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Looking for ideas

Started by Spht, January 13, 2006, 06:55 PM

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WebBot logs on to Botnet on its own "WebBot" database.  Previously, this database wasn't used for anything besides for being a place for WebBots to go so it could gain permission to send whispers (that is, events to the WebChannel service).

In the next update of WebBot, I'm going to make use of the database entries.  It already downloads the database and checks flags of entries.

At the moment, I'm only using this to check for new versions of WebBot.  The current version is stored as a database entry like "200512182010019" (2005-Dec-18 WebBot Pure 2.01.0019) with flags V.  When the bot sees an entry with the V flag, it checks the version string and compares the build number with your local build number.  If it's new, then the user is notified of a new version being available.

The only other application I can think of at the moment for this would be to have unique greetings for names.  For example, if entry "Spht@Botnet" has flags G and I'm logged on to Botnet as "Spht," then WebBot can display a message, "Hello Spht!  You're special to me," or something.  That is a fairly useless though.

Ideas please!!!

[Edit:  Just to clarify, this thread is only for suggestions on things to do with the database]


Latest version supports this...

# Notices.cfg by Spht

# Upon connecting to Botnet, WebBot downloads a database which triggers these responses to be
# displayed on the bot and on the web.  These are displayed upon connecting to Botnet.

# Format is:
# <id> <type> <message>

# This is a custom message you can display on the web.  Allows up to 5 messages to be
# displayed at once.  Remove prepended space to use.

web 0 Welcome to the clan channel of Valhalla Legend!
web 0 Our web site is http://www.valhallalegends.com/
web 0 No news for today...

# ===============================================================================
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

100 0 Thank you for using WebBot!

101 0 Custom web messages are no longer permitted.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

102 0 An important announcement has been made.  Please check the WebBot web site for more information.
102 0 http://www.valhallalegends.com/spht/webbot/

103 1 The Battle.net logon server may be down.  This will be resolved as soon as possible if so.

104 1 Due to changes on Battle.net, some products may not be working.  This will be fixed as soon as possible.  Please check the WebBot web site for more information.
104 1 http://www.valhallalegends.com/spht/webbot/

105 1 Due to changes of the Battle.net server, WebBot no longer functions.

106 1 Due to changes of the WebChannel service, WebBot no longer functions.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ===============================================================================


What exactly are these EventIDs? Do you have a list of them?
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Quote from: Joe on January 14, 2006, 02:35 PM
What exactly are these EventIDs? Do you have a list of them?

What do you mean?  I just listed everything...