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/me or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned To Love the Bomb

Started by T-Bone, March 09, 2004, 01:01 AM

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I usually respond to T-Bone or TJ.

I'm just getting involved in the forums, but my roommate (Zackath) has been pretty involved on the forums for awhile.  I am not a CS major and any code I write is usually for embedded systems.

The Programming Languages I know:
8086 Assembly
PIC Assembly

I consider myself a bit of an expert on Beer and Music.  

I probably have:
300 33 rpm records
50 45 rpm records
100 CDs
and thats a conservative estimate.


To lazy for slackware.


There are certain punk bands I do like (such The Jam, or The Living Edge).  But on a whole I do not like punk.  There are so many bad punk bands out there.

I listen to pretty much all genres of music with a few small exceptions (such as emo and pop country).  Lately I've been into Scandinavian progressive metal so my tastes do vary quite a lot.


I saw all the 45s and just made an assumption. Where are you from?
To lazy for slackware.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: crashtestdummy on March 09, 2004, 10:20 PM
I saw all the 45s and just made an assumption. Where are you from?
I'm from Connecticut, but spend a significant portion of the year in Massachusetts.  I know what you were thinking of with all the 45s and the connection to Punk music.  I've been to enough punk shows were they bands are selling their singles on 45s.  I do have a few of those, but most of my 45s are from my dad's record collection which he gave to me.  

Quote from: Hazard on March 10, 2004, 07:04 PM
A Dr. Strangelove ripoff...

A clear Dr. Strangelove ripoff.  

