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Battle.net Gateway UDP Problems...

Started by Mesiah / haiseM, December 27, 2005, 02:41 PM

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Mesiah / haiseM

Yeah so I'm making a third party gateway for the actual brood war client (which already works great for bots, but most bots dont process UDP packets..) I've got it working good and figuring out every documented packet for BNCS... But I also want to have the gateway forward UDP packets as well... I've been able to obtain the UDP Code ("DWORD tenb"..) from the UDP packet 0x05, and I insert the value into 0x14 and send it directly after the approval from 0x51. I have tested this on my bot, which does not send 0x14, and it works perfectly. My problem is, just sending 0x14 from the actual Brood War client is not enough to convince battle.net that it is processing UDP packets. I'm pretty sure I'm not utilizing my UDP socket correctly, and I'm not sure how I should... Here is what is happening:

Brood war connects to my gateway, my gateway establishes connection to battle.net server.
Gateway forwards all packets to battle.net server.
(Working great up to this point)
Gateway receives UDP Packets 0x05, and 0x09 from the Brood war client, but isn't sending them to battle.net, it is forwarding the returns back to the client instead of to battle.net...

I've got the UDP socket set up like so (so far..):

    sckLocalUDP.LocalPort = txtPort.Text
    sckLocalUDP.RemotePort = txtPort.Text

I've tried setting the remote host to the battle.net server as well, but it makes no difference, same results...

On incoming data, this is all my UDP socket is doing for now, since I can't figure this out:

Private Sub sckLocalUDP_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
    Dim strTemp As String
'0000:  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                           ...tenb........
'0000:  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                           ...tenb........
'[SID_PING] Received.
'[SID_PING] Returned.
'[SID_AUTH_INFO] Received.
'0000:  09 00 00 00 8A E3 E1 A6 8C 69 42 00               ....ŠãᦌiB.....
'0000:  09 00 00 00 8A E3 E1 A6 8C 69 42 00               ....ŠãᦌiB.....
'0000:  09 00 00 00 8A E3 E1 A6 8C 69 42 00               ....ŠãᦌiB.....
    sckLocalUDP.GetData strTemp

    AddText "[[UDP PACKET]]: " & vbCrLf & DebugOutput(strTemp)

    sckLocalUDP.SendData strTemp

End Sub

I've thought about maybe Indexing the socket, But since UDP is connectionless, i don't see how it would matter....

So once again, im receiving udp packets from the client, but don't know how to forward those to the battle.net server... And it's probably some simple one line of code I'm missing, but I just don't know what it is...

Any Ideas? Please?
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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This will work.
You must set the socket to the destination address when sending, because when you recv, the socket will set its self to the address of the sender. (if that makes sence)
When you call GetData, the remotehostip and remoteport are filled with the senders address and port.

    sckLocalUDP.GetData strTemp

    AddText "[[UDP PACKET]]: From " & sckLocalUDP.RemoteHostIP & ":" & sckLocalUDP.RemotePort & vbCrLf & DebugOutput(strTemp)
    sckLocalUDP.RemoteHost = battle.net
    sckLocalUDP.RemotePort = 6112
    sckLocalUDP.SendData strTemp

hope this helps


You do not need to send the received UDP data back to the server.  You'll need to extract the UDP code from 0x05 and send it in SID_UDPPINGRESPONSE and since you said that you've already done this then you must be sending an incorrect code.

I don't know if you're having the same problem as I had when I first implimeted this, but I assumed that I'd always receive a UDP response before it came time to send it but I was wrong and ended up sending incorrect codes nearly every time.  I solved this by halting the connection for up to 30 seconds until a UDP response was received.

Mesiah / haiseM

I've logged everything. 0x14 is sending 100% fine and correct, as i said before, it works great on bots that dont send 0x14 at all. In the logs, however, its clearly visible that my gateway is receiving udp packets from the brood war client, then simply attempting to send them BACK to the brood war client. So no UDP packets are being send to battle.net... I'm going to try a few things, I'll post my results. Thanks.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Quote from: Mesiah / haiseM on December 27, 2005, 03:35 PM
I've logged everything. 0x14 is sending 100% fine and correct, as i said before, it works great on bots that dont send 0x14 at all. In the logs, however, its clearly visible that my gateway is receiving udp packets from the brood war client, then simply attempting to send them BACK to the brood war client. So no UDP packets are being send to battle.net... I'm going to try a few things, I'll post my results. Thanks.
Read my post, i explained why thats happening :)

Mesiah / haiseM

I did, and just got finished trying it. No luck... I even tried creating a second UDP socket just for sending the received udp data to battle.net, nothing. I'm going to post a packet log to see if maybe one of u can understand anything out of it. Just keep in mind that this is a gateway, and most packets will appear in there twice or more.

1  59  Recv 
0000  01 FF 50 3A 00 00 00 00 00 36 38 58 49 50 58 45    ..P:.....68XIPXE
0010  53 CD 00 00 00 53 55 6E 65 7F 00 00 01 2C 01 00    S....SUne....,..
0020  00 09 04 00 00 09 04 00 00 55 53 41 00 55 6E 69    .........USA.Uni
0030  74 65 64 20 53 74 61 74 65 73 00                   ted States.

2  59  Send 
0000  01 FF 50 3A 00 00 00 00 00 36 38 58 49 50 58 45    ..P:.....68XIPXE
0010  53 CD 00 00 00 53 55 6E 65 7F 00 00 01 2C 01 00    S....SUne....,..
0020  00 09 04 00 00 09 04 00 00 55 53 41 00 55 6E 69    .........USA.Uni
0030  74 65 64 20 53 74 61 74 65 73 00                   ted States.

3  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

4    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

5  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

6    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

7  106  Recv 
0000  FF 25 08 00 1D 28 3F A6 FF 50 62 00 00 00 00 00    .%...(?..Pb.....
0010  83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00 00 AC 41 43 25 0B C5 01    .`..h.6...AC%...
0020  49 58 38 36 76 65 72 35 2E 6D 70 71 00 41 3D 39    IX86ver5.mpq.A=9
0030  35 33 31 33 34 38 30 31 20 42 3D 32 37 38 38 34    53134801 B=27884
0040  31 39 35 35 20 43 3D 38 37 32 38 32 38 32 37 20    1955 C=87282827
0050  34 20 41 3D 41 5E 53 20 42 3D 42 5E 43 20 43 3D    4 A=A^S B=B^C C=
0060  43 2D 41 20 41 3D 41 5E 42 00                      C-A A=A^B.

8  8  Send 
0000  FF 25 08 00 1D 28 3F A6                            .%...(?.

9  106  Send 
0000  FF 25 08 00 1D 28 3F A6 FF 50 62 00 00 00 00 00    .%...(?..Pb.....
0010  83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00 00 AC 41 43 25 0B C5 01    .`..h.6...AC%...
0020  49 58 38 36 76 65 72 35 2E 6D 70 71 00 41 3D 39    IX86ver5.mpq.A=9
0030  35 33 31 33 34 38 30 31 20 42 3D 32 37 38 38 34    53134801 B=27884
0040  31 39 35 35 20 43 3D 38 37 32 38 32 38 32 37 20    1955 C=87282827
0050  34 20 41 3D 41 5E 53 20 42 3D 42 5E 43 20 43 3D    4 A=A^S B=B^C C=
0060  43 2D 41 20 41 3D 41 5E 42 00                      C-A A=A^B.

10  8  Recv 
0000  FF 25 08 00 1D 28 3F A6                            .%...(?.

11  12  RecvFrom 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

12    12  Sendto 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

13  8  Send 
0000  FF 25 08 00 1D 28 3F A6                            .%...(?.

14  12  RecvFrom 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

15    12  Sendto 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

16  12  RecvFrom 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

17    12  Sendto 
0000  09 00 00 00 83 60 F2 0F 68 B2 36 00                .....`..h.6.

18  106  Recv 
0000  FF 51 6A 00 05 4D 28 49 09 03 01 01 B7 66 EB 61    .Qj..M(I.....f.a
0010  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 01 00 00 00    ................
0020  1D 19 09 00 00 00 00 00 2A 8A B2 D8 BA 47 8C C4    ........*....G..
0030  8E FB D8 0D 25 93 C2 38 12 47 7B D8 73 74 61 72    ....%..8.G{.star
0040  63 72 61 66 74 2E 65 78 65 20 30 39 2F 30 37 2F    craft.exe 09/07/
0050  30 35 20 31 39 3A 30 36 3A 34 31 20 31 30 39 33    05 19:06:41 1093
0060  36 33 32 00 68 35 64 77 33 00                      632.h5dw3.

19  106  Send 
0000  FF 51 6A 00 05 4D 28 49 09 03 01 01 B7 66 EB 61    .Qj..M(I.....f.a
0010  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 01 00 00 00    ................
0020  1D 19 09 00 00 00 00 00 2A 8A B2 D8 BA 47 8C C4    ........*....G..
0030  8E FB D8 0D 25 93 C2 38 12 47 7B D8 73 74 61 72    ....%..8.G{.star
0040  63 72 61 66 74 2E 65 78 65 20 30 39 2F 30 37 2F    craft.exe 09/07/
0050  30 35 20 31 39 3A 30 36 3A 34 31 20 31 30 39 33    05 19:06:41 1093
0060  36 33 32 00 68 35 64 77 33 00                      632.h5dw3.

20  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

21    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

22  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

23    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

24  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

25    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

26  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

27    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

28  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

29    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

30  8  RecvFrom 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

31    8  Sendto 
0000  05 00 00 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

32  9  Recv 
0000  FF 51 09 00 00 00 00 00 00                         .Q.......

33  8  Send 
0000  FF 14 08 00 74 65 6E 62                            ....tenb

34  9  Send 
0000  FF 51 09 00 00 00 00 00 00                         .Q.......

35  31  Recv 
0000  FF 2D 04 00 FF 33 1B 00 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    .-...3..........
0010  69 63 6F 6E 73 5F 53 54 41 52 2E 62 6E 69 00       icons_STAR.bni.

36  31  Send 
0000  FF 2D 04 00 FF 33 1B 00 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    .-...3..........
0010  69 63 6F 6E 73 5F 53 54 41 52 2E 62 6E 69 00       icons_STAR.bni.

37  49  Recv 
0000  FF 33 18 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 6F 73 5F    .3..........tos_
0010  55 53 41 2E 74 78 74 00 FF 33 19 00 1B 00 00 00    USA.txt..3......
0020  00 00 00 00 62 6E 73 65 72 76 65 72 2E 69 6E 69    ....bnserver.ini
0030  00                                                 .

As you can see, 0x14 is being sent correctly from my gateway, to the battle.net server. What I am thinking, however, is maybe the UDP socket is fine.... Maybe i have to send 0x14 back to the client too? or something???
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

AIM Online Status: 


Hmm, that looks fine to me.
Was your SC client useing port 6112 for UDP or another?
If it wasnt, its working perfectly, and if it was, i would say it is as well.

Mesiah / haiseM

of course it is, as i have my udp socket's local port set to 6112, and am receiving data from the client.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

AIM Online Status: 


Im lost where the problem is then :P
SC sends udp 0x09 to tell bnet what port its useing, then if bnet gets it, which it is, it sends the udp stamp to that port.
Then if SC gets it, which it is, it sends the stamp in the tcp 0x14 as proof.

[EDIT]: or is it your gateway sending 0x14 and not SC?
Ah, if its your gateway sending 0x14 on behalf of SC, and SC isnt getting the 0x05 UDP stamp, then you need to set the remotehost and port to SC's, because the socket will be set up for the last address and port that sent it a udp packet. (bnet)

Mesiah / haiseM

Bingo. Obviously the SC client is saying "hrm.. no udp..", so its not sending 0x14. So, my gateway sends it. Battle.net definatly receives the 0x14 i sent, as it has been tested and works. But SC is still saying "Ok, No UDP, lets disable the game features", because for all SC knows, it never send 0x14 to begin with.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Mesiah / haiseM

I've solved the problem of obtaining the user flags of 0x16 from not processing UDP. However, the brood war client still disables the buttons for game features, Which is pretty gay. Expected though. Does anybody have an idea on how to get around the disabling of these buttons? Probably not, but worth a shot :-P
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Your gateway can always use FindWindowEx() to find the handles and change the state of the command buttons in Brood War's window class, this may work.  Try using Microsoft's Spy++ to find out more information about Brood War's Battle.net chat dialog.

Mesiah / haiseM

Thanks. Everything is now working perfectly :)
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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