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New to 'Packets'

Started by dodge, April 28, 2004, 03:23 PM

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Quote from: Networks on May 19, 2004, 01:31 PMI am a complete newb at this but I'd like to know how. I'd like to be actually legit at coding bots and to further my programming knowledge. Thanks in advance.

Networks, I would strongly suggest you practice programming the fundamentals.  For example, can you do the following?

* Read the first line of text from a file.
* Read the Nth line of text from a file.
* Read N lines from a file.
* Find a string within a file.
* Count the occurences of a string within a file.
* Write text lines to a new file.
* Append a new line to a text file.
* Replace all occurences of a string within a file.

* Read INI files.
* Write INI files.

* Open a binary file.
* Read all data from a binary file in blocks.
* Find specific bytes of data in a binary file.
* Write a new record to a binary file.
* Overwrite a specific record in a binary file.
* Find and replace specific fields in all records of a binary file.
* * where some condition is true about that record.

* Open an Access database.
* Open a table and walk through a table.
* Read data from the columns into your program.
* Change data in a table.
* Append new records to a table.

* Create a status bar on your VB form. (style=Simple)
* Update the SimpleText on your status bar as conditions change in your program.
* Create a normal style status bar with 3 panels.
* Add a date panel, clock panel, caps lock panel, numlock panel, to your status bar.
* Write program status to the 3rd panel that is not one of the special panels.
* Add graphics and icons to the status bar panels.

* Add a menu to your form.
* Add commands for your program's abilities to the menu.
* Have menu items that turn features on/off with checkmarks showing their status.

* Add a toolbar to your form with 10 buttons.
* Have each button invoke one of your program procedures.
* Map each button to a menu item.

* Allow user to resize your form, and it resizes all the controls on it to fit the new size.
* If a parent control gets resized, any child controls inside it also get resized to fit.

* Use a treeview
* Let users left-click and right-click on your nodes to do functions.

* All controls have a popup menu when user right-clicks on them, if any action can be performed.

Those are some suggestions.  Learn how to do most of those before worrying about advanced controls like Winsock.

Banana fanna fo fanna


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna


Quote from: Skywing[vL] on May 24, 2004, 07:01 PM
monte carlo!

Off topic, but, is it me, or do my eyes decieve me? Storm's Username is "Skywing[vL]".
Quote from: Edsger W. DijkstraIt is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.

Banana fanna fo fanna