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War3 Invite

Started by Michael, December 19, 2003, 11:31 AM

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        Case &H79
       With PBuffer
       .InsertBYTE &H6
       .SendPacket &H79
       End With

Will this accept a clan invite?



Packet ID: 0x79
Direction: Client -> Server (Sent)
(DWORD)       Cookie?
(DWORD)       Clan Tag
(STRING)       InvitingLeader
(BYTE)       Response
Remarks: This packet is sent to accept or decline an invitation to a clan.

Possible values for Response:

0x04: Decline
0x05: Cannot contact(not in channel screen) or already in clan
0x06: Accept
0x08: Cannot invite
0x09: Clan is full

it'd look more like:

with pbuffer
    .insertdword 1
    .insertdword clantag
    .insertstring leader
    .insertbyte &H6
end with

To find out the clantag and leader you'd have to use 0x79 (Received)


Quote from: Fr0z3N on December 19, 2003, 03:18 PM
Packet ID: 0x79
Direction: Client -> Server (Sent)
(DWORD)       Cookie?
(DWORD)       Clan Tag
(STRING)       InvitingLeader
(BYTE)       Response
Remarks: This packet is sent to accept or decline an invitation to a clan.

Possible values for Response:

0x04: Decline
0x05: Cannot contact(not in channel screen) or already in clan
0x06: Accept
0x08: Cannot invite
0x09: Clan is full

it'd look more like:

with pbuffer
    .insertdword 1
    .insertdword clantag
    .insertstring leader
    .insertbyte &H6
end with

To find out the clantag and leader you'd have to use 0x79 (Received)

Hey thx but umm can you also help me with the stuff that gets sent to me for 0x79. I really suck at packets :(