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[vL] weirdness?

Started by MyndFyre, May 22, 2004, 02:32 AM

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Quote from: LW-Falcon on May 22, 2004, 05:16 PM
I left my bot in there for like 5 minutes while I went to go play a game and when I came back I got idlebanned. Its not like the channel would be full with afk people and other people can't join.

If we never had any of these auto bans, the channel would be full with random people all the time and members would have trouble getting in, since the channel can only hold 40.


I think the idleban needs to be longer, 5 minutes passes by very quickly, I could go get a drink and get banned when I come back.


Quote from: Spht on May 22, 2004, 05:20 PM
Quote from: LW-Falcon on May 22, 2004, 05:16 PM
I left my bot in there for like 5 minutes while I went to go play a game and when I came back I got idlebanned. Its not like the channel would be full with afk people and other people can't join.

If we never had any of these auto bans, the channel would be full with random people all the time and members would have trouble getting in, since the channel can only hold 40.

I don't think it would fill up - if it did, a member could always whisper a ban to the bot.  Or idleban length could be based on the number of people in the channel - if there are only 20 people, then make it looong, but if there are 35 make it fairly short.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 05:32 PM
I don't think it would fill up - if it did, a member could always whisper a ban to the bot.

It would and it always does on the rare occasion that the bot is missing for long lengths of time.  I know you can whisper the bot to ban someone, but who wants to deal with that hassle every time they log on?

Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 05:32 PM
Or idleban length could be based on the number of people in the channel - if there are only 20 people, then make it looong, but if there are 35 make it fairly short.

Idle ban, random ban, and other auto-moderation features are fairly customizable by anyone who has operator access to the bot, by the way.


Idle ban serves a purpose, but random ban is useless and evil!


Random ban is my favorite.  It's the fail-safe which gets the people that managed to avoid all the other automated bans!


I don't really like randomban - if everyboyd's idle and guests are talking, they get banned - that seems to be the time they ought to talk.

If people don't like seeing random conversations, why don't you just close your bot and chat on IMs with people you want to?  I always wondered that about kp, and it seems like he does that now.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 06:09 PM
I don't really like randomban - if everyboyd's idle and guests are talking, they get banned - that seems to be the time they ought to talk.

They shouldn't be holding conversations in our channel.

Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 06:09 PM
If people don't like seeing random conversations, why don't you just close your bot and chat on IMs with people you want to?

Are you suggesting we let non-members take over our channel?  We prefer chatting on BotNet and Battle.net with multiple people, so auto-moderation features were implemented to prevent random people from clogging up our chat logs.

Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 06:09 PM
I always wondered that about kp, and it seems like he does that now.

Yes, but not because of your complaining.  Kp's not on Battle.net because he's redesigning his client and hasn't completed BNCS support yet.  He'll be back soon.  =)


Quote[18:55:12] <Spht[vL]@Azeroth> I like how iago is arguing on behalf of visitors.  It's cute. =)

ugh, just forget it - arguing is pointless, since far too many people forget what it was like to be non-vL once they're here.  

There's always been long gaps in my Battle.net presence - I think I'll start one now, at least for our channel. Nothing useful has happened there in a long time.  

[note: say whatever you want here now, I'm not going to respond to this thread anymore]
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago[yL] on May 22, 2004, 06:23 PM
[note: say whatever you want here now, I'm not going to respond to this thread anymore]
I've always wondered why people feel the need to say that. It just looks so lame :P


iago just because you take favor to all the other weird 14 yr olds who stalk worship [vL] members that doesn't mean that the rest of us enjoy that. Non-members have more then enough oppertunity to be welcomed as friends into our channel... and just for the record, you got yelled at for +F'ing so many people because most of them turned out to be retards. I welcome anyone into the channel whos not a retard, even some who are due to respect for other members. :P
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Hostile on May 22, 2004, 07:12 PM
iago just because you take favor to all the other weird 14 yr olds who stalk worship [vL] members that doesn't mean that the rest of us enjoy that. Non-members have more then enough oppertunity to be welcomed as friends into our channel... and just for the record, you got yelled at for +F'ing so many people because most of them turned out to be retards. I welcome anyone into the channel whos not a retard, even some who are due to respect for other members. :P



Quote from: Spht on May 22, 2004, 06:02 PM
Random ban is my favorite.  It's the fail-safe which gets the people that managed to avoid all the other automated bans!

Random ban is my favorite as well. Well, it is when it's not used against me. :P


DOesnt it say in the vistors guide or somewhere in the rules section that vL members could do watever the hell they want.....And could ban for no reason...
it also said i think that the channel is for vL members and is not made for other people....

So why u guys complaining.i mean im autobanned from vl channel and i dont mind.  :)

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy
