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Albert Einstein: The all time most overrated genius.

Started by Yoni, August 15, 2004, 12:31 PM

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Yeah, he rocks. But everyone should cut the worshipping. Euler is way cooler.

Today, "Einstein" is a synonym of "genius". Mention the name of Euler to the average person, though, and you will get blank stares.

Euler > Einstein.

Soul Taker


Ken Jennings > Euler
Ken Jennings > google


It pisses me off when people say "euler" wrong.  It's pronounced OILER.  OILER!!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You-Ler > OILER
Eye-A-Go > iago

I rule at pronouncing everything wrong.   :'(


Quote from: Eli_1 on August 16, 2004, 05:31 AM
You-Ler > OILER
Eye-A-Go > iago

I rule at pronouncing everything wrong.   :'(
I always say Ya-Go --> iago. Im welsh and my name in welsh is iago!


Quote from: iago on August 15, 2004, 10:02 PM
It pisses me off when people say "euler" wrong.  It's pronounced OILER.  OILER!!
Thank you. You win 5 Yoni Points.


I - Go


Einstein isn't that great .. I mean what exactly did he do anyways?!


No actually I have no clue what Einstein is famous for

e=mc2 woo hoo


He did stuff with Germany regarding nuclear things.

Wow I don't know **** all about him :'(


In 1905, Einstein published three articles.
One was his explanation for the photoelectric effect.
One was about special relativity.
And one more, that I forgot what it was about.

The special relativity article was the major breakthrough, but he won his Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect explanation (apparently, the Nobel prize awarders recognized the importance  of the special relativity, but felt reluctant to give a Nobel prize for something that they didn't understand).

Euler, who lived in the 18th century, is the most productive mathematician who ever lived. He wrote over 800 articles. Much of his work was done after he became blind (first in one eye, later in the other) - his phenomenal memory, with an ability to make calculations of 50 figures after the decimal in his head, helped him continue his work on mathematics.

In every branch of mathematics (except, possibly, Euclidean geometry, which is practically the same now as it was in 300 B.C.), you may encounter Euler's footprint. You will see functions, constants, variables, theorems, notations and the like named after Euler in calculus, number theory, statistics, computer science(*), etc.

"He calculated just as men breathe, as eagles sustain themselves in the air." - François Arago

(*) Computer science is a branch of mathematics (if you wish to disagree, please do so in a new thread, preferably started in the Trash Can). One of the subjects in computer science is Graph Theory. Graph Theory was essentially invented by Euler.


Quote from: Yoni on August 16, 2004, 06:00 PM
In 1905, Einstein published three articles.
One was his explanation for the photoelectric effect.
One was about special relativity.
And one more, that I forgot what it was about.

The special relativity article was the major breakthrough, but he won his Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect explanation (apparently, the Nobel prize awarders recognized the importance  of the special relativity, but felt reluctant to give a Nobel prize for something that they didn't understand).

Euler, who lived in the 18th century, is the most productive mathematician who ever lived. He wrote over 800 articles. Much of his work was done after he became blind (first in one eye, later in the other) - his phenomenal memory, with an ability to make calculations of 50 figures after the decimal in his head, helped him continue his work on mathematics.

In every branch of mathematics (except, possibly, Euclidean geometry, which is practically the same now as it was in 300 B.C.), you may encounter Euler's footprint. You will see functions, constants, variables, theorems, notations and the like named after Euler in calculus, number theory, statistics, computer science(*), etc.

"He calculated just as men breathe, as eagles sustain themselves in the air." - François Arago

(*) Computer science is a branch of mathematics (if you wish to disagree, please do so in a new thread, preferably started in the Trash Can). One of the subjects in computer science is Graph Theory. Graph Theory was essentially invented by Euler.

Thanks for the history lesson Yoni, I feel smarter already :)


The reason he is overrated is because he is the most publicized. I have never heard of Euler outside of some conversations.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on August 17, 2004, 06:15 AM
The reason he is overrated is because he is the most publicized. I have never heard of Euler outside of some conversations.
That, or because he lived more recently. I wonder if Euler had similar fame in the 18th-early 19th century.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Yoni on August 17, 2004, 04:10 PM
Quote from: j0k3r on August 17, 2004, 06:15 AM
The reason he is overrated is because he is the most publicized. I have never heard of Euler outside of some conversations.
That, or because he lived more recently. I wonder if Euler had similar fame in the 18th-early 19th century.
I hope not.  Euler SUCKS!!!! (sucked?  Oh well, you get point)


Euler is great. So is Mr E=MC^2.  But who cares, these guys didnt make any money... I'll tell you who kicks ass, the guy that marries paris hilton.... You get a hot wife, who loves to make videos.. lots of cash for whatever she wants..... and then you can spend all day revolutionizing mathematics.. until then concentrate on getting hot rich girls.. it's waaaay more fun too.