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Internet Explorer woes

Started by sixb0nes, April 20, 2005, 06:41 PM

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Sorry, I didn't know where else to post this, so I'll post it here.

Recently, after performing a system restore on my PC, Internet Explorer 6 simply refuses to load any web pages, but I can use Opera and Firefox just fine though. Also, trillian doesn't even connect into my MSN account anymore. I've tried resetting the internet explorer settings to default to no avail. If anyone can help that would be really groovy.

By the way, I am using Windows XP, no service packs.


Thing [vL]

Consider this as a blessing from the deity of your choice and rejoice in your new life without IE.


Are you insane? Apply SP1 before you get raped!  You can download it individually somehow from Microsoft's site.

Besides that, Thing is correct, consider it a blessing! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. It appears that when I performed the system restore, it forced IE to use proxy settings I had used months before. Needless to say, the proxy I was using is now defunct, and hence why I couldn't connect. MSN Messenger, obviously, uses IE settings to connect. And there you have it.