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Packet 0x51 Information #2

Started by K, May 05, 2003, 03:04 PM

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what about the muted keys whats the point of them bliz just mutes them but they still let them play games its gay the only thing mutes would be good for is like winbotting with and if they ban the keys they got lost numbers that are gonna be recycled sooner or later


Quote from: SubLiminaL_WolF on May 07, 2003, 11:25 PMwhat about the muted keys whats the point of them
Mostly to prevent people from using them for spamming purposes.
Quote from: SubLiminaL_WolF on May 07, 2003, 11:25 PMif they ban the keys they got lost numbers that are gonna be recycled sooner or later
Take a look at the StarCraft CD key decryption algorithm, and make a guess at how many possible valid codes there are.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Quote from: SubLiminaL_WolF on May 08, 2003, 04:22 AM
there isnt that many bcuz within the cdkey there is a code that reches the limit of 5 numbers or letters the added crap is used for whole cdkey purposes (ex. *not a real key* 2517-55243-8495) within the cdkey is a 5 digit code that bnet reads for a check number the rest of the code is unknown to me right now so i call it crap and the 5 digit code is not the middle 5 digits its a mix like XX17XX2XX84XX might be the code they check  ;)
but enough chat about keys this topic is about 0x51 or topic should be locked

You forgot to finish with, "and I base this on absolutely nothing." (South Park season 6 episode 8.)

Seriously, look at the CD-key decoding algorithms. They are practically public domain, and they are completely different from what you suggested.


Quote from: SubLiminaL_WolF on May 08, 2003, 11:50 AM
thats the way they did it b4 around 1.0 - 1.4 im unsure of the version number, they might have changed it but the console has a huge list of cdkeys for every game client most likly each client has a different set numbers to confirm some make check all numbers and letters like war3 i know for a fact that they check every n's and l's in a cdkey for starcraft and di it was diff back then im just going by a previous code that was put upon me.
Yoni you should smack yourself in the face then smack your mom for teaching you!!
Here are some basic guidelines for engaging in intelligent, or at least coherent, conversation:
  • Spelling.
  • Grammar. (I am not trying to be Lindy here, and I don't mind a few spelling/grammar mistakes. As long as it's readable.)
  • Punctuation.
  • Punctuation. (I am usually able to read posts with bad spelling and grammar, but the total misuse/lack of punctuation in the above is almost too much.)
  • Not insulting the person you're attempting to talk to - especially not before verifying the facts.
Now, to put that aside, and relate to the content of your post:

Quotethats the way they did it b4 around 1.0 - 1.4 im unsure of the version number, they might have changed it
AFAIK, CD-key encoding and decoding in Starcraft has always been done the same way. I'm not 100% sure about this, since I'm not familiar with the old versions. But it definitely never was as simple as you described.

Quotethe console has a huge list of cdkeys for every game client
What is "the console"? Is it a web site? If so, the CD-keys are very likely stolen or invalid, or collected from other places on the web (which, recursively, are very likely stolen or invalid).
If not, might you want to tell us what that is?

Quotemost likly each client has a different set numbers to confirm
That is quite obvious. Starcraft CD-keys don't work in Diablo 2. (They don't even fit.) Diablo 2 CD-keys don't work in Warcraft 2. (They do fit.)
That alone is enough to determine each client uses at least a slight variation of the CD-key verification algorithm.

Quotesome make check all numbers and letters like war3 i know for a fact that they check every n's and l's in a cdkey
I didn't exactly understand what you mean, but I think you're saying every digit is allowed in CD-keys. This is false.

Months ago, when Skywing and I were working on the Warcraft 3 CD-key decoding algorithm for BNLS, I found out this interesting fact: Not all digits and letters are allowed in keys.
Here is the complete list that I wrote after a little research:

  • Starcraft: All digits are allowed. No letters are allowed.
  • Diablo 2, Lord of Destruction, Warcraft 2: The following digits and letters are not allowed: 0135 AILOQSUY
  • Warcraft 3, (probably) Frozen Throne: The following digits and letters are not allowed: 0135 AILOQSU
I speculated that this was done to prevent users from not recognizing a certain digit (for example, 0 and O look very similar, and so do 5 and S).
Whatever the reason may be, that is the fact.

Quotefor starcraft and di it was diff back then im just going by a previous code that was put upon me.
No comment and/or unable to parse input.

QuoteYoni you should smack yourself in the face then smack your mom for teaching you!!
What are you, in 3rd grade? I'd come up with a brilliant reply if I weren't afraid that doing so would only make me dumber.

Now, some useful information about CD-keys:
The CD-key goes through a process called decoding.
This is done by taking the original CD-key (as it is printed on the label on the jewel case or DVD box), putting it through a mathematical algorithm, and producing three numbers.
These numbers are called the Type, the Serial, and the Secret.
The Type is simply an ID number that specifies the game that the CD-key belongs to.
That is the checking that the game installers perform - just if the ID matches the game.
The Serial and the Secret have some connection which only Blizzard knows the details of. Their server checks this, but the client (installer) doesn't - this is why it's so easy to generate a CD-key that works in the installer, but so hard to generate one that works on Battle.net. The algorithm is found only in the server, which makes it impossible to reverse-engineer it (nobody has the binaries of the servers except Blizzard).


Back to the original topic...
Quote from: Kp on May 06, 2003, 08:50 PM
The server will ban you for invalid cdkeys.  Apparently the theory is that anyone with an invalid key is probably an illegal user anyway, so it is no loss to ban them.

But in this case I would recieve a 0x200: Invalid CD key reponse first, as indicated by Arta's BnetDocs, correct? I'm recieving no SID_AUTH_CHECK response from the server, just an immediate disconnect and ip ban.


Quote from: K on May 08, 2003, 05:43 PM
But in this case I would recieve a 0x200: Invalid CD key reponse first, as indicated by Arta's BnetDocs, correct? I'm recieving no SID_AUTH_CHECK response from the server, just an immediate disconnect and ip ban.
IIRC, that depends on how invalid the CD-key is.
If the key is just a little invalid, you'll get that. If it's very invalid, you'll get ipbanned.

But I could  be wrong.


IIRC, that depends on how invalid the CD-key is.
If the key is just a little invalid, you'll get that. If it's very invalid, you'll get ipbanned.

I was thinking that myself, if by "a little invalid" you mean it would theoretically install the product and is hashed correctly, and by "very invalid" you mean hashed incorrectly or completely wrong.

I doubt that the problem is with my hashing algorithm, since the hashes it generates are equivalent to those generated by the calchashbuf() and HashData() functions posted elsewhere on this board.

Thanks for the help.


Quote from: Yoni on May 08, 2003, 05:29 PM
Here are some basic guidelines for engaging in intelligent, or at least coherent, conversation:
  • Spelling.
  • Grammar. (I am not trying to be Lindy here, and I don't mind a few spelling/grammar mistakes. As long as it's readable.)
  • Punctuation.
  • Punctuation. (I am usually able to read posts with bad spelling and grammar, but the total misuse/lack of punctuation in the above is almost too much.)
  • Not insulting the person you're attempting to talk to - especially not before verifying the facts.
ok that was dumb!! smite for that 1
I am glad to see that it seemed to work, at least partially. Your latest post in this thread has infinitely better spelling, grammar, and most importantly IMO, punctuation. Great! I'm happy for you. (Not sarcastic.)
The unnecessary insults still need work though. ;)

I'm not 100% sure about this, since I'm not familiar with the old versions.
if your not 100% sure then dont explain a reason to me!!
I was just offering my opinion. At least I said I'm not sure, rather than just saying a lot of nonsense and treating it as solid fact.

What is "the console"? Is it a web site? If so, the CD-keys are very likely stolen or invalid, or collected from other places on the web (which, recursively, are very likely stolen or invalid).
If not, might you want to tell us what that is?
The console is the building where all the computers are at with nerds behind them with there "hacks team", as kenny-z put it, and shit! if it was a website they would be the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet!!
I still don't understand what you were referring to. Maybe I'm just dumb?

Quotesome may check all numbers and letters like war3 i know for a fact that they check every number and letter in a cdkey
I didn't exactly understand what you mean, but I think you're saying every digit is allowed in CD-keys. This is false.
no im saying war3 checks ever number and letter in the cdkey
Ah. That it does. So does every game Blizzard has released which requires a CD-key.

If there was a digit in the CD-key that wasn't checked by the game or server, every CD-key would be worth 10 valid CD-keys (assuming Starcraft-like key), just by changing that digit. Do you really think Blizzard would allow that?

A CD-key's primary function is to prevent piracy. If every CD-key was worth 10 CD-keys, that's like saying "Buy our game once and burn it to 9 of your friends", which is exactly what CD-keys try to prevent.

Months ago, when Skywing and I were working on the Warcraft 3 CD-key decoding algorithm for BNLS, I found out this interesting fact: Not all digits and letters are allowed in keys.
i knew this alrdy when i was into making a bnet cdkey generator. y dont you make a program, if you can, that decodes the cdkeys and find the product Id/serial number/code number, which bnet looks at the list and checks it
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I'm the co-author of BNLS. Wait, never mind, you win. That would be too difficult to make. :(

No comment and/or unable to parse input.
ok no, go dress up as a computer and act like it for halloween not here! this is a forum
What I meant was your message was too unreadable for me to understand. Maybe I'm just being dumb again? :(

Quotewe started messing around with it and ended up gettin ip banned everytime and warned by blizzard reps.  ;D
You seem to be proud of this fact? Hmmk...


Quote from: Yoni on May 08, 2003, 05:29 PM
Quotethats the way they did it b4 around 1.0 - 1.4 im unsure of the version number, they might have changed it
AFAIK, CD-key encoding and decoding in Starcraft has always been done the same way. I'm not 100% sure about this, since I'm not familiar with the old versions. But it definitely never was as simple as you described.
actually, it was sent in clear text origionally. still is with jstr.

Quote from: Yoni on May 08, 2003, 05:29 PM
Quotemost likly each client has a different set numbers to confirm
That is quite obvious. Starcraft CD-keys don't work in Diablo 2. (They don't even fit.) Diablo 2 CD-keys don't work in Warcraft 2. (They do fit.)
That alone is enough to determine each client uses at least a slight variation of the CD-key verification algorithm.
if you'll notice the 'product id' returned from cd key decoding: it is unique to each game type
(starcraft is 1, war2 is 4, d2 is 6, etc)

QuoteThe CD-key goes through a process called decoding.
This is done by taking the original CD-key (as it is printed on the label on the jewel case or DVD box), putting it through a mathematical algorithm, and producing four numbers.
These numbers are called the Type, the Serial, and the Secret.
that's three numbers :)


Quoteactually, it was sent in clear text origionally. still is with jstr.
Ah, you're right, I forgot. Thanks :)
But the point is, it doesn't "skip" any digits like SubLiminaL_WolF suggested.

Quotethat's three numbers
Yes, I was just impersonating Monty Python.
err, n/m. fixed :)


correction *in ever sayd anything about skipping digits* :P


Quotethere isnt that many bcuz within the cdkey there is a code that reches the limit of 5 numbers or letters the added crap is used for whole cdkey purposes (ex. *not a real key* 2517-55243-8495) within the cdkey is a 5 digit code that bnet reads for a check number the rest of the code is unknown to me right now so i call it crap and the 5 digit code is not the middle 5 digits its a mix like XX17XX2XX84XX might be the code they check
What did you mean then? *confused*
It seems like you meant they "check" only some digits in the key, and skip the others.


Quote from: SubLiminaL_WolF on May 08, 2003, 08:41 PM
--*Applauds Camel*-- ;D ;D
atleast someone accually gets this and the secret number is a variation of 3 numbers cuz there is only 10 numbers in the numeral system thats including 0 and each number XXX is 0-9

"number" != 'digit'
(notice the variations on quotes, eh?)

stop thinking in base 10; it's bad for you

Banana fanna fo fanna

Disclaimer: this is a flame greater than most of my flames (which means its really bad), so don't read any further if you're offended by flames.

To start off, Wolf, do you read JeffK? In fact, ARE you JeffK? Cause you sound a lot like him, except he punctuates and you don't type as fast as him :P.

Second, posts with one big runon sentence piss me off. What's wrong with your period key?

Third, Yoni is smarter than most of the people on this forum AND he can ban you from this forum. Since that sounds a lot like a suckup, I'll compensate by saying hes a teenager and instead of going outside he's doing math problems ;)

Fourth, why would you send 0x50 between the SYN and SYN,ACK? It would obviously not happen, because of the seq. numbers in TCP packets. I'm sure you know this.

Fifth, where do you get your information from? I don't even know how the CD key algorithms work and I can still tell you're wrong.

Sixth, you are gay.

Seventh, you are going the way of ILurker, but faster. ILurker was a stupid, pissy newb who thought he was better than a few people. You are a stupid, pissy newb who thinks you are better than everyone else.

Eigth, I am smarter than you, I have a life, and I am straight. So don't even think of trying to come up with a good comeback since you'll get owned like all my former opponents. </joke>

Ninth, you really suck at dissing geeks. If you wanted to properly diss a bnetter, tell them to go play football.

Tenth, I couldn't come up with a tenth reason so I just wrote this instead.

So, taking it upon myself on behalf of my friends, foes, and peers on this forum, I think I can speak for all of us: LEAVE, WE DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AND YOUR MIXED-CAPS USERNAME EVER AGAIN.

P.S. You've been added to my list. If you're wondering what the list is, just look at the replies to all of your future posts.

$t0rm:][) out.


And who's to say he doesnt ponder his algorithms and cogitate on his cosines under the shade of a lowly elm, surrounded by fern in a remote forest valley?

It's the only way to do it, in my view. :P
