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Happy Birthday Jesus, and Valhalla Legends

Started by Grok, December 25, 2003, 03:09 PM

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Jesus would've been pretty old by now.

Valhalla Legends is now 4 years old.


Too bad Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. Christmas is a Pagen(sp?) holiday, and every Christmas all the people would freak out and think the world was going to end. So instead of mass chaos the priests decided to celebrate the birth of Jesus to calm the people. See, school subsitutes do teach you stuff. :P



lmao, I didn't even notice the mp3. Great one.


Quote from: hismajesty on December 25, 2003, 03:23 PM
Too bad Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. Christmas is a Pagen(sp?) holiday, and every Christmas all the people would freak out and think the world was going to end. So instead of mass chaos the priests decided to celebrate the birth of Jesus to calm the people. See, school subsitutes do teach you stuff. :P

pretty sure you're wrong, iirc December 25th was yes originally a Pagen holiday but the early christains, who basically made up Jesus' birthday off of an educated guess decided thats when they would celebrate Jesus' birth to more so tease the Pagens due to the disliking between Pagen and Christian followers.
- Hostile is sexy.


Not that I know anything about Christianity, but Jesus was Jewish. If he were born on December 25, that would make his Bris exactly January 1. Sounds at least logical to me.

Mesiah / haiseM

No, Your all wrong, somewhat. (History Channel > *)

It was a Pagan holiday, called Uwell (or howerver you spell it) They did not celebrate it exactly on december 25th (in most countries), they celebrated it when winter solstice started. They would go out and chop down the biggest, thickest, log they could, in order for it to burn through the solstice. This is was called the uwell log (or hoever you spell it) They also beleived the Pine was a symbol of everlasting life, because these trees grow during winter. So they brought it inside there homes. This was the early christmas tree. They would make a mockery of the gods, dressing up, partying, slaves acted as masters, and vice versa. It was the most celebrated day in the religion.

Now we turn our attention to Rome, the largest territory in the world at the time. As Paganism died out, and Rome accepted christianity, they decided to name the uwell day (or however you spell it), after romes greatest cathedral at the time, Christ's Mass. Thus, Christmas.

They celebrated it on the 25th, because in the location of the church, that was when the solstice started. They kept the christmas tree, and other things in the tradition.

And Christmas was born.

Also, if you read the bible, it makes mention of "all the sheep and there shephard behold" or something along those lines, indicating there was sheep and a sheep hearder present. If you know anything about sheep, They cannot survive the winter, not even for a short period of time, it was very dangerous (at the time..) So, philosophers who are in better positions than we are to make decisions, say that jesus was most likely born in the early spring or early summer.

Edit: Just a note, i do not follow any religion, not even atheism, I just like studying them every now and then...
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Quote(or however you spell it)

Finally you spelled 'however' correctly.  :P