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Bot Uptime

Started by OcTaViuS, May 10, 2003, 11:52 PM

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im surprized that he created his own function, did he?


Public Function UpTime() As String
   Dim ticks As Long
   ticks = GetTickCount
   UpTime = "Computer on for " & GetTime(ticks) & _
            ", running for " & GetTime(ticks - StartTime) & _
            ", logged on for " & GetTime(ticks - LogTime)
End Function

Public Function Zero(str As String, Count As Long, Optional Char As Byte = "0") As String
   Zero = String(Count - Len(str), CStr(Char)) & str
End Function

Public Function GetTime(ByVal ticks As Long, Optional ShowDecimals As Boolean = False) As String
   Dim TS As Long, TM As Long, TH As Long, TD As Long, TW As Long

   TS = ticks \ 1000: ticks = ticks - TS * 1000
   TM = TS \ 60:            TS = TS - TM * 60
   TH = TM \ 60:            TM = TM - TH * 60
   TD = TH \ 24:            TH = TH - TD * 24
   TW = TD \ 7:             TD = TD - TW * 7
   GetTime = Zero(CStr(TS), 2) & IIf(ShowDecimals, "." & Zero(CStr(ticks), 3), "") & "s"
   If TM + TH + TD + TW > 0 Then GetTime = Zero(CStr(TM), 2) & "m " & GetTime
   If TH + TD + TW > 0 Then GetTime = Zero(CStr(TH), 2) & "h " & GetTime
   If TD + TW > 0 Then GetTime = CStr(TD) & "d " & GetTime
   If TW > 0 Then GetTime = CStr(TW) & "w " & GetTime
End Function

Computer on for 1w 2d 23h 03m 30s, running for 22h 04m 08s, logged on for 22h 04m 07s


camel u r god  :o. not only did u successfully answer my bot uptime question without making me guess on how to fix the code, but u also gave me the code for cpu uptime and connection uptime, the two uptimes i was about to try and figure out during the weekend.

gj & ty  8)


Quote from: OcTaViuS on May 23, 2003, 07:42 PM
camel u r god  :o. not only did u successfully answer my bot uptime question without making me guess on how to fix the code, but u also gave me the code for cpu uptime and connection uptime, the two uptimes i was about to try and figure out during the weekend.
gj & ty  8)
However, the code as provided won't properly render typical service uptimes.  You need a higher resolution solution.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Quote from: Kp on May 23, 2003, 11:44 PM
However, the code as provided won't properly render typical service uptimes.  You need a higher resolution solution.

way to spoil the mood.


It's really not that hard. I'm sure that there is an example on pscode.com


mr. raza, camels method works perfectly...


I was regarding to the High Resolution solution kp was talking about.


Quote from: MrRaza on May 25, 2003, 04:25 PM
I was regarding to the High Resolution solution kp was talking about.

use quotes, fooligan


betcha cant say "Resolution Solution" 10x fast  :o good one KP  ::)