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Cisco 12816 Router Price

Started by MrRaza, May 19, 2004, 08:23 AM

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Im looking fro a price on this router, I've searched google(so dont bother asking). If anyone can help, or give me a reasonable and close to approx. price, it'd be of great help.





I like to go to www.newegg.com for computer stuff.


Quote from: LW-Falcon on May 19, 2004, 03:32 PM
I like to go to www.newegg.com for computer stuff.

Quote from: Vicious on May 19, 2004, 10:49 AM
I looked on ebay, but I didn't see one of those with that number.  :(


Quote from: MrRaza on May 19, 2004, 08:23 AM
Im looking fro a price on this router, I've searched google(so dont bother asking). If anyone can help, or give me a reasonable and close to approx. price, it'd be of great help.

Why are you starting a datacenter or huge corporation overnight? I don't even want to know why you need what is probably the most expensive terabit router available but that doesn't even matter. I don't have to give you the google lecture because in this case if you're seriously needing the price on such enterprise equipment of this nature you should go directly to the corporation and either have called them or registered with their online ordering service. You're either too stupid to be in a position to order this sophisticated of equipment or just being a little prick and wasting peoples time.
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Grok on May 19, 2004, 05:02 PM
Good job helping, Hostile!!
PS: Groks a newb :P! I was typing the rest when you posted that.

Actually, I typed up a responce to him, then I went to submit and that goddamn error came up again when you modify a post and it says you have to register to post. So I had to re-type it and was all flamed out from the first time so the flame MrRaza got now is more like a spark then a flame.  :'(
- Hostile is sexy.


Wow, take it easy you spaz. I'm completing my CCNA final project and I need a router, we can buy anything we want, it doesn't matter what you think at all. Just so you know. You need to learn to have some respect.


ok, but you're still lazy for asking here. Just because google doesn't always work doesn't excuse you from not looking at the company who makes the products website any. Sure google is fine but its not a substitute for common sense.  ::) If it doesn't matter what I think then don't ask where I can see it, dumbass. Whoops I didn't show respect to the lazy man, shame on me.
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: MrRaza on May 19, 2004, 10:33 PM
Wow, take it easy you spaz. I'm completing my CCNA final project and I need a router, we can buy anything we want, it doesn't matter what you think at all. Just so you know. You need to learn to have some respect.

You can buy a $20,000 router for your CCNA final project?  That sounds ridiculous.


Even if they're pretending thats a bit rediculous. What company* wants to hire someone who recommends massive over-kill and for a network solution. :P
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Hostile on May 19, 2004, 11:14 PM
Even if they're pretending thats a bit rediculous. What company* wants to hire someone who recommends massive over-kill and for a network solution. :P

Right.  I'd bet the assignment, while to purchase "any router you wish" is to see if he can scale the purchase size to the needs of the network parameters.