has the guts to make a comment like you did, it's just sad.

Thank you.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Wow, a well written, well thought out post...someone alert the feds so they can remove this intelligence from the forum before it spreads!

Banana fanna fo fanna

So you wrote CheckRevision?


Never claimed I did. The connection is handled by CleanSlateBot, which proved a means for me to program the rest of the bot without dealing with Winsock. I am now, however beginning to deal with Winsock as an error has caused CSB to return Index Out Of Bounds on Warcraft 3 logins. Now that I have a far better understanding of some of the more advanced functions it will not be as difficult as if I had started from scratch.

My argument was aimed at MesiaH, who attacked my program as "open source bull shit"; which it certainly is not.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


very well put stealth~ Your personal like/dislike of a bot(Mesiah), isn't a reason to flam the creator, he still put a lot of hardwork into it.


actually, using CSB is perfectly good reason to flame some one for making a bot.

when you add CSB to a project your not making a bot, your adding features to an existing bot.


Kane, Knight has got a point here  ;)
