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General Question about Diablo/B.Net Bots

Started by Simmen, February 20, 2006, 09:52 AM

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Hello dudes,
first of all: I do not understand everything you post here and in other topics so keep that in mind, maybe I just "disunderstood" something.

I use a private Diablo 2 LoD "IP-Finder" bot to get games on any ip where the diablo clone will walk, thats how I can earn alot of money. At the moment I use 16 Keys but I heard of a Bot that avoid's Realm Down. It just "checks" the ip before joining and if it's not right ip it doens't join. The bad thing is that I won't ever get this bot because I really don't have any idea how. You need to know that this bot doesn't work due an .exe file, it works with a .dll which you just need to copy in the d2 folder. You can choose IP and activate the bot on any F1-9 keys...

Maybe you can help me? With any ideas, codes or maybe modifications. Also you need to know I only have very few programming skills.


From what you have explained, the only way this could possibly work is that you replace a diablo 2 .dll file by your own.. which is highly detectable and will probably cause your ip and key to be banned. Also I really highly doubt you could mod a d2 game file in this way. There are IRC channels on which you can go where d clone is advertised and there are mods with which you can join that particular IP with your client... that's about all I can tell you.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


I know all the IP's where Diablo 2 Clone will walk, thats not the problem... And I already know that it is possible to avoid bnets realm down.
Anyway thank you :)

Any other ideas?


Somthing must have changed since i last messed around with this, because the DClone bot iv made, doesnt connect to the game server unless its "hot".
But when you send the realm packet 0x04 to join agame, it adds to your count which causes realm down after 20 or so trys. (per classic cdkey, like you stated in your 1st post)
Thats just how the realm server works, and off the top of my head, i dont think there is anyway of viewing a game server IP as well as the realm server giving you a valid D2GS Hash and Token so you can join, with out it adding it to a restriction count or w/e.
But then again, i used to check agame every half a second, so that might have had somthing to do with it :P



Quote from: teK on February 20, 2006, 10:44 AM
Can you post a link to this bot?

Quote from: Simmen on February 20, 2006, 09:52 AM
I use a private Diablo 2 LoD "IP-Finder" bot

He did mention the bot is private. Sometimes private bots are located on someone's FTP. However there is no guarantee that the bot he has will be on an FTP. I'm going to take a guess that it isn't.


Ofc it's not on any FTP - better, I hope it isn't. It WILL stay private as long as the programmer decides to upload it on any bit Diablo 2 site. Sorry I can't do anything about it, I'm pretty lucky that I have this bot due nice connections...

Quote from: Ringo on February 20, 2006, 10:41 AM
i used to check agame every half a second, so that might have had somthing to do with it :P

Yes, I guessed so too. In my sight of view there are only two possibilities;

1. The bot can manipulate warden's check on game counts, which is (imo ofc) nearly impossible or

2. the bot checks the ip before joining and sends a command to quit is fastly after it's not the right ip, so that it quits the game before it was created, that warden can't even see someone was creating a game there.

Both things sounds (ofc for me... like always *unskilled* :D) pretty escapist!

Maybe someone kept in touch with simple D2 Bots like this over the times and know the "know-how" of such a point.

The association to find a game nearly with each key is just crazy in my head - I love that idea so I don't want to give up so soon...


How exactly do you know that this bot cannot be realm restricted? As Ringo said, the client requests the game hash, server IP address, and token from the server. The client will then join the game based off of this information. If what you are saying is true, then this library would have to somehow eliminate the count that Battle.net's server keeps of how many times you've requested a game's information, essentially, realm-joined it. AFAIK, there is no possible way to do this. The "dclone hunting" bot that I made worked in the same manner as Ringo's, creating a game and then querying the realm for the IP address of the newly created game, and matching it versus the last octet of a "hot IP".

Something to look into: I heard rumors of some people being able to create 3,000+ games in a single hour. The way they did this, apparently, was use a regular bot that could operate in a virtual environment, like VMWare. Sounds like complete crap to me, but eh, try it if you have time to waste.


Well, as I said - I do not have good programming skills. I "play" D2 in a Clonehunting Clan, the leadership guys use 50+ keys (bought proxys ofc) and this amazing bot. They have about 40 games each pwe. Thats the way they can crash servers :P
Anyway its possible for sure - no idea how but I saw it while helping killing...

Thanks for the help - other suggestions are welcome!


Quote from: Simmen on February 23, 2006, 12:56 PM
the leadership guys use 50+ keys (bought proxys ofc) and this amazing bot. They have about 40 games each pwe. Thats the way they can crash servers :P
Anyway its possible for sure - no idea how but I saw it while helping killing...
First of all, if he needs 50+ cdkeys with proxys, then the bot is far from amazing :P
The fact he uses proxys prooves he gets realm down, and him useing 50+ keys backs it up.

And i think each game server can hold 1000 players or 1000 games (i forget), so 40 games alone wont crash a game server.
Game servers almost always drop when they are "hot" due to the amount of people trying to find/connect to it.
And aside, how could you see that his bot doesnt get realm down why you were in agame helping kill diablo clone? ;)
I think your failing to understand the concept of realm games, and how realm games work.
When a diablo 2 client creates agame on the realm, as long as your game create request was successful and didnt exist etc, the realm server will select a game server address baced on population numbers, so to evenly distribute games across all the servers and not overload a server/s by the *roll of the dice*.
After the realm has selected a game server for the game to be created on, it will create it on a 1 min timer (so if no one joins, the game auto closes) and will then report back to diablo 2 with a *success* responce code.
On success diablo 2 will then send a request to JOIN the game it just created.
Then after this (as long as the client is able to join the type of game etc) the realm server adds 1 to the number of games the client has successfuly requested to join, and if the client is still with in there count of games over a set time frame, the realm server will report back with the IP address of the game server that the game exists on, a successful responce code and a hash and token for authentication.
At this point, diablo 2 will automaticly disconnect from the realm server, and connect to the given game server IP.
So sending a fast quit game packet so to disconnect from the game server and reconnect to the realm server, will in fact get you restricted faster, for to many fast reconnects to the realm.
Where as a bot its very easy to check the IP, and request another game be created if the IP is not the one of the ones your looking for.
But even doing this, the realm adds to your successful join request count. (if you conenct to the game server or not)
This count is done on your CDKEY only, and on offence, restricts your IP.
So even then connecting to a differnt proxy but with the same cdkey, you would request to join one more game and get that proxy restricted as well, due to the key being on/over its limit.

For example, 50 cdkeys could be used to check 1000 games in 10mins on the same IP and not get it restricted.
But if your were to check 1050 games with in the same sort of time frame, you would get IP restricted 50 times over.
The idea is, to do it again 30 - 40 mins later, and not over step the limit, so not to get IP restricted.

But if your able to *some how* make up a compatible hash and token, you would be one step closer to it being possible.
But i would have guessed the realm auths the tokens with the game server when a client requests to join.


I implemented this into my privately released 'Chaos Bot Reborn'.

Here's how it works:
It sends the create game information to battle.net. After it is successfull it sends the join game information. Battle.net then replies with the IP and the hash information. If it isn't the IP the bot is configured to search for it ignores the entire process and starts a new one.

The only problem with this is what Ringo said. You will get a realm down after so many... but the thing is.. when you're doing this you will not get a realm down until you disconnect from Battle.net and or get dropped.. so you can basically go on forever.

If you can get a Battle.net Bot Developer to code this for you then you'll be on your way.
I'll probably end up releasing the source code to mine some day considering I'm not much into it anymore.


Quote from: Elneroth on February 23, 2006, 07:46 PM
but the thing is.. when you're doing this you will not get a realm down until you disconnect from Battle.net and or get dropped.. so you can basically go on forever.
Hm, if i recall, the realm kind of *mutes* the client when it has over shot its limit, by not creating games when requested (to stop attacks via overloading servers with empty games) and/or it just always responds with blank ip, hash and token when it comes to joining, i forget now :P
I think it does both tho.


Quote from: Ringo on February 23, 2006, 08:02 PM
Quote from: Elneroth on February 23, 2006, 07:46 PM
but the thing is.. when you're doing this you will not get a realm down until you disconnect from Battle.net and or get dropped.. so you can basically go on forever.
Hm, if i recall, the realm kind of *mutes* the client when it has over shot its limit, by not creating games when requested (to stop attacks via overloading servers with empty games) and/or it just always responds with blank ip, hash and token when it comes to joining, i forget now :P
I think it does both tho.

Right. You definitely can't "go on forever". Eventually the realm server starts negating its response to you requesting the game information (IP address, token, game hash, etc.).

Simmen: Your friend's bot does not prevent realm restriction. His bot does not delete the count of game information requests. His bot simply does the maximum allowed requests - and then does it all over again, many times over with different keys and/or proxies. End of story.