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Started by o0black0o, January 24, 2004, 11:32 PM

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Well I suppose I am going to introduce myself.

Name is Jeff. Im 17 years old living in Texas at the moment.
I know quite a bit of Java and HTML/PHP, and speak english and some french. I have a xbox and a gamecube along with my pc (duh). Im on a 56k Internet connection. Bnet games I play consists(spelled right?) of StarCraft: Brood War and Diablo(1). In my spare time I play basketball, Im looking forward to the all-star games tommarow (Sunday).

In conclusion, I just want to say this is a awsome setting you guys have here and I am proud to be here ( yeah I know - im a suck up).

I also would be willing to host any files you may need to be hosted. I have over 400mb and unlimited transfer/bandwitch.

Happy Trails


[23:34:33] /stats
[23:34:33] User.Loser.'s record:
[23:34:33] Normal games: 25493-0-32
[23:34:33] Ladder games: 0-0-0
[23:34:33] IronMan games: 1-0-0 (rating 1250)


Quote from: UserLoser. on January 24, 2004, 11:34 PM
[23:34:33] /stats
[23:34:33] User.Loser.'s record:
[23:34:33] Normal games: 25493-0-32
[23:34:33] Ladder games: 0-0-0
[23:34:33] IronMan games: 1-0-0 (rating 1250)
