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Who Keeps...............

Started by Tontow, July 04, 2005, 06:35 PM

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  Who keeps deleteing my posts?  I made one earlyer this morning titled "I need Packet help" that is now gone, and about 2 or 3 replys to other topics are gone also.  :-\

  It would be different if there was a reason, but I've seen nothing of the sort. - No PMs, no topic saying that the thred was deleted, nothing, and to my knolage I have not broaken any of the rules.....



Lets add some more you just made me notice..

  • Wrong Board
  • Whining

Starting topics like this isn't helping either.  Don't expect when you make a bad post to be notified about it, just expect it to be gone, and if you keep posting bad, expect yourself to be gone. :)
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Popular reasons why posts are deleted:

They make no sense
They flame someone
They are spam
They are off-topic
They are begging for someone elses work
They are just stupid in general
The topic "I need Packet help."  didn't break any of those and it concerned packets that pretain to bots, so I don't beleve that it was the wrong board.

-The post is just plain wrong.  For instance, you complained about a deleted post when it was not deleted.
-It invites a thread-hijack.  Posts should be on topic for the thread in which they occur, as well as for the forum in which that thread is posted.  Thread hijacks usually just get broken out into a new thread, like this one did.
-It inquires about the status of deleted posts.  If Blaze hadn't responded to you already,
And I wouldn't normally bother "about inquireing about the status of deleted posts",  but the post "I need Packet help." didn't break any of the rules what-so-ever; and there is no admin complaint forum to report the possability of a moderator abuseing there powers.


Off-Topic: You need English lessons.

On-Topic: this thread is whining, so please go away now.


Quote from: rabbit on July 04, 2005, 08:00 PM
Off-Topic: You need English lessons.
And your point is????  (Note: Most people that I know could care less about it.)

On-Topic: this thread is whining, so please go away now.
-To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
-To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.

I'm sorry if I have come to expect a certain level of responsibility from all forum moderators all over the internet; it seems that legitimate complaints are to considered whining no matter what.  I've just gotten used to the style of forum moderation that PGTour had; complaints where never meet with the words, "Please Die"..........


While we haven't said that yet, I can assure you that is on many of our minds.  Many of the posters on this forum value clarity in posts, hence rabbit's comment.  His point is that your posts are messy and that you should make an effort to make cleaner posts.

As to whining - do you have any concept of the history behind these forums and this clan?  Have you read any of the guide for visitors?
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


I try my best to make it a point to read all stickys that have something along the lines of, "Read this", "Forum Rules", or "Information for newcomers ". 
And no, I really don't know anything about the history of Valhalla Legends; Aside from the sticky threads that concern forum rules, I've been keeping to threads that concern programming.  All I know about Valhalla Legends is that the programming forums have been a valuable resource when I need help or advice about programming; Several people here are more experienced programmers and I welcome there advice.

I also apologize if any of my posts have not been clear; I tend to type fairly fast and if you combine that with the lack of sleep.......


The following website pages are what Kp was referring to (they're well-known to most of the long-time forum members):
About [vL]
Visitor Guide
Of particular interest in the Visitors Guide is:
QuoteWhat To Do If You Get Banned
Live with it; whining will usually make things worse. Bringing your grievance to the forum is considered whining. Members of Valhalla Legends have complete discretion with respect to how they treat non-members. 
Generally, and I won't speak for other forum members, but I've observed that you can replace "Banned" with "X" where "X" is any activity that would result in you whining.  Pretty much, they don't want to hear you whining.  This post is whining, as a couple people have remarked.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.



Quote from: MyndFyre on July 05, 2005, 10:35 AM
The following website pages are what Kp was referring to (they're well-known to most of the long-time forum members):
About [vL]
Visitor Guide
Of particular interest in the Visitors Guide is:
QuoteWhat To Do If You Get Banned
Live with it; whining will usually make things worse. Bringing your grievance to the forum is considered whining. Members of Valhalla Legends have complete discretion with respect to how they treat non-members. 
Generally, and I won't speak for other forum members, but I've observed that you can replace "Banned" with "X" where "X" is any activity that would result in you whining.  Pretty much, they don't want to hear you whining.  This post is whining, as a couple people have remarked.

So the policy here is to ignore any grievance irregardless  of weather or not its legitimate? 
That just doesn't seem right to me, but its not like I can do anything about it seeing as any complaint/grievance is to be considered whining no matter what...


Quote from: Tontow on July 05, 2005, 12:57 PM
So the policy here is to ignore any grievance irregardless  of weather or not its legitimate? 
That just doesn't seem right to me, but its not like I can do anything about it seeing as any complaint/grievance is to be considered whining no matter what...
You're missing the point.  All of the Bnet BotDev moderators are vL members.  The only other people who could remove your posts are admins, the vL leaders.  Therefore, they're all vL members who could modify or remove your posts.

vL was created for members, not non-members.  The members can screw with you any way they want.  That's the price you (potentially) pay for coming here.  If you don't like it, then leave.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Its easy to understand this,
this is a VL members forum, we are just the visitors.
I'm not an Addict.


How about letting topics die and hoping the problem goes away instead of all of us trying to be moderators?
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: Warrior on July 05, 2005, 04:32 PMHow about letting topics die and hoping the problem goes away instead of all of us trying to be moderators?

Well, the regulars are doing a pretty good job of explaining the situation.  Grievances are welcome, but whining is not.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Ah, but:
QuoteBringing your grievance to the forum is considered whining. Members of Valhalla Legends have complete discretion with respect to how they treat non-members. 

Where then, dose a non-member bring a grievance to?   Anwser: you don't, because

QuoteThe members can screw with you any way they want.

Therefor, there is nothing that I , a non-member, can do about it irregardless of the reasons or lack there of.

Now then;
Is there any objection to my reposting the topic "I need Packet help"?  Or did I do something wrong in it; if I did do somthing wrong, then please tell me so that I wont repeat that mastake.