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Started by Yoni, December 14, 2003, 07:47 AM

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It's been one day since Saddam was captured by a pack of wild Americans, and the world is still glad to be rid of him.


I was beginning to doubt that he even existed.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on December 14, 2003, 07:53 AM
I was beginning to doubt that he even existed.
I started to doubt it recently too, and still do. Ever read Orwell's 1984? :)


Glad to see that they finaly cought the bastard.


Quote from: Yoni on December 14, 2003, 08:16 AM
Quote from: iago on December 14, 2003, 07:53 AM
I was beginning to doubt that he even existed.
I started to doubt it recently too, and still do. Ever read Orwell's 1984? :)

Yup.  He was beginning to seem like a Scapegoat.  Bin Laden probably doesn't exist, he's just Goldstein :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Do you guys think that he will get the death penalty? Considering that he was captured by the Americans and that they still believe in that penalty. Oh and didnt he kill like 200 thousand people in one explosion or something like that? Bastard deserves to die slow.


Quote from: Mitosis on December 14, 2003, 08:44 AM
Do you guys think that he will get the death penalty? Considering that he was captured by the Americans and that they still believe in that penalty. Oh and didnt he kill like 200 thousand people in one explosion or something like that? Bastard deserves to die slow.
Only once in the history of Israel had someone been punished by death - the famous Eichmann trial (responsible for major parts of the Final Solution and millions of Jews dead, etc. Google for more). I don't think even Saddam would earn a death penalty if he were to be put to trial in Israel.

USA, however, and George W. Bush in particular, are known for liking death penalties. So sure, he's toast.

(Edit: Grammar.)



This will be a good breakthrough for Bush considering that the American people want him out, because he rushed into a world war. But then again some people will still want him out.


Quote from: Mitosis on December 14, 2003, 09:20 AM
This will be a good breakthrough for Bush considering that the American people want him out, because he rushed into a world war. But then again some people will still want him out.

We want him out because 9% of Americans are out of work.  Half of those no longer have unemployment benefits.  We want him out because he didn't trust us to tell us the truth about Iraq and let us form a fair opinion (us meaning Congress, our elected representatives to decide about Iraq for us the people).

It's great for the world that Saddam Hussein is now a prisoner.  But the end does not always justify the means.  Other than the French, we could have been honest with the rest of the U.N. about this guy and they would have maybe supported the war.  Or not.  Maybe we would've had to go back in a few years, after GW is out of office.  But we fucked our reputation for a decade because GW lied to the world on our behalf.  Now what do we stand for?

Edit:  (dear fcc -- i mean fucked in the nonsexual context)


Plus, Bush is following in his fathers foot steps. They were always starting wars and after the oil. When they invading Iraq one of the first things they did and tried to do was take over the oil. That tells you something right there.


Quote from: Mitosis on December 14, 2003, 09:51 AM
Plus, Bush is following in his fathers foot steps. They were always starting wars and after the oil. When they invading Iraq one of the first things they did and tried to do was take over the oil. That tells you something right there.

It tells me two things.  #1, you said you posted your last post before Christmas.  #2, you don't know a thing about oil, if you think we need to start a war over it.  Oil is a commodity and traded on the open market.  Get a new information source.


QuoteWell guys this is my last day on here until Christmas! Selling this comp and getting my new one! Just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas! I wont be posting on here anymore probably around eight. So best wishes to all!  

My last day here and I am going to be off the comp at eight until Christmas. Well about the oil thats what I heard so thats what I posted.


Quote from: Mitosis on December 14, 2003, 10:00 AMMy last day here and I am going to be off the comp at eight until Christmas. Well about the oil thats what I heard so thats what I posted.

You have a CPU installed between your inputs and your outputs.  When you hear something, don't just repeat it.  Parrots do that.


Bush still does lead the next election as far as popular votes based on a recent poll iirc. I personally like Bush, but I get yelled at for defending him at school...