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New Pope

Started by iago, April 20, 2005, 11:49 AM

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Quote from: Invert on April 20, 2005, 05:28 PM
He was a damn Nazi, no way to excuse that from his past.
The Catholic Church is way behind times. I agree with everything iago said.
Catholic priests molest little boys. If I was a Catholic I would be embarrassed to belong to such a group.

He formally renounced his Naziness. Saying "Cathloic priests molest little boys" is like saying "Blacks steal televisions" - while the statement may be true, it's not true of all, and should be said in a less implying way.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on April 20, 2005, 05:37 PM
Quote from: Invert on April 20, 2005, 05:28 PM
He was a damn Nazi, no way to excuse that from his past.
The Catholic Church is way behind times. I agree with everything iago said.
Catholic priests molest little boys. If I was a Catholic I would be embarrassed to belong to such a group.

He formally renounced his Naziness. Saying "Cathloic priests molest little boys" is like saying "Blacks steal televisions" - while the statement may be true, it's not true of all, and should be said in a less implying way.

I understand, to some point, where the Catholic priests are coming from.  If you don't allow somebody to have sex or masturbate, that's bound to mess up your mind.  You're totally going against what nature intended for you. 

And hmm, Invert agrees with me; I change my mind, I disagree with me now.  Can't be sharing an opinion with _invert_! ;)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Yegg on April 20, 2005, 02:13 PM
Good job Hazard. I don't see how people can make accusations without evidence. Was is true Catholics who burned witches or false Catholics? A true Catholic wouldn't kill anyone, even back in those centures when witches were put to death. (Didn't Puritans kill them?) Also, I havn't heard of a case since I've been born that involved a Catholic killing a witch in our day in age. The Catholic church isn't supposed to become modernized. I suggest next time you try talking against something that you don't know anything about, look up the correct information.

I should point out that the part about burning witches (and flat earth) was a joke
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Quote from: iago on April 20, 2005, 05:54 PM
I understand, to some point, where the Catholic priests are coming from. If you don't allow somebody to have sex or masturbate, that's bound to mess up your mind. You're totally going against what nature intended for you.

What did that have to do with my post? :o


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on April 20, 2005, 06:19 PM
Quote from: iago on April 20, 2005, 05:54 PM
I understand, to some point, where the Catholic priests are coming from. If you don't allow somebody to have sex or masturbate, that's bound to mess up your mind. You're totally going against what nature intended for you.

What did that have to do with my post? :o

It had to do with the topic of Catholic priests being generalized, somewhat.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Invert on April 20, 2005, 05:28 PM
He was a damn Nazi, no way to excuse that from his past.
The Catholic Church is way behind times. I agree with everything iago said.
Catholic priests molest little boys. If I was a Catholic I would be embarrassed to belong to such a group.
Invert, you have no clue what you are talking about. If you (I hope this doesn't happen) were to rape a relative of yours (let's say your about 32 years old now and you did this 12 years ago), would you want to be charged with rape after those 12 years have gone by? I hope you understand this. Why should someone be judged on what !HAPPENED! in their youth!? He didn't choose to become a Nazi Youth. He was FORCED, look up the word FORCED on dictionary.com, I think you'll find it very interesting. When someone is FORCED to do something, it IS NOT their choice to do so. I hope your brain can process something this "complicated".
iago, I was wondering if it was a joke or not. But you kind of souned serious with it. :/


Quote from: Yegg on April 20, 2005, 06:30 PM
Quote from: Invert on April 20, 2005, 05:28 PM
He was a damn Nazi, no way to excuse that from his past.
The Catholic Church is way behind times. I agree with everything iago said.
Catholic priests molest little boys. If I was a Catholic I would be embarrassed to belong to such a group.
Invert, you have no clue what you are talking about. If you (I hope this doesn't happen) were to rape a relative of yours (let's say your about 32 years old now and you did this 12 years ago), would you want to be charged with rape after those 12 years have gone by? I hope you understand this. Why should someone be judged on what !HAPPENED! in their youth!? He didn't choose to become a Nazi Youth. He was FORCED, look up the word FORCED on dictionary.com, I think you'll find it very interesting. When someone is FORCED to do something, it IS NOT their choice to do so. I hope your brain can process something this "complicated".
iago, I was wondering if it was a joke or not. But you kind of souned serious with it. :/

People don't change.  That's a fact of life.  It can be argued over and over, but people don't change.  If somebody consistantly breaks the law as a kid, they'll do it as an adult.  If somebody is capable of rape when they're young, they are when they're old.  If somebody's capable of murder when they're young, they'll do it when they're old.  I think it's perfectly fine to judge people on choices they made in their youth.  It shows what type of person they are.  That's why if I was ever in charge of hiring, I wouldn't hire anybody with a criminal record.  If they did it before, they're capable of doing it again.

That being said, I don't hold the "Nazi" thing against him.  From all the sources I've heard, it wasn't a choice he made. 
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Quote from: iago on April 20, 2005, 07:26 PM
People don't change.  That's a fact of life.

I don't agree with that at all. People can change. It's just that most people don't.


People don't change? That's one of the stupidest statements I've ever heard! Are you saying that if someone killed someone earlier in their life, they can NEVER become a better person and be sorry for what they've done? This is exactly what you just said.


Just because he feels sorry doesnt mean he changed


People can change, if they chose to. However I can tell you this. If I had children and had them around someone who murdered somebody in their past, I would never let them around them again. People can feel sorry for them, but you must have some intense physchological problems to be able to kill. I could never live my life knowing that I killed someone. It's just me, I couldn't steal from anyone either.


I would like someone here to point out any other major religion that had a problem with any religious leaders molesting little boys.

Catholics believe that homosexuality is wrong but they have had priests molest little boys! There MUST be something wrong here.


I think people can change but most people are to stubborn to change so they never will, I keep telling myself people can change like ex gfs turns out they never do and I always just keep getting hurt


Quote from: Yegg on April 20, 2005, 07:58 PM
People don't change? That's one of the stupidest statements I've ever heard! Are you saying that if someone killed someone earlier in their life, they can NEVER become a better person and be sorry for what they've done? This is exactly what you just said.

If you're 20, and you kill somebody (on purpose), it means you're the type of person who'd kill somebody.  When you're 30 or 40, you're still the type of person who'd kill somebody.  Sure you might feel sorry about it, but that doesn't change the fact that you're the type of person who would do it.

Perhaps Arta is correct that people just don't WANT to change.  But I stick with my view that if somebody steals when they're young, they'll likely steal when they're old.  If somebody doesn't respect authority when they're young, they won't when they grow up.  MAYBE it's possible for people to change, but I don't see any evidence of it. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Invert on April 20, 2005, 08:11 PM
I would like someone here to point out any other major religion that had a problem with any religious leaders molesting little boys.

Catholics believe that homosexuality is wrong but they have had priests molest little boys! There MUST be something wrong here.
I'm Catholic. I believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost. I like never go to Church. I don't follow their rules, hell in English class I say the exact thing you say. My teacher goes on about how we shouldn't be homophobic, but yet listen to the Church. I honestly said in class, "why listen to the priests when they are molesting Alter Boys?". Her jaw just dropped and then she sent me out into the hall for, "harsh comments". How is that harsh? I'm not trying to bash religions but it is the truth about some Catholic Priests. Hell, last year in my Catholic school, my teachers wifes cousin was an Alter Boy...He was fondled by a Priest and has never step foot in a Church every again. Could you blame him? Yet my teather last year kept going on about bonds with God. You can still prey in your own home.
