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Paste the last thing you copied!

Started by Akamas, September 14, 2004, 12:39 PM

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[5:15:29 PM] «Screenor» great? you must feel special -.-


[02:00:05] *** One or more messages may have been undeliverable.  Try closing and reopening this window.



int rmban(char buf[512], char *auser, int *rstatus, char *option, std::map < std::string, Data::database_user_data > &rDatabaseUserMap, std::queue < std::string > &rBnetMsgQueue)

   std::string::size_type access = rDatabaseUserMap[auser].flags.find('D', 0);

   if (std::string::npos == access)
      return 0;

   if (!stricmp(option, "status"))
      if (*rstatus == 1)
         sprintf(buf, "/w %s Info:  on", auser);
         return 1;
      else if (*rstatus == 0)
         sprintf(buf, "/w %s Info:  off", auser);
         return 1;
   else if (!stricmp(option, "off"))
      *rstatus = 0;
      sprintf(buf, "/w %s Success:  Repeated Messages Ban -> off", auser);
      std::string sbuf(buf); rBnetMsgQueue.push(sbuf);
      sprintf(buf, "Channel Status:  Repeated Messages Ban mode disabled by %s", auser);
      sbuf = buf;
      return 1;
   else if (!stricmp(option, "on"))
      *rstatus = 1;
      sprintf(buf, "/w %s Success:  Repeated Messages Ban -> on", auser);
      std::string sbuf(buf); rBnetMsgQueue.push(sbuf);
      sprintf(buf, "Channel Status:  Repeated Messages Ban mode enabled by %s", auser);
      sbuf = buf;
      return 1;


I guess this turned into paste-something-you-think-is-cool-or-leet-so-people-will-think-you're-cool-or-leet.
Personally, I usually have stuff like:
on my clipboard.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


{12:19:17} Thor: greetings friend
{12:19:48} David: Um hi o.0
{12:25:04} Thor: Im teaching you about god
{12:25:04} Thor: k here we go
{12:25:13} Thor: god came to my house one day
{12:25:15} Thor: and said sup
{12:25:16} Thor: so i hit him
{12:25:18} Thor: then he died
{12:25:21} Thor: :(
{12:25:26} Thor: god was  a pretty nice guy
{12:25:29} Thor: till he died
{12:25:29} Thor: ;(


Quote from: Eibro[yL] on September 24, 2004, 10:29 AM
I guess this turned into paste-something-you-think-is-cool-or-leet-so-people-will-think-you're-cool-or-leet.
Personally, I usually have stuff like:
on my clipboard.
I'm guessing that was directed toward me. I was helping someone out on another board. Here's what it was in reply too.
Quotefreebsd installation help posted Today 09:33 AM
   (post #1)

In my ol(64MB+pIII) machine ( ol that's why i choosed freebsd on AO seniors advice) I did successfully installed win2k but when I am installing freebsd, on the standerd installation it says

**No disks found! Please verify your disk controller is being properly probed at boot time.**

damn it, how can i install win2k at the same machine when(if) there is no disk ???

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe
To lazy for slackware.


QuoteBa Baal 005
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: Eibro[yL] on September 24, 2004, 10:29 AM
I guess this turned into paste-something-you-think-is-cool-or-leet-so-people-will-think-you're-cool-or-leet.
Personally, I usually have stuff like:
on my clipboard.

Actually, I just post whatevers on my clipboard - most of the time I don't know what it is either. Just whenever I see this post replied to, I reply. :) With that said:



I'm soo fucken leet I have a shitload of code on my clipboard!

your dirty

**I was spamming my friend**
Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 14, 2006, 04:57 PM
Well, I want some too. Greedy Yoni should stop hogging it.


<%@ Page enableViewState="False" Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OLEDB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Configuration" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OLEDB" %>
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
   Dim menuconn as OleDbConnection
   DBConn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Server=quasi-ke.servebeer.com,1439;User ID=peo;Password=#####;database=H_cms")
   Dim menufillcommand As oledbdataadapter
   dim menuitems as new dataset
   menufillcommand = new oledbdataadapter ("Select id, name from pages order by id desc", DBConn)
   menufillcommand.fill(menuitems, "thepages")
End Sub
<title>Right align</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "layout.css";</style>
<div id="Header"><img src="banner.gif" alt="Where can we take your business?"/></div>
<div id="frame">
 <div class="Content">
   <p> Eum erat in nisl iusto illum vulputate at feugiat, ullamcorper dignissim
     dolor adipiscing iusto qui tation te facilisis molestie ea qui aliquip molestie,
     ut, aliquam praesent. Delenit vulputate, nonummy nostrud luptatum lobortis
     ipsum et euismod te ullamcorper, consequat lobortis minim wisi augue, duis
     diam esse ullamcorper duis ex vel odio dolore. Veniam ut vel aliquip iusto
     et feugait ex tincidunt illum luptatum eu te in hendrerit eu minim augue
     sit. </p>
 <div class="Content2">
   <p> Qui eros praesent vulputate blandit eum nulla iriure vulputate hendrerit
     hendrerit dolore in blandit ut exerci veniam augue enim vero et dolore luptatum
     eu eros feugait. Illum exerci autem wisi in at commodo quis aliquip dolore
     te velit ad, sed ut ullamcorper. Laoreet autem vel aliquip nulla zzril blandit
     nulla odio dignissim. Autem eros dolore, duis in consectetuer, eum zzril,
     consectetuer odio suscipit dignissim. At praesent nulla volutpat vero ut
     dignissim consequat nulla commodo dolore minim ea nulla iriure facilisi,
     dolore, enim suscipit. Luptatum delenit in, volutpat amet consequat esse
     elit nulla velit, delenit duis lobortis, exerci, illum et et veniam nulla,
     molestie ex et dolor. </p>
 <div class="Content" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
   <p> Suscipit dolore ut ut vel aliquip iusto et feugait ex tincidunt illum
     luptatum eu te in hendrerit. Nisl minim augue sit consequat qui iusto consequat
     duis vel feugiat duis facilisis lorem veniam esse. In et feugait, adipiscing
     lorem zzril blandit eum facilisi feugiat commodo feugait et amet tation
     illum. Autem qui ut in sit, vel velit enim ad vero, vel facilisis minim
     dolor nisl laoreet iriure. Aliquip eros molestie dolor eu vel quis, nostrud
     autem dolor et nostrud vulputate delenit erat in nisl iusto illum vulputate
     at feugiat, ullamcorper dignissim dolor adipiscing. Consequat qui tation
     te facilisis molestie ea qui aliquip molestie, ut, aliquam praesent luptatum
     vulputate, nonummy nostrud luptatum lobortis ipsum et euismod te ullamcorper,
     consequat. </p>
 <div id="Menu">
   <ul id="linklst">
     <li><a href="/design/index.aspx">Main</a></li>
     <asp:repeater id="pagelst" runat="server" EnableViewState="false">
         <li><a href="/design/secondary.aspx?pageid=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "id") %>">
           <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "name") %>
 <div id="footer">(c) + footer&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>

just something I was playing with....
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle



This thread sucks.  Each time I read it there's always super-secret data in my clipboard which, if posted, would harm the very existence of the universe.
