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Started by MuMMa^~, February 19, 2005, 06:20 AM

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Ok. I was looking round Bnetdocs and found: http://bnetdocs.valhallalegends.com/content.php?Section=m&Code=17

And i know i have to insert byte, dword 3x for the information.

But how many of each? The answer is proberly REALLY simple but could somebody tell me how i would work it out, and what it is.


                Packet.InsertBYTE &H0
                Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
                Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
                Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
                Packet.SendPacket bnetsocket, &H46

Would it be something like that?


It looks like you were looking at the reply, and not the request.

The request is just one DWORD, and its value is the timestamp of the last news item you saved - if you want all news, just set it to zero.


Oh whoops i didnt see that request!

So its

Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
Packet.Sendpacket bnetsocket, &H46



I tried that and got a msgbox bring &H46 up and it came back as "70" ?


Quote from: MuMMa^~ on February 19, 2005, 06:33 AM
Oh whoops i didnt see that request!

So its

Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
Packet.Sendpacket bnetsocket, &H46



I tried that and got a msgbox bring &H46 up and it came back as "70" ?

70 in hexadecimal is 46.. don't ask us about the message box, it's your code


Oh right, but is this right for getting news ?

Packet.InsertDWORD &H0
Packet.SendPacket &H46

Because if it is, ive told it to display &H46 and its displaying 70, and not the news ect...

What am i doing wrong?


I havent really started looking at SID_NEWS_INFO on my bot at the moment. But on the information you gave me, and looking at bnet docs. What you doing seems right to be honest, but your saying it displays "70". Which is the hexi decimal of 46. As i said before, it seems ok, but maybe im wrong. You will have to wait for the more experienced people to help you on this one!


To all:

I added him on msn and helped him fix it, nevermind :D  :P  ::)  8)  ;D


Doh, it doesnt work!

I was told it is Chr(13), is that right?

If Mid(data,5,1) = chr(13) then

Is that right?