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Started by Noodlez, July 26, 2004, 03:08 AM

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The Paradox and the thought proccess just blows my fucking mind so I find it beter just to not think about it.

QuoteThen we try to use that expectation to justify their disbelief -- "I can't see God.  Who made God?"  It is egoism, straight from Rand.

I never claimed there to not be a god, I simplly asked a question of him, if everything has to have a creator who created the creator.  I like to think their might be a diety of some kind that regulates what happens when I die, but I don't think it would be a god such as that of the christian/jew/muslim god.  Or any earthlly worshipd god for that matter.  I guess that puts me at diest at best, and agnostic at worst.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


in reply to Bsd's first post:
well, nobody could see air, or germs, or anything that tiny until we developed the right tools..
you can't see air without the right tool, perhaps we don't have microscope to see the heavens yet? ^_^

i mean, seriously, does anyone here understand the 'big bang theory' enough to be completely convinced? if anyone is, please, enlighten me.
i was raised christian, around 9 i stopped going to church.
i've never been a very religious person, but i sure as hell don't want to take the chance. i'm honest enough to say that i'm too much of a pussy to take a chance on it.

that's my view on it, i'm not deeply devoted to religion, but i'd just rather not risk it. >_<
i'd much rather be saying "Phew, pwnt." than "FUX!!!11" :D

edit: caught myself in a stupid-moment.

and uh, myndfyre, what you said on the previous page is just..wow. never thought of it that way, makes sense, though, the way i read it, great thinking there. also, about "who made god?" type of subject. the idea of faith explains that well enough i believe. i don't think anyone is mean't to understand it, but to believe, and have faith in it. perhaps one day we will be able to, maybe not.
along the lines of what myndfire was saying, maybe the question isn't "who made god?", but "Where/what did god come from?"...


Quote from: Wish on July 28, 2004, 08:09 AM
i mean, seriously, does anyone here understand the 'big bang theory' enough to be completely convinced?

Yes. Here's a good overview

Just FYI, no one claims that the big bang theory is a complete one. There's probably more parts of it that we don't understand than parts that we do. It's just the most accepted theory at the moment - until someone comes up with a more complete one. Isn't science great?


Quoteyou can't see air without the right tool

What tool? Your eyes?
