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Cell phone ringtones/wallpapers

Started by Spht, January 15, 2006, 01:25 PM

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Anyone have any information on creating ringtones or wallpapers for cell phones?  I'd be interested in creating some so I can get them on my phone for free, by transfering from PC to phone or putting them on the web and get them that way.


I made a wallpaper for my cellphone for free.
1. I put it on the web
2. My cellphone supports downloading .jpg and .gif images given a complete URL and using them as wallpaper
3. When I got this cellphone, I had free web access for the first month


Ditto for my cell phone.  You can simply put an image (my phone seems to support jpg, gif, bmp) on a website and visit that website via the browser on your phone.  As for ringtones, it depends on the format.  My phone supports some MIDIs, so I can simply search for MIDI files on the web and then visit them in the same fashion as an image.

Thing [vL]

Most of the downloads they have are not free but http://www.matrixm.com allows you to do all that stuff.


Polyphonic ring tones are just midi files, if that's of any help.


This is a pretty long process, but works for all sprint pcs phones - and supposedly more. This method allows you to create a ringtone from any mp3/wav file you like and put it on your phone for free, as well as wallpapers.

1. Locate MP3/WAV file of your choice.
2. Convert the MP3 file to WAV file using any free mp3 to wav converter.
3. Open the newly converted WAV file with the Microsoft Sound Recorder provided with windows.
4. Locate a 20 sec (approx.) segment within the song you want as your ring tone and go to Edit -> Delete before current position, and delete after current position respectively. I say 20 seconds, only because I'm guessing. Some newer phones have larger storage capacity, so they might be able to hold longer ringtones. (who lets a phone ring that long though, right?) Save the WAV file.
5. Now, download the program called PureVoice.
6. Open the cut WAV file with PureVoice, and first make sure you lower the volume down to pretty much the bottom. It'll be very loud on your phone. I swear, my friends phones speaker broke because we forgot to do this. After turning down the volume, click the button that says "convert." Then go to file -> save as. Make sure it's saving this file as a qcp file. Most phone brands support qcp as a ring tone file type, I guess.
7. Now that you have your qcp ring tone ready to be uploaded go to the uploader website to upload the file to your phone. This website takes only your phone number, the file from your computer and what you want it to be named on your phone. It will send you the file via a text message.

This is real easy. I'm actually glad there was a reason for me to type all this out. I always try to remember how to do it all over again every other month or so, and usually have to find all these sites again by searching for hours.

You can skip certain steps if your phone supports it. If your phone can play MP3s and WAV files, then just simply cut them to make them shorter, and go straight to the uploader.

The uploaders source code is also available for free. Pretty cool, eh?

Hope this helps. :-p


http://www.funformobile.com is also a good uploading site.
For all the good free games/ringers/apps http://www.ringerpost.com/


If you have a song or wallpaper you wish to upload to your phone the best is to use a program called bitpim. Just get a data cable for you phone. I've never tried to put walpaper on my phone however so I can't really tell you how that works. But as far as ringtones go just cut out a 1min clip or so of your favorite part and it's generally better for it not to have any vocals. Then you need to convert it to 64kbps mp3 @ 22khz. If you really want it to sound good though you need to compress the audio. I use sound forge's wave hammer plugin for this. Use the Voice setting, check use longer look-ahead and choose peak instead of RMS.


I'm able to visit the URL of my screen saver and view it, but there is no option to save.

The phone seems to only allow you to purchase screen savers from the Aliant web site.

I'm using an Audiovox 8615.



Hmm, could perhaps save it to your computer and upload it with bitpim. Not sure if that's possible though.


If your phone is not GSM that makes it harder to get any software on your phone.


Returned the Audiovox and got a Samsung A720.  This one is a camera phone and has more functionality for managing photos.  It still, however, has no option for saving pictures directly off the internet.

So I'd like to look into sending pictures to the phone.  Similar to how the provider web site sends pictures to the phone when you choose to purchase them.  Is this simply a matter of sending web requests to some global WAP service and sends a call to the phone or does it require more resources?  Some information would be helpful.


Not sure about your phone, but mine works like this: I am sent a text message with a link to a website. My phone visits the website and is prompted to download the file, etc... As long as your phone has internet on it, you should be good. Use the sites I mentioned before to do that


I have the Motorola e815 and it comes with a data cable. There is software for it that allows you to upload anything you want to the phone. My provider is verizon so I am able to e-mail files to my phone directly.


Problem solved.  Created my own simple wallpaper-downloading site that uses proper HTTP headers and content to instruct the phone to download and save an image.