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Legalize Pot

Started by EcsTasY, December 06, 2003, 01:33 AM

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Quote from: Thing on December 07, 2003, 06:17 PM
Quote from: MrRaza on December 07, 2003, 05:57 PM
It does in my basement ;)
I never liked to smoke it but I always loved to grow it.

So far I've made an estimated 10 grand easily

Banana fanna fo fanna

I connect friends who want shrooms with friends who have shrooms, and I make some cash off of that :)


I have never done any drug besides marijuana


Quote from: iago on December 07, 2003, 04:45 PM
VERY few people I went to highschool with who smoked weed (in fact, I can't think of any) went to university.  

Conversely, I don't know anyone from my highschool who didn't go to Uni, regardless of whether they smoke pot or not. In addition, I'm at Uni now, and I know very few people who never smoke it, loads who smoke occasionally, and a few heavy smokers.

I don't think pot makes people apathetic. I think apathetic people are just more likely to smoke pot. Probably because they can't be bothered to do anything, and when you're high, you're quite happy doing nothing at all :)

Edit: Any latin-aware people care to translate 'Post hoc ergo propter hoc'? I think this is a situation where the point applies.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Grok on December 07, 2003, 02:21 PM
...But the total amount of crime would go down drastically...
Of course if you make something not a crime anymore then the crime rate will go down.  How about we make *everything* legal?  That would be a crime-free utopia!


Quote from: Arta[vL] on December 07, 2003, 10:43 PM
Edit: Any latin-aware people care to translate 'Post hoc ergo propter hoc'? I think this is a situation where the point applies.

Something about cause and effect :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Recently a popular national newspaper ran an article about drug use in universities. About 25-35% of the students in major Israeli universities do drugs. Scary.


Less than half is scary? More than half of my highschool has done drugs.




Quote from: Soul Taker on December 08, 2003, 02:07 AM
Quote from: Grok on December 07, 2003, 02:21 PM
...But the total amount of crime would go down drastically...
Of course if you make something not a crime anymore then the crime rate will go down.  How about we make *everything* legal?  That would be a crime-free utopia!

The idea here was that if drug use was 5% of the crimes, and we legalize that, crimes would drop by 25%. So we'd get a 500% efficiency on the crime reduction.

More specifically, crimes causing pain to others would be reduced a lot since the needs to steal or rob would be reduced if there wasn't expensive drugs to pay for.


Even more so because the efficiency of the police would improve.  We would have more police available to prevent or investigate less crimes.

Courts, prosecutors, jails, prisons, parole systems, all reduced in volume, increased in efficiency.  We can then keep violent offenders in prison for treatment/rehabilitation longer than is currently possible.


Quote from: Yoni on December 08, 2003, 07:35 AM
Recently a popular national newspaper ran an article about drug use in universities. About 25-35% of the students in major Israeli universities do drugs. Scary.

Quote from: MrRaza on December 08, 2003, 08:09 AM
Less than half is scary? More than half of my highschool has done drugs.

That's exactly what I was saying! :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I wouldn't really mind if it's legalized, as long as smoking it in public gets you the death penalty.


Did you know that if you make it legal to steal cars, less people will steal money, less people will be mugged, less people will have their houses broken into, and additionally, the stolen cars will no longer make up part of the statistic.

So crime goes down overall, not just for cartheft but for other stuff too, but not for the right reason.  I would submit that you can't use the fact that it reduces crime in other areas for your argument since this can happen for other reasons.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
