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AP Comp. Sci. 'A' Scores are in!

Started by Networks, July 11, 2005, 08:12 PM

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Quote from: Networks on July 12, 2005, 09:31 AM
You all most realize one thing. If you're going to a tech school and majoring in that type of feild it's usually not best to skip it anyhow as you cannot compare a high school based class to a college class, I am sure many of you will agree. I know I'd skip computer science at my local university but I'd think twice about doing so at MIT for example, Dartmouth is a good tech school I think as well. AP tests are really just good for the option to be open if I decide later on, there's nothing wrong with it. If you have the money take it, if not be careful what you take so you don't waste more money instead of actually saving.

dxoigmn, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, someone can easily say the same at a subject you completely suck at. I took the A test because I had only studied Java for about a month to a month and a half and my school doesn't even offer an AP Computer Science class, not to mention I was the first one ever to take the test in my school's history. I  believe there will be an AP class starting next year though. I figured why bomb the test? Yes I'd say it was really easy though, Zorm probably knows why I got a 4 :P (Damn Zig Zag fish).

I wasn't trying to belittle you as Rule is trying to make it out to be. When I was taking the AP tests I thought taking the A would be good enough but after checking my prospective schools and what they would offer me, I noticed many of them did not even think the A test was worthy of credit. So I opted to take the AB test (my high school didn't offer an AB class only an A, which even then was lacking since most of the students only received 3 in previous years).

I have a grudge against the College Board only because it seems like the kind of organization that was setup to take unsuspecting kid's money (and many of the students at my high school were "AP whores," that is they only learned enough to get a 4 or better on the test; many of them ended up like the students Lenny described). You take all these courses for AP credit only to find out later that your college won't recognize your achievement. And rightfully so, after looking over many of the AP tests, it is hard to say many of them are college equivalent (except for many the Calc AB/BC tests which helped me immensly with my math credits and higher courses).

What the case study still the same-old marine biology?



The zig zag fish question was easy, but it's the one I spent the most time on I think.


Got a 5 on the AB last year.  Real easy except that the case study was a pain in the ass.


I'm an AP Whore, so are some of my friends. It's OK, the school pays for our tests as of this year (well, year that just ended.)


I took the A exam and got a 5. The school I want to goto gives credit for 1 class for a 4/5 on the A test and 2 classes for a 4/5 on the AB test.

I'm not in a huge rush to skip through lots of college classes. I consider the fact that schools even give credit for the AP Computer Science classes lucky. Most of the year in my AP class was spent playing Doom3 and UT2004. We never had a graded assignment and the only time we really ever went over anything was when we spent 3 days going over the case study. Maybe this was for the best as some of the people in the class spent time coding for other projects not related directly to the AP exam, I bet they learned more than the people who worked directly out of an ap study book.

Looking at the people who claimed to have gotten a 5 on the AB exam and then looking at some of the last posts they've made really makes me wonder too.

"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter."
- Admiral Lord Collingwood



Must mean you did so poorly it wasn't worth sending you a score :p (just kidding for those who didn't pick up on it).

Have faith and tell the mailman you want your scores!
"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter."
- Admiral Lord Collingwood


Or I did so awesome they're reviewing the test again to make sure. =)


Quote from: Zorm on July 13, 2005, 02:02 AM
Looking at the people who claimed to have gotten a 5 on the AB exam and then looking at some of the last posts they've made really makes me wonder too.

Who exactly are you referring to buddy?


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on July 14, 2005, 07:59 AM
Or I did so awesome they're reviewing the test again to make sure. =)

Reviewing it because they know you failed definetly. :P


Quote from: The-FooL on July 14, 2005, 05:50 PM
Quote from: Zorm on July 13, 2005, 02:02 AM
Looking at the people who claimed to have gotten a 5 on the AB exam and then looking at some of the last posts they've made really makes me wonder too.

Who exactly are you referring to buddy?

I can't speak for zorm, But I assume you.


I had a dream I got a 3. Still haven't gotten my score, though.


Score came. I got what I expected (but I always expect the worst) but not what I hoped for. I'm really wishing I had done t he AP exam reviews, or done work period second semester. After I realized that people will give me all the answers if I just help them with a few problems here and there, I just talked during class.