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Quit crying about the "stolen" public code

Started by Deception, September 23, 2004, 12:20 AM

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Besides I'd rather see a dll with everything in it. Sorta of like those dlls and the bnetauth blended together (if possible) and provided that it's public to use.

Speak of "wow". I heard userloser already has the logon down for WoW and because of the immature idiots this is guranteed never to be released. You leechers basically fucked everyone from seeing any open source userloser would've have released ever again (excluding anyone he trusts obviously).

Also regarding this entire this whole issue. What is your attitude towards private use of this? Perhaps the use of it on my own and not a release to anyone.


Quote from: Networks on September 23, 2004, 11:04 AM
Besides I'd rather see a dll with everything in it. Sorta of like those dlls and the bnetauth blended together (if possible) and provided that it's public to use.

I'm sure people have already done this but not released anything.


Quote from: Deception on September 23, 2004, 01:32 AMIf the authors of NLS.dll didn't want people using it, they shouldn't have written it.
Maybe the government shouldn't write their software? I'm sure they don't want any other governments to use it...

Quote from: Deception on September 23, 2004, 01:32 AMIf anything, the authors should be glad that people are using NLS.dll rather than being forced to give up their passwords and CD-Keys, hoping vL won't use them.
What proof do you have that vL uses them at all? BNLS has been around for around 2 years or more, and I've not heard of any legitimate case of vL using stolen passwords or CD keys?

Deception, let's say that you write a document stating some sort of invention that you are creating that is going to revolutionize the gaming industry. Then someone steals that document and revolutionizes the gaming industry themselves, and you get zero credit. Not only that, but you have no proof that you were actually the first one to come up with the idea... so you also have no recourse against the thief. Would you feel very happy?

Besides the fact that I wouldn't trust a single word said by anyone that has "deception" right in their name.

And on top of all else, I really have not seen any "crying" recently. Sure, there was a fair amount of it at first, but not a whole lot anymore. I'm sure everyone's glad that people can use NLS.dll... assuming of course that they're intelligent enough to fix it up to be ABLE to use it. The biggest thing I see now is the authors not supporting it.

So back on that invention thing... if people started asking you questions about the thing which you should have invented, would you answer them? I think you'd have too much resentment toward that item to want to help anyone that uses it.

Would there be a purpose to stealing CD keys and passwords from people who use BNLS? No. Doing that would only make people not use BNLS, and that's not the purpose of a service. A service exists to be used, not to not be used. It would be detrimental to the service to do something to or with it that would make it not be used.

No, the only thing I see here is you, Deception, being mad that you're not smart enough to figure out how to use NLS.dll and then even more mad that the authors aren't willing to let you leech the information off of them. I have no words that may convey my impression of you.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
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If that's not a cold hard slap of reality.. i don't want to know what is!

Way (to or too?) lay it on him kane, couldn't have said it better myself!
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


Quote from: BaDDBLooD on September 23, 2004, 01:25 PMWay (to or too?) lay it on him kane
To. It's been a LONG time since I've learned the exact rules, but "too" basically is used when you're saying multiple things, such as "This happened, and that too happened" which is kind've a replaceof of "also". Too is more broadly used as an addetive: "That too". Too is also used to help describe something: "many objects" verses "too many objects". As I stated just a moment ago, anywhere that "also" can be used, "too" can be used nearby (if not in the same place): "Also that" and "That also" mean the same as "That too." "Too that" is incorrect.

However, it would not be used when you're going from one object to another object, for example "this got to that", or to help a movement with the object: "way to do that", the movement (verb) being "way".

Hope this helps, and more than just you, too. ;)
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
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Quote from: Deception on September 23, 2004, 12:20 AM
I'm sick of reading thread after thread of people crying over the release of the precious NLS.dll.

You keep saying this code was never made public and therefore people should delete it and instead use BNLS.

I don't know about you, but it seems stupid to send your usernames, passwords and CD-Keys to a 3rd party server to be hashed when you can just do it locally with the PUBLIC code that has been released against the will of the author. NLS.dll is no longer private. Get over it.

You suck at life, everything you do.  "Get over it".  Find new hobbies, get a job.  If you're sick of reading these threads then you obviously need to move on somewhere else.  I doubt anyone who uses this dynamic-link library anyways, has knowledge of exactly how it works, why two packets are required, what's the purpose of account upgrading, password proof, server signature, all that so called New Logon System stuff.  If you're not contributing anything, then I'd say leave or quit complaining, but ofcourse, I can't force you.

Speak of "wow". I heard userloser already has the logon down for WoW and because of the immature idiots this is guranteed never to be released. You leechers basically fucked everyone from seeing any open source userloser would've have released ever again (excluding anyone he trusts obviously).

I have a great amount of information for WoW's logon protocol (WoWBot is still being worked on, slowly), some of which was given by a friend.  Nobody gets anything from it, don't expect to see anything either around here or anywhere else either.


Here's something funny.

Some BNLS rip-off (I forget what it's called, but it's made by a guy named Binary, iirc) is using the stolen Warcraft 3 code.  

So here's what you'd be doing to use it: sending your warcraft 3 account and cdkey to somebody who clearly has no qualms with using stolen sourcecode.  Does anybody find that funny? I do :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on September 23, 2004, 03:30 PM
Here's something funny.

Some BNLS rip-off (I forget what it's called, but it's made by a guy named Binary, iirc) is using the stolen Warcraft 3 code.  

So here's what you'd be doing to use it: sending your warcraft 3 account and cdkey to somebody who clearly has no qualms with using stolen sourcecode.  Does anybody find that funny? I do :)

The final line is....nobody is crying about the stolen public code Deception.
They are just saying...DONT ASK FOR HELP ON IT. Which people can't seem to understand. Whatever go ahead and use it, but just don't expect any help on it. If you get stuck, too @$&!ing bad!! Don't come here and ask for help, CASE CLOSED!


It's not the first time someone has made the comment that they don't trust BNLS and that Skywing and Yoni are only in it for the accounts and cd keys. Jesus guys. Do you think they really are THAT sad?

Use BNLS or don't. But these constant references to the integrity of the service (which is free by the way) is becoming tiring.
^-----silly Brit


Quote from: Eternal on September 23, 2004, 03:48 PM
It's not the first time someone has made the comment that they don't trust BNLS and that Skywing and Yoni are only in it for the accounts and cd keys. Jesus guys. Do you think they really are THAT sad?

Use BNLS or don't. But these constant references to the integrity of the service (which is free by the way) is becoming tiring.

If they were going to steal stuff, like Skywing said, it would have been done a long time ago. I can't believe people are accusing them, when all they did was provide a free hashing service for free. Anyways, the real issue right now is..Yoni is going to be recruited in the Israeli Army in December.

* Minus prays for Yoni's safety and life.


Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?

Banana fanna fo fanna

This is ridiculous. My post was deleted.

This thread is full of flames and personal attacks, yet my post was the *only one* deleted. Fuck you, moderator.


Quote from: Warrior on September 23, 2004, 03:54 PM
O.O im NEVER joining the army.

He has no choice...the situation over there is hostile, meaning it's required he is enrolled for I think like 2 years.


I have no doubt about the integrety of the people who run Bnls.  However, I do have doubts as to the integrety of an "untrusted network" that you're sending your data across (namely, the Internet).  I have brought it up here before, and I posted a list of possible attack vectors on stealthbot.net, which I will repeat here:

QuoteOh, and as for my thoughts on bnls:

I think Skywing and other vL are great people. They don't know/care about your clan, and they wouldn't abuse your information. They have plenty of cdkeys from another source, and have no use for accounts.

What I DON'T trust is vL's server. I know it's been rooted on several occasions, by Tmp's friend Xar. This was before BNLS existed, but the point stands: the server isn't necessarely safe.

Second, the Internet itself is a dangerous place. You're sending data in plaintext across the Internet:
* If you're on wireless, anybody can see it who's nearby (even with WEP)
* If you're on a network, switched or hub, it's possible to sniff/spy on your data
* If you're directly connected to the Internet, it's possible (but _extremely_ unlikely) that somebody at a router along the way, or at the network where vL's server lives, can sniff the data.
* It's possible to use DNS Cache Poisoning to redirect every request sent to BNLS to their own computer! This isn't impossible, and I was thinking of writing Proof-of-Concept software to do it (incidentally, you'd never know that it happened).
* If there's any flaws in BNLS's code that allows arbitrary memory reading, it's possible to read your information from active memory or buffers. This has happened, but was reported and fixed.

Those are my problem with BNLS. Do what you want with them.

These are problems with the Internet, not with BNLS.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I didn't know Yoni had to join the Israeli Army? Actually, I might have, but just forgot...

But uhh... good luck, Yoni.

Quote from: $t0rm on September 23, 2004, 03:56 PMThis thread is full of flames and personal attacks, yet my post was the *only one* deleted.
I don't consider my post three hours or so ago as a flame. Instead, I like to think of it as a notice of stupidity and realization of worthless in regards to Deception's thoughts.

I personally beleive this thread should be locked.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
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