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Problem with Addin Webbot

Started by PaiD, August 16, 2004, 05:51 PM

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Ok I have packet logged Webbot many times on this and I have come up with this. How ever when I send it, it doesnt show up on http://www.valhallalegends.com/skywing/isapi/BinaryChatISAPI.dll?channelenum

Private Function Parse0x0D(Data As String)
Select Case Asc(Mid(Data, 5, 4))
 Case &H0: frmWebbot.FormHost.AddToMain vbGreen, "[Webbot] Login Failed."
 Case &H1: frmWebbot.FormHost.AddToMain vbGreen, "[Webbot] Login Passed."
   Send0x0B "URL http://botdev.valhallalegends.com/webbot/webchannel.asp?BotName=" & GetStuff("WebChannel", "Name") & "&ChannelName=Clan Demo"
   Send0x0B "event 12 0 0 " & CLng(Time) & " " & Username & " [Webbot.dll] [v1.0.0] [Beta]"
 Case Else: frmWebbot.FormHost.AddToMain vbGreen, "[Webbot] Case: " & Mid(Data, 5, 4)
End Select
End Function

Any1 have any ideas?


SPHT would have your head if he knew you were trying to emulate your own web bot, but still using VL's service :P


no. There is a WebChannel Document tell people how to support it.



CLng(Time) doesn't look too good.  Is your botnet account in the WebChannel database with access to broadcast? Also, are you sending those chat messages to WebChannel?


Quote from: Spht on August 07, 2004, 12:07 AM
WebChannel Account Name DeMo has been registered. After you've successfully logged on, go to the following URL to find your web broadcast page: http://www.valhallalegends.com/skywing/isapi/BinaryChatISAPI.dll?channelenum

If WebBot is running: You must close it, then open it again in order for the full registration to be applied.

Yes. and I have changed the cLng(Time) to just time.
Any ideas now?


You called your BinaryChatISAPI bot "WebBot"?  I think that could cause some confusion...


Quote from: ChR0NiC on August 16, 2004, 05:57 PM
SPHT would have your head if he knew you were trying to emulate your own web bot, but still using VL's service :P

I don't mind.  I don't see the purpose though.

If it's just for yourself, have fun.  But if it's for the public, note that each user will have to get their account registered by me...


Quote from: Spht on August 16, 2004, 06:19 PM
You called your BinaryChatISAPI bot "WebBot"?  I think that could cause some confusion...
I dont understand what you mean

Edit: After I reread what you said I got it


Spht, Do you know what I am doing wrong here?


You're only added to the available channels list if the service knows what channel you're in (from EID_CHANNEL).


Ok Do I tell it with a Statsupdate? or the URL message?


Quote from: Spht on August 16, 2004, 06:19 PM
You called your BinaryChatISAPI bot "WebBot"?  I think that could cause some confusion...

Yes I do. How would this cause confusion?


Quote from: DueL on August 16, 2004, 09:39 PM
Quote from: Spht on August 16, 2004, 06:19 PM
You called your BinaryChatISAPI bot "WebBot"?  I think that could cause some confusion...

Yes I do. How would this cause confusion?

Because there's already a bot named WebBot - get your own names


Ok it is now called WebService. And After I send 0x0D and get a passed login I send a Statsupdate and then a message to webChannel with the "url (url)" then I send it the event 12 wih some stuff. What am I doing wrong now? it isnt showin up in BinaryChatISAPI