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Whats you thought on this?

Started by Mitosis, January 09, 2004, 05:32 AM

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And birth. It's creating life, when God should be doing all the giving and taking life!!


Mitosis, why are you against capital punishment?  Have you formed your opinion through research and thoughtful analysis or are you just parroting what somebody else told you their sence of morality is?
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


If God gave us the abilities to procreate, take life, and research stem cells, why would some be against his will and not others? Don't they all deal with life? Weren't they all given us by God?


Quote from: Thing on January 09, 2004, 08:37 PM
Mitosis, why are you against capital punishment?  Have you formed your opinion through research and thoughtful analysis or are you just parroting what somebody else told you their sence of morality is?

Done stuff on all of them. Abortion, Capital Punishment, Stem Cell Research (My favourite one I may add) and last but not least Euthanasia.

Well the way I see it, what does killing someone that killed someone solve? Nothing really. The person should just be put in jail for life, and have the most horrible memories. Killing them right away wont do much.

With Stem Cell Research, taking the Embroes (which are life-forms-to-be) and using them to cure parkinsons disease [spelling] is great but its not a cure. And you are not giving that Embroe a chance to fully grow and form into a human being. Think of it, incolyn [spelling] is not a cure for Diabetes, just life support. But with Embreos its different becasue they turn into a life form. And just because its not a human yet, does not mean that shouldnt have a chance at all to live.

Abortion is wrong in my opinion. It doesnt matter whether the situation was a rape case or anything else. The child should not be killed, its murder. Just because your father could have been a rapiest doesnt mean that, this child in paticular should never have a chance to grow up in this marvilous world and learn things because of one thing that went wrong in life.

Anyways guys, Ill explain more of what I think tomorrow, too tired right now. Gunna go read and hit the hay. Later all.


I don't think anyone without cancer/AIDS has any right to comment on Euthanasia in that specific case, as I wouldn't doubt any of us without it don't have any idea what they have to go through.


Sperm each have the chance to grow into a life form.  When you masturbate, you're killing billions.  I don't think you can make a decision based on what could've been, *maybe that embryo could've become a human*.  Well, maybe it could have been a miscarriage too?  If so, what good will it have served?


Sorry to backtrack a bit...

Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 06:36 PM
Just like Abortion, Capital Punishment and Stem Cell Research. It may seam that we are doing the right thing but we arent!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't this provide new organs and limbs for those who are less fortunate in the future?

Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 09:13 PM
Well the way I see it, what does killing someone that killed someone solve? Nothing really. The person should just be put in jail for life, and have the most horrible memories. Killing them right away wont do much.
It keeps them from killing again.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: Hitmen on January 09, 2004, 09:26 PM
I don't think anyone without cancer/AIDS has any right to comment on Euthanasia in that specific case, as I wouldn't doubt any of us without it don't have any idea what they have to go through.

I know what cancer patients go through, trust me, my brother died of it.

QuotePosted by: Grok  Posted on: Yesterday at 10:14:17pm  
Sperm each have the chance to grow into a life form.  When you masturbate, you're killing billions.  I don't think you can make a decision based on what could've been, *maybe that embryo could've become a human*.  Well, maybe it could have been a miscarriage too?  If so, what good will it have served?  

Im not saying that masturbation is a bad thing, but with Embreos in paticular, people should just leave them alone until we can learn more about scientific cures for these major diseases. Instead of not giving Embreos a chance to grow, just so people can have "Life Support", why not let them be and just keep trying to find an actual CURE?

QuoteJust like Abortion, Capital Punishment and Stem Cell Research. It may seam that we are doing the right thing but we arent!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't this provide new organs and limbs for those who are less fortunate in the future?

I dont think so, because the Embreo turns into a human being in the mothers womb. But since we arent for certain, Ill look that up and get back on yeah soon enough.

QuoteWell the way I see it, what does killing someone that killed someone solve? Nothing really. The person should just be put in jail for life, and have the most horrible memories. Killing them right away wont do much.

It keeps them from killing again.

Yes it may keep the criminal from killing again, but honestly. Is it right to take someones life no matter what they have done? For all we know, lets say the person does get the death penalty, what if we find out months later that it wasnt really that person? Ooops, sorry. Thats why we should look to better solutions than Capital Punishment.

Banana fanna fo fanna

This isn't a legal question, its a moral question (for now).

Everyone knows that a Euthanasia bill would never pass both the Senate and the House. A large enough chunk of the voter population would be against it, so it would never get passed.

To make my point short, I support cloning/stem cell research, to a point. I believe that there will be a time when we have a kidney warehouse, where someone who needs a kidney transplant could get one. I don't, however, support full human cloning, which is many years away anyway.

In other news, some dude found out that baby teeth have stem cells in them. Score.


Its great with all the new technology and scientific research that the world has discovered but it isnt exactly the right thing to do. Instead of rushing into things we could learn alot more with time. Try and find a way to cure these major diseases without kiling anyone or life-form-to-be.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on January 10, 2004, 08:46 AMIn other news, some dude found out that baby teeth have stem cells in them. Score.

I'm wondering if we can snag Mitosis remaining baby teeth before he sheds them.  I'm sure he wouldn't mind contributing them to save some embryos.


Quote from: Grok on January 10, 2004, 01:46 PM
Quote from: St0rm.iD on January 10, 2004, 08:46 AMIn other news, some dude found out that baby teeth have stem cells in them. Score.

I'm wondering if we can snag Mitosis remaining baby teeth before he sheds them.  I'm sure he wouldn't mind contributing them to save some embryos.
OH MY GROK. LMAO, Iv lost all my baby teath bud ;) But seriously why waste life-forms-to-be on something we arent exactly certain on? Explain that to me.


I don't see how an aborted fetus is a "life form to be".


Quote from: Hitmen on January 10, 2004, 03:57 PM
I don't see how an aborted fetus is a "life form to be".

A embryo grows into a baby.

Banana fanna fo fanna

My semen is a life form to be. Really. And I waste it all the time.

I think we, as a society, need to decide where life begins.
