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Help with BNLS

Started by Jaquio, January 13, 2004, 11:11 PM

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I am in need of help with BNLS I have followed cupheads example but for some odd reason I cannot get it to work. I can get hashes to work just want BNLS also so could someone please help me with this. I would really like the help.


Sure thing ill help you with your totally unspecific problem!!
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


As Null pointed out somewhat sarcastically, it's going to be a bit hard to help you since you didn't specify anything to work with.  Assuming you're new rather than stupid, here's some things we'll need:

* Language.  I'm guessing VB since you mentioned CupHead's tutorial.
* Specific nature of the problem - can you compile?  Link?  Run?
* What you've tried in order to resolve it.
* What (if any) effect your attempted solutions had on the problem
* Whether you actually have a BNLS login.  Without one, you won't get very far trying to use BNLS.

Answer that list and we'll have enough information someone might be able to give you a good answer.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


yes the language is VB. I can compile and run it, its just my account doenst show up in the channel. I have tried changing things like my cdkeys and servers. It had no effect what so ever on it. Yes I do have a BNLS account.

I hope that helps if not just say so and I will post more.


A specific example maybe? A bit of code that hints us to your direct problem?


Private Sub Form_Load()
With CleanSlateBot1
   .BNLSBotID = "My BNLS ID"
   .BNLSBotPassword = "My BNLS Pass"
   .CDKey = "My CD-Key"
   .ChangePassword = False
   .Character = ""
   .HomeChannel = "Testing"
   .LODKey = ""
   .NewPassword = "None"
   .Password = "My Password"
   .Product = "PXES"
   .Realm = "USEast"
   .Server = "useast.battle.net"
   .UseRealm = False
   .Username = "My Username"
   .UseUDP = False
End With
End Sub

That is my code thats all I have since im not making anymore until I get BNLS to work. Thats stright from cup heads example and yes I did fill in the correct info.


How can someone not get CSB to work?


Heck if I know that code just doesnt work... It is right isnt it.. If not could someone please help me get it right.

Soul Taker

Not positive as I've never used CSB, but I've noticed in previous posts people seemed to have to set an Accept value or something similar.


Quote from: Soul Taker on January 14, 2004, 03:16 AM
Not positive as I've never used CSB, but I've noticed in previous posts people seemed to have to set an Accept value or something similar.

An accept value? What other posts were these they may help.


Straight from cuheads site that you said you used. try to read it completely, because i see something in this code that you do not have

-=-                                                         -=-
-=- 6.1 Quick Demo                                          -=-
-=-    Create a form, add the OCX to your project, drop one -=-
-=- onto your form.  Then, double click your form and add   -=-
-=- this to Form_Load:                                      -=-
-=-                                                         -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotID = "La la la..."                -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotPassword = "Nuh uh!"              -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.CDKey = "Zorm left his key here.  =X"    -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Product = "PXES"                         -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = "Clan Ze][2o"              -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Password = "Hahaha!  No."                -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Username = "Zorm"                        -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = "bleh"                     -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = False                   -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Server = "usw-bna-chat03.battle.net"     -=-
-=- CleanSlateBot1.Accept = -65                             -=-
That's all it takes.  Assuming you fix the information.


Hrm... Well guess what here is my code.

Public Sub Form_Load()
CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotID = "My ID"
CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotPassword = "My Id Password"
CleanSlateBot1.CDKey = "4???87???28??"
CleanSlateBot1.Product = "PXES"
CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = "Testing"
CleanSlateBot1.Password = "??????"
CleanSlateBot1.Username = "?????"
CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = ""
CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = False
CleanSlateBot1.Server = ""
CleanSlateBot1.Accept = -65
End Sub

And it still does not work. I think I am doing something majorly wrong the example says the bot will show up in the channel correct? well it don't do I have to make the rest of the bot before it will work?


Note: I am fairly sure the accept value has changed from "-65". It's a 5 digit number now I think. It *might* be here in the archives somewhere - use the search facility.
^-----silly Brit


I got it, I re-looked at cupheads example and for some reason I never noticed the .Accept value which is 579728 I not once have ever seen it there...

Oh forgot btw I got it working thanks everyone who helped and I guess since I got it working topic closed.


the .accept value is now 579728