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Re: Lag Icon

Started by Guest, February 16, 2003, 01:30 PM

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and i using BNLS also


BNLS has nothing to do with ListView issues.
Most of the people on this forum are unfamiliar with Etheran's code so that is pretty much meaningless.

Basically, to add icons to a listview, you have to add an imagelist control, add the icons to the imagelist, associate the listview with the imagelist, and then specify an image index when adding the item.


ill tell you how to do it: use/write your own code.


you idiot what does writing my own code have to do with it... stealth bot uses etherans getlagicon code??? And iam not having problems with finding out what lag icon to use??? so shhhh if you not going to help(talking to cow no yoni)???umm i not sure how to add both though i did all that.. Yoni.. but i dont know about lag icon

If Product = "Warcraft II" Then
  lvChannel.ListItems.Add , , Username, , 8

i have that and etc.. where/what do i put to add lag icon


If your using etheran's code then why don't you just see how etheran did it?  It's not that hard to find


i tried his way but it was blank it didnt show the icon  ???


can someone please help me  ???


Dim LagIcon as integer
LagIcon = GetLagIcon(ping)
lvwUsers.ListItems.Add ,,username,,icon
lvwUsers.FindItem(username).ListSubItems.Add ,,,,icon

I suggest not calling other people idiots, when you don't know how to use a ListView. Also, haze isn't that a bit hypocritial of you, do you not use CSB?


LOL just out of curiousity about Haze's comment "use/write your own code" isnt he the one that ends every one of his posts with "if your not going to help then dont answer" ?


Probably would be better to do:

Dim ListUser As ListItem
Set ListUser = lvwUsers.ListItems.Add(, , UserName, , UserIcon)
ListUser.ListSubItems.Add , , , GetLagIcon(UserPing)

Noodlez: why would you add the user's icon for their ping?
Edit:  Also, Noodlez, if you're going to use FindItem, it would probably best to set fPartial to False so as to not return "User#2" when you're really looking for "User".


i get no error but the lag icon is not there?? :'(


haze ur fucking newb.  u flame ppl who are asking for some help and yet on like every single one of ur posts asking for some help u put "no flame plz, only respond if ur actually going to help". i am not a very good programmer as i know ur not also but u dont see me going around flaming ppl. whore


Quoteu dont see me going around flaming ppl. whore
Except now.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



it only adds product icon and username  ???  :'(


i only flame haze b/c i semi know who he is and im not really flaming him for his skill at programming im flaming him in general