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Whats you thought on this?

Started by Mitosis, January 09, 2004, 05:32 AM

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Ok, say someone killed your mother. What would you want? For them to suffer the most, or get an easy death penalty? For me I would want to see them dead, but its not right. I would want them to suffer in the most worst way possible. Put them into jail, give them a HORRIBLE life. It would make them WANT the death penalty if you put them through a life of hell. Wouldnt you agree?

Banana fanna fo fanna

You'll find that people aren't that moral in real life.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on January 11, 2004, 06:25 PM

That's not the question. It's more expensive to go through the legal proceedings to execute someone than it is to hold them in jail forever.

Yeah, frying people has to be made easier.


Quote from: Mitosis on January 11, 2004, 06:38 PM
It would make them WANT the death penalty if you put them through a life of hell. Wouldnt you agree?

Yes, agreed, punishment could be severe. On the other hand, what we really want is to make sure they don't commit any more crimes. This should be about revenge but about preventing crimes. To accomplish that, you have to either keep them in jail long enough for them to change their way, or deem them not likely to improve and execute them right away.


I've spent time in prison and it isn't too horrible.  The worst part about it is that the food sucks.  Other than that it's just routine stuff; eat, work, watch tv, play games, sleep.  Friday night is popcorn and movie night!  Yea Friday night!!!

Oh yeah and we make fun of the guys on death row because they're gonna get fried. LOL.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Adron on January 11, 2004, 08:16 PM
Quote from: Mitosis on January 11, 2004, 06:38 PM
It would make them WANT the death penalty if you put them through a life of hell. Wouldnt you agree?

Yes, agreed, punishment could be severe. On the other hand, what we really want is to make sure they don't commit any more crimes. This should be about revenge but about preventing crimes. To accomplish that, you have to either keep them in jail long enough for them to change their way, or deem them not likely to improve and execute them right away.

Improve the jails.
Make it more secure.
Trust me its not great living in jail. Gay people by guys off of thegaurds to use them as money, is that good? No..


Quote from: Mitosis on January 12, 2004, 07:20 AM
Quote from: Adron on January 11, 2004, 08:16 PM
Quote from: Mitosis on January 11, 2004, 06:38 PM
It would make them WANT the death penalty if you put them through a life of hell. Wouldnt you agree?

Yes, agreed, punishment could be severe. On the other hand, what we really want is to make sure they don't commit any more crimes. This should be about revenge but about preventing crimes. To accomplish that, you have to either keep them in jail long enough for them to change their way, or deem them not likely to improve and execute them right away.

Improve the jails.
Make it more secure.
Trust me its not great living in jail. Gay people by guys off of thegaurds to use them as money, is that good? No..

Why would we need to trust you on what jail is like?  Got some stories to tell us of your adventures?


Well, over the years Iv read up in school. People arent treated the best in jail now are they. They'd get beaten up, sold to gay's and stuff like that. Especially if your in jail in a foriegn country, your kinda screwed.


You're rather much wrong Mitosis. Jail is like a paid vacation, with free food. We've had foreign criminals here committing crimes to get to spend time in prison instead of having to go back to their home country (typically previous communist states).


OK Mitosis, here is a dose of reality that you won't find in any book or rumour.

I spent a couple of weeks in the Harris County Jail while completing my trial and sentencing.  The day after that was finished I went to Huntsville for processing.  This place wasn't too bad.  I stayed in a two man cell with the door open all day.  We had a day room where we could watch tv or play dominoes, etc.  The fun part came during the testing.  The state wanted to make sure they had a good idea of just how weird you were so we all got our heads shrunk and took IQ tests.  After that, we were sent to Gore where we waited until they assigned us to our unit.

I drew Hackberry Unit which is part of the Hilltop complex.  Good deal for me since this was a minimum security prison.  Hackberry wasn't too bad, I got to work outside picking up trash and cutting grass with a hoe.  I was in a dorm with 59 other guys.  I made a chess board and pieces out of a sheet and match boxes.  It was crude but it worked.  I taught some of the guys to play chess and it helped kill some time.  I made money by rolling cigarettes for others.  Two for one is the standard payment.  I would roll two for them and one for me.  I could then use the cigarettes to trade for other things.  After a couple of months I was sent to Sycamore Unit.

Sycamore Unit is where we grew most of the vegetables that we ate.  We would crawl up and down the rows and pull weeds.  Sometimes we would go over to the guards houses and pull weeds.  The dorm was smaller here.  Mine housed around 30 inmates.  I really felt sorry for the guards that had to watch us because while we were goofing off, watching tv and playing games, they had to sit in a little cage and watch us.  That job must have sucked ass.  A few months of this and I was moved to Hilltop.  Yeah!

Hilltop was the best.  I was in a dorm with 5 other guys.  We had our own tv and lots of different games and books.  I worked in the garment factory making belt loops.  Yes you heard me right "belt loops".  I bet you never thought about how belt loops were made but I can tell you if you want to know.  My dorm mates had been locked up for a while so they were well over their stupidity phase.  We all got along very well and would have a big spread every week on commissary day.  I stayed here until I was released on parole.

Thoughts and observations:
I was involved in two fights. I won both.
I was never approached about sex either me being the receiver or giver.
I was offered drugs, alcohol, tattoos and other contraband but never accepted.
I found great humor in the Jail house Christians that suddenly "found God" once they were locked up.
The state made no effort to try and rehabilitate me in any way.
The food sucked.
Everybody's farts smell the same in prison.
Being a convicted felon keeps me from serving on a jury yet I still get to vote. :)
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.



Quote from: Thing on January 13, 2004, 06:16 PM
Being a convicted felon keeps me from serving on a jury yet I still get to vote. :)

Might I ask...what did you do?


Quote from: kamakazie on January 13, 2004, 07:40 PM
Quote from: Thing on January 13, 2004, 06:16 PM
Being a convicted felon keeps me from serving on a jury yet I still get to vote. :)

Might I ask...what did you do?

He's innocent dangit!  The one armed man did it!


Kamakazie, what I did or didn't do is not important.  What is important is that I could not afford the right attorney.  Besides, as Grok said, I am eeenocent.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


The shawshank redemption taught us everyone in prison is innocent.
