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Whats you thought on this?

Started by Mitosis, January 09, 2004, 05:32 AM

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Subject is euthanasia. Tell us if you are against or for euthanasia. State points of why or why not. Give major points of your attacker and then defend against them.

Here is what I think of euthanasia. [By the way, this is the essay I had to write]

Conquering Death


Euthanasia, a person with AIDS asks you to kill them because they are suffering tremendously. Pretty much committing suicide just in a different fashion. Now don't the 10 Commandments say, "You shall not kill"? Well let's take a deeper look into euthanasia. As you read on you will understand why euthanasia is wrong. You will learn why people are using this "mercy kill" method to their advantage. Also you will learn why I am against euthanasia.

Suicide, it's not the way out. People may think that euthanasia isn't suicide, but if you look at the perspectives of it, it truly is. Would you like to have the guilt of killing somebody even with his or her own permission?

Everyone remembers that farmer that killed his daughter that had MS. Let me tell you the story. This story is a form of euthanasia. His daughter did not ask to be killed now did she? We all know she couldn't react with people though. But wait, her father though, "Hmm I cannot stand to see my daughter suffer anymore! I cannot! I will put her out of her misery. It is the best thing for her."

Well now, how do we not know that she was enjoying life just the way it was, even if she was sick? She could have loved just waking up in the morning and smelling the fresh air and being around her family. Just because she was seriously ill does not mean she had no rights! But we will never know.

For killing his child the farmer was put into jail. Guilty as charged. Many people that have heard this story think it is completely wrong that he was put into jail for killing his daughter. Well let's see. He killed his child, but people only think he shouldn't be in jail because he was doing it to "put her out of her misery". I will say this again and again; did she ask to be killed? No she did not ask to be killed, and would it be possible that she wanted to live her life to its fullest? See new things, live as long as she could? Yes that is possible, but people don't think that.

A terminally ill cancer patient asks his or her doctor to be over dosed on morphine and killed. Ask yourself this. What would you do in this situation, let the person kill him or herself? Or instead refuse and try your best to help them to live longer. What do you think of this? Well where should I start? Personally I see this as murder, just in a "kind" way. You are STILL taking the persons life even if they approve of you doing so. The final impact on ones family is devastating. The family might start to think that there ill family member might not have loved his or her family, or hated his life. The thoughts people can have can change drastically. Now would you call that right? Leave your family heartbroken? This ONE of the reasons why euthanasia is terribly wrong!.

Now travel with me to the mind of the cancer patient. The patient cannot stand the trauma that he or she is going through and asks to be drugged to death. The patient thinks that this is the best way instead of being constantly hurt from his or her disease. Nonetheless this is suicide. But does this patient think of what this is going to do to the people around him and the ones who love him/her the most? No, he/she thinks that they would have wanted him/her to end his/her life this way.

"Death solves all problems...no man, no problem" - Joseph Stalin. That is a pretty bold quote that can be used against euthanasia. So this is what you do, you get rid of the terminally ill patient as requested and your problem is solved. No more pain and suffering for you just the people that loved you. That's like saying "we don't really care if you live or die" just as long as your satisfied.

When someone asks you to kill them it is pretty much taking the easy way out. That might sound rude and horrible because they are very sick. But I believe that they are taking the easy way out. They are cheating themselves. Killing themselves, suicide. You are certain to go to hell.

People think that euthanasia is a excellent way to help people because they are getting rid of their pain and suffering. They also might state that, instead of make them live longer but being under tremendous amounts of pain, we can help them by committing euthanasia. But they ARE wrong. People don't bother to think what they are really doing. A lot of people just like to do things that will make them feel better instead of thinking of everyone else. Euthanasia is selfish because you are only helping yourself but really you aren't. People these days are mostly out for themselves, that's why you should think of everyone that cares for you and not just yourself.


If they can clearly think for themself, then I don't see why not let them kill themself/kill them, they've made a choice based on(probably) a lot of thinking about why they want to die. Someone with cancer or aids would have plenty of reason for wanting to die, and wouldn't it be better to kill the person with aids and not have it spread?

Forced euthenasia (someone making the decision for the person) I'd have to disagree with. However like I said if the person in clear consciousness has made the decision, it's their choice and not yours.

Is it murder if you do it yourself or assist them? Yes.

[note]Wow I'm bad at making short essays[/note]
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on January 09, 2004, 07:02 AM
If they can clearly think for themself, then I don't see why not let them kill themself/kill them, they've made a choice based on(probably) a lot of thinking about why they want to die. Someone with cancer or aids would have plenty of reason for wanting to die, and wouldn't it be better to kill the person with aids and not have it spread?

Yes I know it is bad for it to spread but even if they do deside that euthanasia is the only way, they are betraying themselves and God. You are committing suicide and killing yourself. Suicide is the direct way to Hell as it is ritten in the Bible. Plus like I said before, all the hurt and pain leftover for the family to bare? Thats just wrong.


Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 07:18 AM
Quote from: j0k3r on January 09, 2004, 07:02 AM
If they can clearly think for themself, then I don't see why not let them kill themself/kill them, they've made a choice based on(probably) a lot of thinking about why they want to die. Someone with cancer or aids would have plenty of reason for wanting to die, and wouldn't it be better to kill the person with aids and not have it spread?

Yes I know it is bad for it to spread but even if they do deside that euthanasia is the only way, they are betraying themselves and God. You are committing suicide and killing yourself. Suicide is the direct way to Hell as it is ritten in the Bible. Plus like I said before, all the hurt and pain leftover for the family to bare? Thats just wrong.

CounterPoint 1:  The state cannot mandate a particular way of religious thinking.

CounterPoint 2:  I guess people shouldn't be allowed to die, or the family will have hurt and pain to bear.  Dying accidentally or naturally should be illegal.


Quote from: Grok on January 09, 2004, 09:03 AM
Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 07:18 AM
Quote from: j0k3r on January 09, 2004, 07:02 AM
If they can clearly think for themself, then I don't see why not let them kill themself/kill them, they've made a choice based on(probably) a lot of thinking about why they want to die. Someone with cancer or aids would have plenty of reason for wanting to die, and wouldn't it be better to kill the person with aids and not have it spread?

Yes I know it is bad for it to spread but even if they do deside that euthanasia is the only way, they are betraying themselves and God. You are committing suicide and killing yourself. Suicide is the direct way to Hell as it is ritten in the Bible. Plus like I said before, all the hurt and pain leftover for the family to bare? Thats just wrong.
CounterPoint 1:  The state cannot mandate a particular way of religious thinking.
CounterPoint 2:  I guess people shouldn't be allowed to die, or the family will have hurt and pain to bear.  Dying accidentally or naturally should be illegal.
But the laws apply no matter what the state is.

People will die eventually anyways, is the family happier if the person is suffering or out of misery? They're 'want' for the person to be alive can't possibly outweigh his/her suffering.

Suicide is NOT a straight way to hell, unless you're a catholic and that is what you believe. You will end up sinning more if you lived than if you died anyways, what concern have you of sin anyways? I have yet to see anyone not swear, not lust after anyone, not lie, cheat or steal because of sin, yet they're all afraid of suicide.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Regarding 'State'.  While I meant state in it general sense, as in the governing authority with jusisdictional control, your argument is wrong about 'no matter what state'.  The U.S. Consitution concedes to indiviuals those rights which are not relegated to federal or states.  This leaves states in the position to make laws regarding assisted suicide, and in fact this is what you have.  Different states have different laws.  They are not the same no matter what state you're in.


Humans have no right to play God. Everyone has their own rights but you should not even have the choice of killing yourself. If euthanasia was completely legalized people could go around killing other people and say "Oh they wanted me to, mercy kill". Now thats the last thing we all need, more people being killed.


*Cops arrive on scene of a "murder"*

Cop #1: What happened here?
Person Alive: Oh the entire family wanted me to kill them because they were in pain
*Cop #2 looks at $50 million mansion .. wonders*
*Cop #1 kicks dead body next to him*
Cop #1: Hey buddy, did you want him to kill you?
*Dead body lies motionless*
Cop #1: Well, he ain't got shit on you. We'll just move along.

USA if euthanasia was legalized.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Quote from: Newby on January 09, 2004, 03:38 PMUSA if euthanasia was legalized.

That depends a lot on how it's implemented in the law.  It could be done in such a way that it's difficult to abuse.  For instance, if you had to have impartial observers bear witness to the request and sign that they had done so.  (and by impartial observers, I mean people who at least have absolutely nothing to gain from the death, and preferably don't even know the individuals in question).
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 03:31 PM
Humans have no right to play God.

You're right. Only God may give or take life. Typically he'll create life from male ribs. Allowing women to give birth must be immediately forbidden. To restore balance, a death penalty is the natural solution.

You agree?


QuoteTo restore balance, a death penalty is the natural solution.

You agree?
I love the Death Penalty!  I still wish it was a spectator sport.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Adron on January 09, 2004, 05:28 PM
Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 03:31 PM
Humans have no right to play God.

You're right. Only God may give or take life. Typically he'll create life from male ribs. Allowing women to give birth must be immediately forbidden. To restore balance, a death penalty is the natural solution.

You agree?
Sorry Adron, I dont agree. It's not right and it isnt going to solve anything by taking someones life. Just think of it, your the criminal getting the death penalty, you would probably see this as the best for you because your going to die instantly instead of rott in a jail cel. It would be better if you could just make them have an extremely horrible life instead of killing them. Plus, two wrongs dont make a right.


Quote from: Mitosis on January 09, 2004, 05:48 PM
Quote from: Adron on January 09, 2004, 05:28 PM
Allowing women to give birth must be immediately forbidden. To restore balance, a death penalty is the natural solution.
It would be better if you could just make them have an extremely horrible life instead of killing them.

So your suggestion is to make all women that gave birth have an extremely horrible life? I suppose that works...


Alright, I umm, got really confused by reading your post and didnt know that you were talking about women. Suicide is the worst thing you could do to yourself, people dont tend to realise what they are doing. I know that the people that ask to be killed are termonilly ill but it is wrong to take someones life.  Just like Abortion, Capital Punishment and Stem Cell Research. It may seam that we are doing the right thing but we arent!