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Strange Behavior

Started by o.OV, March 05, 2004, 02:48 PM

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                   'cBuff(1 to 256) as Byte _
                    X7 as Long _
                       1. Both native Functions requires a Number for an argument _
                       2. cBuff() must be an argument in at least one of these two native Functions _
                           Hex cBuff(1) _
                           Str cBuff(256) _
                       3. It can be placed anywhere in the current Sub/Function _
                           and it doesn't need to be called.. ever
                   'this handles ServerHash when it arrives
                   MemCopy X7, cBuff(9), 4          

The question is why does Hex/Str
need to have a cBuff() item as an argument
when Hex/Str will NEVER be called.
Without Hex/Str somewhere in there, I get IPBANNED.
It is a strange behavior that I am hoping someone could explain.


Without Hex/Str

outgoing: ChrW$(1)
outgoing: 30
outgoing: 6
outgoing: 37
incoming: 5
incoming: 29

How did I get IPBANNED when I didn't send anything..

With Hex/Str anywhere in the Sub

outgoing: ChrW$(1)
outgoing: 30
outgoing: 6
outgoing: 37
incoming: 5
incoming: 29
incoming: 37
incoming: 6
outgoing: 7
incoming: 7
outgoing: 45
incoming: 45
outgoing: 54
incoming: 54
outgoing: 41
incoming: 41
outgoing: 20
outgoing: 10
outgoing: 12
incoming: 10
incoming: 15
incoming: 15
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. - Albert Einstein


Remove it from everywhere except here:

   If 1 = 2 Then
       Hex cBuff(1)
       Str cBuff(256)
   End If

Still works?


Quote from: Grok on March 05, 2004, 04:17 PM
Remove it from everywhere except here:

   If 1 = 2 Then
       Hex cBuff(1)
       Str cBuff(256)
   End If

Still works?

I am already using a temporary solution similar to that..
but I still don't understand what is happening.

Any ideas?

Heh. Problem went away..
All I needed to do was reboot..
Ok. Topic change.

Why did I need to reboot?
Memory related problems?
Any suggestions to solve this?
Is this a problem in hardware configuration?
or software?
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. - Albert Einstein