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Bush is hindering the advancement of our species.

Started by Deception, May 20, 2005, 05:52 PM

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QuoteThe White House on Friday condemned research in South Korea for producing human embryros through cloning and said President Bush would veto any legislation that loosens federal restrictions in the United States on embryonic stem cell research. White House deputy press secretary Trent Duffy said...

This quote, taken from MSN news, is extemely disturbing to me.

I cannot understand why anyone in their right mind would allow a primitive way of understanding the universe to hinder the advancement of the entire species.

If anything, they should pass a bill requiring human embrio research. Imagine a day when everyone is free of genetic disorders and imperfections.

No human has a perfect DNA structure. There are defects and mutations that cause disadvantages.

What are your guys views on human embrio cloning, and allowing primative ideas to hinder the advancement of our species? The ultimate fate of our species, although we may not realize it yet, is to genetically enhance ourselves to the point where we no longer have to worry about disease and genetic disorders.

Oh, and I know this is probably going to cause trouble with the republican rednecks on here but it would be nice if we got INTELLIGENT and serious posts and not flaming.

EDIT: Renamed "renecks" to "republican rednecks" - Thanks Newby
- Deception of Dark Council


Quote from: Deception on May 20, 2005, 05:52 PM
Oh, and I know this is probably going to cause trouble with the rednecks on here but it would be nice if we got INTELLIGENT and serious posts and not flaming.

I know this is going to cause trouble but it would be nice if you called us "rednecks" "republicans" or not even mention us at all.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


QuoteI know this is going to cause trouble but it would be nice if you called us "rednecks" "republicans" or not even mention us at all.

- Deception of Dark Council


Starting a thread that is insulting a great number of people isn't a great contribution either.

I don't belive in cloning humans.  I think it is alright to clone animals though.  I would not like to walk down the street and see two of the same people.  Twins freak me out too.  Being differences and having diseases are all part of life.  Why alter whats working?  Make it better?  I think it is a good idea to make medicans to help people, but not to make everyone perfect, perfect is bad, perfect isn't life.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Quote from: Blaze on May 20, 2005, 06:31 PM
Starting a thread that is insulting a great number of people isn't a great contribution either.

I don't belive in cloning humans.  I think it is alright to clone animals though.  I would not like to walk down the street and see two of the same people.  Twins freak me out too.  Being differences and having diseases are all part of life.  Why alter whats working?

That's the problem. It isn't working. Imagine people living to 200. Someone that old would have such great knowledge. Diseases may be a natural part of life, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be better off without them. That kind of thinking leads me to believe that you would rather die from a disease than be cured. Am I wrong?
- Deception of Dark Council


No, I would rather die when I am < 100 then 200.  Living forever seems like the worse thing that could ever happen IMHO.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


I think I'd get bored if I lived to 200.

Since we're rednecks, I guess you are a poor, tree-hugging, au natural, pot smoking hippy living off of the government who is probably uneducated and doesn't vote anyway and has no idea how to spend money. Yay for generilizations!


I'm against human cloning. I think it'd be great if the USA or some other trusted country was able to fully clone a human like...once - just for educational reasons. However, if this stuff got into the wrong hands it'd be catastrophic.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 06:58 PM
I think I'd get bored if I lived to 200.

Since we're rednecks, I guess you are a poor, tree-hugging, au natural, pot smoking hippy living off of the government who is probably uneducated and doesn't vote anyway and has no idea how to spend money. Yay for generilizations!

Poor, no. I couldn't care less about trees. We have more than enough of them. They make good building materials. All natural? Nope. It's not natural to clone humans and do genetic engineering. I am for both, to benifit humanity. Who gives a fuck about Earth when we can just taraform Mars? :P

I'm against human cloning. I think it'd be great if the USA or some other trusted country was able to fully clone a human like...once - just for educational reasons. However, if this stuff got into the wrong hands it'd be catastrophic.

Why would cloning people be catastrophic? I think you've seen Attack of the Clones too many times. Cloning people and genetically engineering them to be better, faster, stronger and more intelligent than natural humans would benefit our species and ensure our survival.
- Deception of Dark Council


Then where would there be a difference in us? What about those that were god-born children, they'd be outcasted. Have you seen Gattaca? Yeah.

And no, if some terrorist or other evil doer started cloning his people that would not be good.


Quote from: Deception on May 20, 2005, 07:17 PM
Poor, no. I couldn't care less about trees. We have more than enough of them. They make good building materials. All natural? Nope. It's not natural to clone humans and do genetic engineering. I am for both, to benifit humanity. Who gives a fuck about Earth when we can just taraform Mars? :P

I wasn't attacking you, in case you think I was. You were calling Republicans rednecks, so I figured I'd shout off a few liberal sterotypes. (Love how you didn't disagree with the whole not being able to spend money properly part. ;))

It was the same as you using 'redneck' - I'm a Republican, but in no way a redneck - they're white trash. And, according to Fuali's White Trash Test I'm only 14% white trash.

QuoteI am 14% White Trash.

I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

Don't you just love how politically incorrect sterotypes are? (Though, I assume mine were a bit more accurate overall.)


Since when does stem cell research have anything to do with cloning?


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 06:58 PM
I think I'd get bored if I lived to 200.

Since we're rednecks, I guess you are a poor, tree-hugging, au natural, pot smoking hippy living off of the government who is probably uneducated and doesn't vote anyway and has no idea how to spend money. Yay for generilizations!

Rednecks are educated?  Actually, hippies are traditionally quite educated: many came from movements in Berkeley.

Quote from: Deception on May 20, 2005, 07:17 PM
Poor, no. I couldn't care less about trees. We have more than enough of them. They make good building materials. All natural? Nope. It's not natural to clone humans and do genetic engineering. I am for both, to benifit humanity. Who gives a fuck about Earth when we can just taraform Mars? :P

Why would cloning people be catastrophic? I think you've seen Attack of the Clones too many times. Cloning people and genetically engineering them to be better, faster, stronger and more intelligent than natural humans would benefit our species and ensure our survival.

This is the kind of attitude that takes all crediblity away from a serious point.

This topic should perhaps be in the politics forum.  There are philosophical considerations of the effect politics has on science (and other things), but this has become more of a shit throwing competition.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Actually, you know what, cloning and genetically engineering is a marvelous idea. We'll breed a race of super-humans that will all have genetically identical ("perfect") DNA that will, as a side effect, create a race of super-humans that all have weaknesses to the same diseases. In addition, it's likely that such super-humans will speed up the natural selection of bacteria and virii, causing a race of super-diseases to compete with the super-humans, which will eventually end up killing everyone else. The human race will no longer be able to survive without genetic engineering to create immunities to these diseases. Natural-born humans will be unable to survive in the world. Eventually, humanity will confront a massive crisis, which will hinder genetic engineering. If genetic engineering fails, the human race will perish.

What a fantastic idea!

By the way, great way to start off asking for "intelligent" and "serious" posts with no flaming, whilst you disregard the views of "republican rednecks". I could call you a tree-hugging hippy, but instead I'll call you a rich northern elitist using the future of humanity as a political football to further your own, personal, goals of spreading the gospel of what Mommy, Daddy, and Greenday have taught you. How old are you anyway, 13?


Quote from: Rule on May 21, 2005, 01:13 AM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 06:58 PM
I think I'd get bored if I lived to 200.

Since we're rednecks, I guess you are a poor, tree-hugging, au natural, pot smoking hippy living off of the government who is probably uneducated and doesn't vote anyway and has no idea how to spend money. Yay for generilizations!

Rednecks are educated? Actually, hippies are traditionally quite educated: many came from movements in Berkeley.

No, I wasn't saying that. It's common knowledge that Democrats typically aren't college graduates and possibly not even high school graduates. That would make sense, too, as they'd want to be Democrats to push for more government hand outs to help them out since they most likely didn't get a decent job.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 07:50 PM
Then where would there be a difference in us? What about those that were god-born children, they'd be outcasted. Have you seen Gattaca? Yeah.

If they're inferior, let them be outcast. There are already outcasts in the world today, for stupid reasons. If you can actually produce a superior race, go ahead.

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 20, 2005, 07:50 PM
And no, if some terrorist or other evil doer started cloning his people that would not be good.

Relevance? Why would him creating clones be any worse than what we have now, fundamentalists breeding all over the world?