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Set up Cable MOdem

Started by !!!, January 16, 2005, 03:28 AM

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No don't call comcast... what kind of router do you have?
To lazy for slackware.


The comcast cable modem is a Surfboard Motorola SB5120
and the router is a Uniden high speed wireless AP 4 port 10/100 DSL/CABLE router Model: WNR2004


In case it didn't come with a manual here. If you can't follow instructions post back.
To lazy for slackware.


Thnx for the link. I Dont really know how to set it so we can have different IP's, i mean... I've tried and IP with My bro's Ip except the last number, but no it didtn work, I read  part of this manual and it doesnt say how computers can have different Ips.  It just said 4 people can connect to this router blah blah and its called a  private Network, but hell.. I'm gonna still read the rest.

If anyone knows an easy way to do this plz feel free to post
Thnx, :D   i g2g read the rest, AFK~


There really is no way you and your brother can have different IPs unless you buy another IP from Comcast, or you can just tell your brother to stop flooding like a little kid.


About the flooding, That was a stuipd example i made, now you all think thats the reason i want a different Ip, but the real reason is so that we can join the same game, =\ which we cant, and if we joined somebody else's we both can get in, but he cant see what i type in game or lobby, and the game lags like hell, till one of us drops


You'll have to xcuse my 2xpost but :D i returned the cable modem i  bought, and yea i formatted my Hard Drive, Because there was a couple of viruses i couldnt get rid off, and just to start off clean.

Would someone please tell me how to set up my TCP/IP protocol for cable internet?, like just to have it read, for example, (click on obtain ip automatically, dont use DHS(w/e) )

Things like this =] Thnx alot peepz


"Obtain IP address automatically".

Same with the DNS servers.


Quote from: Grok on January 28, 2005, 09:23 AM
"Obtain IP address automatically".

Same with the DNS servers.

Do you mean Enable DNS server? Thats what it says...   Anyways, if i enable it i would have to fill in a lot of shit i dont know what it is, and i've never had that before, when my internet worked =\
It was disabled?

I know this isnt everything... Anything else guys? Thnx