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Experienced Scripters Wanted-MMO Game Creation

Started by mafiahitman4, April 06, 2004, 06:10 PM

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Who said that?  We'll have to remember to tell him to stop sending people here :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: mafiahitman4 on April 07, 2004, 04:50 PM
Ok just my friend said that this would be the best place to find help so I tryed and I guess it's not.

You could find help here, if you seemed more like someone worth investing time in. You're making a bad impression. It seems that you need us and we don't need you. That's not an optimal situation for you. So, why do we need you?


Quote from: Adron on April 07, 2004, 07:11 PM
Quote from: mafiahitman4 on April 07, 2004, 04:50 PM
Ok just my friend said that this would be the best place to find help so I tryed and I guess it's not.

You could find help here, if you seemed more like someone worth investing time in. You're making a bad impression. It seems that you need us and we don't need you. That's not an optimal situation for you. So, why do we need you?

Adron is absolutely correct.  There's a certain thing called *respect*.  Some people get it, some people don't.  Spelling words correctly, for example, would be a great start.  If you came here for a bit, read around, make useful comments on other thread, THEN asked for help once people knew you/respected you, you would have had a much better chance.  If I, or Adron, or, say, Noodlez or HisMajesty proposed something similar to this, there would be a much better chance of us giving him a chance.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Ok, I am working on the MMO, it has alot of thought put into it, manoftheman has gotten tired of answering questions and since I have alot of patience and debate in me, I will glady answer any questions.  I will also glady get drilled then work my way out of it.  Good luck;)


Quote from: Sparky on April 07, 2004, 08:29 PM
Ok, I am working on the MMO, it has alot of thought put into it, manoftheman has gotten tired of answering questions and since I have alot of patience and debate in me, I will glady answer any questions.  I will also glady get drilled then work my way out of it.  Good luck;)

I've read through much of this thread, not feeling the need to reply, as Adron and iago have both done more than enough of the pointing out of errors.  However, I feel the need to step in.

Congratulations on at least spelling your words correctly.  I would next look at your grammatical construction -- you utlize the technique of "run-on sentences."  Rather than using a comma without conjunctions, I suggest utilizing the "period" (that little dot), the "dash" (two hyphens, indicating a natural pause), and the "semicolon" (the thing to the left of the apostrophe and the right of the L key).

On the more serious side of your post, I would suggest not trying to get into a debate here.  There is very little point and interest in a debate on your MMO project.  Rather, as both Adron and iago have stated, I would suggest that you begin by offering your skills and knowledge to this community before you begin to expect something in return.  There is no need to pick a fight, nor is there any need to "debate" anyone.  But I am more likely to help someone like Eli_1 or Noodlez. with a problem because I've seen them regularly posting here, contributing to the group, than I would be to help some random person who just came here.  If someone comes to the BotDev forum and posts something along the lines of "I need help connecting to Battle.net," I've never seen the name, and his/her post count is less than 5, I will have a hearty, self-righteous laugh and say, "You need to read BnetDocs and understand how to operate a packet sniffing program."

Not knowing what coding you have done already, here are some design considerations you will need to make:

  • How will you store data?  Will it be on one server or on many servers, to lighten load?  How will this data be synchronized?
  • How will the client view your MMO world?  How will these views be transmitted from the server?
  • How will the protocol efficiently communicate between the client and server?  How will multiple users be able to interact at the same time?  How will the server know how to display a message to some users and not others?
  • How will you distribute and update your product?
  • How will you prevent cheating?  Do you expect your users to pay for a service that other users can cheat on?
I haven't really begun even to touch on all of the technical aspects that you will really need to consider; however, I believe these are some of the more difficult ones.  I don't expect you to answer -- I'm simply pointing out that this is an incredibly huge undertaking, and you really need to be prepared for it going in.  Going back in 5 months to fix one stupid buffer overflow bug will be tedious, time-consuming hell.  You need to have a design strategy and competent workers, neither of which I have yet seen from your group.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.

Banana fanna fo fanna

You're stupid if you think anyone will code a MMORPG for free when you will make a profit on it.

I'm willing to negotiate a contract, though, but you'll have to contact me first.


he's not dumb. I'll gladly help him for free. I dont mind I want experience. It looks good on resume and this is what ive been trying todo for years but everyone brings up cost cause they want to make cash not do it for fun. I realize he might make money but honestly if you just want todo it in your spare time should cash matter?

contact me if your interested in my help.

