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Go Kerry. Go away, Bush.

Started by Arta, August 01, 2004, 09:02 AM

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Who cares what the terrorists like and dislike? They're hardly rational. I don't really care what they think. What I care about is a viable long term solution. Such a solution will arise only through diplomacy. Violence is not a long-term solution. Just look at Isreal for an example of that.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 01, 2004, 01:44 PM
To sum up my position, here is a quote from a previous thread:



Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 01, 2004, 02:02 PM
Who cares what the terrorists like and dislike? They're hardly rational. I don't really care what they think. What I care about is a viable long term solution. Such a solution will arise only through diplomacy. Violence is not a long-term solution. Just look at Isreal for an example of that.

Yes, but there are situations where violence has solved things. Such as Americas independence (although you may see that in a different light dunno,) World War II, Civil War, Most (if not all) other wars, removing Saddam from power, just becuase the enemy is spread out more and is fighting with guerilla style tatics doesn't mean we shouldn't fight back.


All of those are real wars where 2 or more armies fight eachother. They are not comparable to an army fighting small, secret organisations. Terrorists are not guerilla fighters. They are terrorists.

Using an army to fight organisations like Al Queda and Hamas, which are purportedly the types of organisations that the War on Terrorism is about, is both futile and counterproductive.

Speaking of terrorists, why do you support the invasion of Iraq when there is no evidence that they ever sponsored terrorism against the west? I think Kerry had it spot on when he (basically accused) Bush of twisting intelligence to support policy, rather than using intelligence to shape policy.


I really don't care what Saddam did/didn't do. It's pretty obvious he was a bad man. He killed a countless amount of his own people, and he did have the power to create biological weapons. He tried to kill Bush's father, which in my opinion is enough to capture him (trying to kill a commander in chief.) I was just glad he was removed from power, regardless of the reason.


Iraq may not have had any weapons of mass destruction but they were certainly capable of making them and in the hands of Saddam alot of shit can happen =/


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 01, 2004, 03:53 PM
I really don't care what Saddam did/didn't do. It's pretty obvious he was a bad man. He killed a countless amount of his own people, and he did have the power to create biological weapons. He tried to kill Bush's father, which in my opinion is enough to capture him (trying to kill a commander in chief.) I was just glad he was removed from power, regardless of the reason.

Haha.  Bush has killed countless of his own people (as governor of Texas, he had tons of people executed), he has the power to create biological weapons.  And his father tried to kill Saddam.  


Quote from: Negotiable on August 01, 2004, 04:46 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 01, 2004, 03:53 PM
I really don't care what Saddam did/didn't do. It's pretty obvious he was a bad man. He killed a countless amount of his own people, and he did have the power to create biological weapons. He tried to kill Bush's father, which in my opinion is enough to capture him (trying to kill a commander in chief.) I was just glad he was removed from power, regardless of the reason.

Haha.  Bush has killed countless of his own people (as governor of Texas, he had tons of people executed), he has the power to create biological weapons.  And his father tried to kill Saddam.  
Even if he does have biological weapons its not like he can use it on anyone at any time. He will be kicked out of office so fast. On the other hand Saddam was a dictator, and does have the power to use it any way he like.


Quote from: Falcon[anti-yL] on August 01, 2004, 04:51 PM
Quote from: Negotiable on August 01, 2004, 04:46 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 01, 2004, 03:53 PM
I really don't care what Saddam did/didn't do. It's pretty obvious he was a bad man. He killed a countless amount of his own people, and he did have the power to create biological weapons. He tried to kill Bush's father, which in my opinion is enough to capture him (trying to kill a commander in chief.) I was just glad he was removed from power, regardless of the reason.

Haha.  Bush has killed countless of his own people (as governor of Texas, he had tons of people executed), he has the power to create biological weapons.  And his father tried to kill Saddam.  
Even if he does have biological weapons its not like he can use it on anyone at any time. He will be kicked out of office so fast. On the other hand Saddam was a dictator, and does have the power to use it any way he like.

Oh absolutely!  If Saddam tried to _use_ biological weapons, the rest of the world would be screwed!  HOW can a country like the USA stop a small middle-eastern country from destroying them!?  Yup, if Saddam wanted to, he could have destroyed the rest of the world and nobody would have been able to stop him!!

Do you honestly think Saddam, even if he_did_ have wmd, could ever use them against the USA?  


Heh. Uh no George... just shut up and play your gameboy.

Why are there terrorists attacking America if we figure that out and just quit whatever we are doing wouldn't that help. Obviously they don't come over here to attack us for nothing.
To lazy for slackware.


Quote from: muert0 on August 01, 2004, 05:42 PM
Heh. Uh no George... just shut up and play your gameboy.

Why are there terrorists attacking America if we figure that out and just quit whatever we are doing wouldn't that help. Obviously they don't come over here to attack us for nothing.

They're attacking anybody who doesn't tolerate them. For example: Spain. Spain gave into their attacks, and what did that solve? Nothing, attacks still happened elsewhere..this has to be solved by force.

The prisoners on death row deserve it imo, and I'm a firm supporter of capital punishment. Saddam killed innocent people.

Gameboy is fun.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 01, 2004, 06:17 PM
Quote from: muert0 on August 01, 2004, 05:42 PM
Heh. Uh no George... just shut up and play your gameboy.

Why are there terrorists attacking America if we figure that out and just quit whatever we are doing wouldn't that help. Obviously they don't come over here to attack us for nothing.

They're attacking anybody who doesn't tolerate them. For example: Spain. Spain gave into their attacks, and what did that solve? Nothing, attacks still happened elsewhere..this has to be solved by force.

The prisoners on death row deserve it imo, and I'm a firm supporter of capital punishment. Saddam killed innocent people.

Gameboy is fun.
By going to Iraq, we are wasting our troops and putting them in a place they didn't need to be. They could've been doing a much better job in other places. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or not, but apperantly there were more police in New York than troops in Afghanistan.

As far as death row, I think it'd be better to make the prisoner rot in prison for life, seems a bit like letting them go free by just killing them.


QuoteAs far as death row, I think it'd be better to make the prisoner rot in prison for life, seems a bit like letting them go free by just killing them.

It costs just as much tax dollars to kill a man that it does to let him rot in jail, only by killing him he's not taking up a cell.


And no murderer should be provided free cable television.  :P

Banana fanna fo fanna

Do you honestly think Saddam, even if he_did_ have wmd, could ever use them against the USA?

Yeah, I do. He could sell them to a terrorist organization, and they could use it here.

Here's what I think we should do. Every country which doesn't actively pursue terrorists even after we request it, we give them an ultimatum along the lines of: we will TOTALLY DESTROY the city of Baghdad in 3 weeks, at 6:00. Either pursue terrorists, or start getting all your civilians out.

In this way, if innocent people die, it isn't really the country's fault, and it also destroys infrastructure.
