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Started by eXShadow, May 02, 2004, 07:27 AM

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Hey when i try to send

   With pBuffer
    .InsertDWORD 1
    .InsertDWORD 4
    .InsertNTString varUser
    .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
    .InsertNTString "profile\age"
    .InsertNTString "profile\location"
    .InsertNTString "profile\description"
    .InsertNTString varUser & " ¯¯¯"
    .SendPacket &H27
   End With

i get ipbanned, i know this has been discussed and i searched the forums but couldnt find it  :(
Which dword do i need to change and to what?



It's formed incorrectly.

(from bnetdocs)
Quote(DWORD)       Number of Accounts
(DWORD)       Number of Keys
(DWORD)       Request ID
(STRING[])    Requested Accounts
(STRING[])    Requested Keys

Also:You're requesting an invalid number of keys, you're not inserting the request ID, and you're sending the wrong packet. Also, what is this for? .InsertNTString varUser & " ¯¯¯" I see no reason why you need to have that there, it should be null.

Edit: Maybe I misunderstood your question. Are you trying to request a profile, or write your own?


sorry maybe you did misunderstand, im trying to write my own profile.

.InsertNTString varUser & " ¯¯¯"

is what should be written to sex.

when using the following it works completely fine:

   With pBuffer
    .InsertDWORD 1
    .InsertDWORD 4
    .InsertNTString varUser
    .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
    .InsertNTString "profile\age"
    .InsertNTString "profile\location"
    .InsertNTString "profile\description"
    .InsertNTString ">SeX< ¯¯¯¯¯"
    .InsertNTString "AGE"
    .InsertNTString " ~>LOCATION<~"
    .InsertNTString " ~> DESCRIPTION<~
    .SendPacket &H27
   End With

that works fine, it overwrites the profile with the new info without any problems, but i only want it to write to the sex field.


Ah, ok that explains it. Well, if you only want to write one field, why are you saying you're going to write 4?

With pbuffer
   .InsertDWORD 1
   .InsertDWORD 1
   .InsertNTString varUser
   .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
   .InsertNTString varUser & " ¯¯¯"
   .sendPacket &H27
End With

Edit: forgot code tags
Edit2: What's the purpose of writing the username and a line into the sex field? Not to mention only writing the sex field.



With PBuffer
    .InsertDWORD 1
    .InsertDWORD 4
    .InsertNTString Me.Caption
    .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
    .InsertNTString "profile\age"
    .InsertNTString "profile\location"
    .InsertNTString "profile\description"
    .InsertNTString txtSex.text
    .InsertNTString txtAge.text
    .InsertNTString txtLocation.text
    .InsertNTString txtDescription.text
    .sendPacket &H27
End With
unload me


I wanted this code because i want it to write the bot version to the sex field. was only using varUser as example  :P


Quote from: hismajesty on May 02, 2004, 07:52 AM
Ah, ok that explains it. Well, if you only want to write one field, why are you saying you're going to write 4?

With pbuffer
   .InsertDWORD 1
   .InsertDWORD 1
   .InsertNTString varUser
   .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
   .InsertNTString varUser & " ¯¯¯"
   .sendPacket &H27
End With

Edit: forgot code tags
Edit2: What's the purpose of writing the username and a line into the sex field? Not to mention only writing the sex field.

eXShadow, that will work. Just ignore Gosugaming.


Quote from: eXShadow on May 02, 2004, 09:05 AM
I wanted this code because i want it to write the bot version to the sex field. was only using varUser as example  :P

ah, k. So, you've gotten it all fixed no?


yep its all working.

just another quick question, i made a small graphic and saved it as an ico file but itwont allow me to use it as an icon for the form? What do i need to do to make it accept it, size maybe?


it has to be .ico, I'm not sure about the size but it must be a .ico file


There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


Mine is 32x32 and I have no problems with it, I think 48x48 is max size anyway's so I don't see why size should be an issue.

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.


Quote from: LordNevar on May 02, 2004, 12:03 PM
Mine is 32x32 and I have no problems with it, I think 48x48 is max size anyway's so I don't see why size should be an issue.

I use a very large icon. And it still works. It's 91x96 and it works perfectly.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Quote from: Newby on May 02, 2004, 12:12 PM
Quote from: LordNevar on May 02, 2004, 12:03 PM
Mine is 32x32 and I have no problems with it, I think 48x48 is max size anyway's so I don't see why size should be an issue.

I use a very large icon. And it still works. It's 91x96 and it works perfectly.

A single icon file can hold multiple icons with different dimentions.  My WebBot icon contains a 16x16 icon (for control box, system tray, "small icon" explorer view), a 32x32 icon (for "large icon" explorer view), and a 48x48 icon (for "use large icons" explorer view).