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Using Timers to ban flood bots!

Started by FaDeS, March 05, 2005, 06:06 PM

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All right... So I think this feature is already implemented in a bot, but I would like to add it to mine.

The way I see it, if I could store the last user to leave's name and the time they left, then check the next user to join, if the username is the same, then subtract the time that they joined from the time that they left, and if that integer is greater than say 1000ms then it would ban the user, under the assumption that the user is indeed a floodbot...

I think this would be very effecient, as many floods I have seen use double joining at very fast speeds...

So my question, where would I even start to get this result?


Note that if a floodbot is working properly, it will tack a FIN onto the end of its message stream, so that it's actually already logged off by the time you see it enter the channel.  As such, it cannot be banned.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Well then how is it possible that bots like Flawed can use SpamBan or PingBan to ban them? If this is possible, many floodbots must NOT work properly...

And also, Triumph Bot G4 by PunK has that Floodmode that bans on entry, and that can ban floods... So it must be possible, at least to some extent...

So again, how would I go about coding it?


Simple, the latency of the Spammer is higher and the Bot bans them before they leave. Do note the probability of anybot catching a FLOOD BOT with an Automoderation feature (ie SpamBan, Fast Join) is higly unlikely as they were coded purely to keep the peace not from FloodBots but from every day users.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: FaDeS on March 05, 2005, 07:39 PM
Well then how is it possible that bots like Flawed can use SpamBan or PingBan to ban them? If this is possible, many floodbots must NOT work properly...

And also, Triumph Bot G4 by PunK has that Floodmode that bans on entry, and that can ban floods... So it must be possible, at least to some extent...

So again, how would I go about coding it?

Let me give you a piece of advice. Floodbots ARE 99% IMPOSSIBLE TO BAN. How do some bots ban them? Quite simply because they floodbot is on a shitty connection either because of a slow proxy or a shitty connection by the end user altogether. Now bots such as Flawed or whichever other shitty bot you decide use are able to ban them because they simply get lucky. Now instead of saying how they are able to ban them, ask how come they don't ban all of them. Think about it, the bot is lucky enough to ban the bot maybe once or twice and maybe again 30 minutes later? Now if I was the one "flooding" I would have at least 100 cdkeys attached. You really think you're going to get all 100? The answer is no, you will fail and would've have wasted bandwidth at that.

Now if you still don't believe me, Go ahead and load your "flawed" bot and I'll load a flood bot and we'll see who wins and who "owns." infact you don't even need me to test this, do it yourself, I gurantee you won't do it.

You said:
And also, Triumph Bot G4 by PunK has that Floodmode that bans on entry, and that can ban floods

When else would you be able to get an ACTUAL successful ban if possible at all out? During the time it spams? It's probably already logged off by the time you recieve it.

They way you described to ban floodbots is generally how it is done without a timer and upon a user joining.


The best way to get around floodbots is to not interact (display, ban, etc.) any user who is in the channel for less than a time limit; say, 300ms.  I find it works quite well when implemented properly.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Ok, well I solved the problem myself... Anyways, to keep an old thread running, why are you all so down on the floodbanning system? I honestly think there must be SOME way to ban a floodbot... Maybe it would be a bit better if you took all your negative comments about my BAD idea,  and use that energy to come up with a GOOD idea? I don't know... Food for thought I suppose...


Because there is no 100% way to ban a floodbot, its just not possible, and maybe when you realize that you can start following iago's idea of ignoring them rather than waste your time hopelessly trying to ban them.


The only real way to "win" the floodbot war is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Since server-side options aren't existant (*cough*stupidblizzard*cough*), the only way is to keep your channel with a low profile and not start "wars" with people.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



'wars'. Haha! So why do people flood a channel when they could do the much more meaningful 1v1? Thats more like a 'war'.


As Kp said in his original post:

QuoteNote that if a floodbot is working properly, it will tack a FIN onto the end of its message stream, so that it's actually already logged off by the time you see it enter the channel.  As such, it cannot be banned.

To translate that the english, he said a floodbot working properly will:
-Send messages

At the SAME TIME.  Literally, all three events will arrive to you in the same packet.  Because this is happening at the SAME TIME, it is impossible to actually ban it.  By the time you've seen it, it's already too late.  And before you see it, it's too early. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker

Since, like iago said, all events arrive in the same packet, I think it's easiest to just filter out any events from a user when they join AND leave the channel in the same clumped packet.


Quote from: FaDeS on March 05, 2005, 09:31 PM
Ok, well I solved the problem myself... Anyways, to keep an old thread running, why are you all so down on the floodbanning system? I honestly think there must be SOME way to ban a floodbot... Maybe it would be a bit better if you took all your negative comments about my BAD idea,  and use that energy to come up with a GOOD idea? I don't know... Food for thought I suppose...

Because there is no system. Banning 1% of the total amount of floods is hardly a good method. You're sad if your ego needs to be greatened by feeling like you "owned" a mindless drone that joins and leaves.

As for putting forth energy of thinking of a way to ban them, we have all done that and in the end have noticed that we just wasted our time in something we could have easily filtered and gone on with life. Did you ever think that maybe all these people are telling me the truth or do you think it's some sort of conspiracy?


Quote from: FaDeS on March 05, 2005, 09:31 PMOk, well I solved the problem myself... Anyways, to keep an old thread running, why are you all so down on the floodbanning system? I honestly think there must be SOME way to ban a floodbot... Maybe it would be a bit better if you took all your negative comments about my BAD idea,  and use that energy to come up with a GOOD idea? I don't know... Food for thought I suppose...

Every few months some clueless individual (usually a VB newbie, btw), brings this up.  Every time they've failed to read the old thread where we hashed this out, which included a nice technical discussion of why this simply cannot work.  If you'd read that thread, we might've been more sympathetic here.  If you read it and don't understand it, please feel free to ask questions here about what you didn't understand.  In the interim, you're not contributing anything new to a field we've declared solved a long time ago.  For instance, you claim to have solved it on your own.  If it's a good solution, post it so we can critique it.  Otherwise, please remember that we've been here for a long time and floodbots are old news to many of us.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Quote from: iago on March 05, 2005, 08:53 PM
The best way to get around floodbots is to not interact (display, ban, etc.) any user who is in the channel for less than a time limit; say, 300ms.  I find it works quite well when implemented properly.

This works beautifully in StealthBot.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot