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A question for vL visitors

Started by DarkVirus, November 30, 2003, 02:29 PM

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With all the "complaints", "problems" and other miscellaneous things people think about vL and how some try to DoS our server(s) and bitch about not being let into the channel etc... vL was obviously made FOR the members of vL with really no thought about the visitors. The friends we've made and lost from those who just drift in and out of the channel is pretty cool. My question for those that complain about getting banned etc...

What makes us (vL) such a great place to hang out with in your eyes? There are other groups on B.net so why of all the thousands of channels do you the visitor decide to soley come to Op [vL] ? Just something I was thinking about  8)
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


I only come to visit you DarkVirus! ;D

Well, i don't know why i really went to vl's channel. I knew they pretty much knew anything important that goes on Battle.net. People just go to places they have heard of before or from other people.

Bot Makers Like Bacca back when ChewbaccaBot was popular i visited him.

Joykillah - I've known him for a while

Darkminion- I've known him for a long time and his vlbbot

Skywing - Don't remember where i met him

I think what brought me to the channel wasn't the clan itself it was the people in the clan. Each one of them were different a more quieter channel then i was used to i could get away from people there.

New ideas also come from the channel or like when your there they are talking and your like wow i would have never thought of that.

Like when Spht thought about webbot i never actually thought of something like that and i think it was a very good idea

I think that pretty much sums it up. I don't visit the channel much but when i do it's very friendly ( sometimes )
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Iv come into the channel once, was banned for being idle. I dont really spend much time on battle.net anymore, Im mostly on here and um reading.


and downloading trojaned files ive heard :)
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Hey just because Im a stupid dumbass newbie who nos nothing about computers doesnt mean you got to rub it in!


I'm hurt that Denial failed to mention me :(

But I like the channel because it's quiet.  I know I'm not really a visitor, but I'm still going to answer.  A few times I've sat in other channels which were full of people playing with bots, and the bots would always speak out loud.  Most of the conversation was idles, or which song was being played, or people saying `say test, etc.etc.

vL is a nice, quiet, controlled environment.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You want an honest opinion of why vL is a nice place to hangout?

Battle.net is filled with 10 year olds. vL is one of the few places I feel I can go to to carry out a mature conversation. It's comparable to a haven people flock to for temporary relief of the agonizing headaches the perma caps locked keyboard mashers of battle.net give us all.


Quote from: AssassinRC on November 30, 2003, 08:38 PM
You want an honest opinion of why vL is a nice place to hangout?

Battle.net is filled with 10 year olds. vL is one of the few places I feel I can go to to carry out a mature conversation. It's comparable to a haven people flock to for temporary relief of the agonizing headaches the perma caps locked keyboard mashers of battle.net give us all.
Ah yes, nothing could be more truthful.

But I'm sure as you've noticed plenty of people come in seek of 'professional' help, they need someone who is more knowledgable than themeslves to help them. I'm sure alot of people want to join vL because of it's reputation for programmers, and every other kid on bnet wants to be a programmer, so they look up to you. That aside, vL is obviously an exclusive clan, and anything exclusive is bound to attract some attention and followers.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


um i met iago in vl to well when he was a non-vl member and he was ok kinda weird though
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Quote from: Denial on November 30, 2003, 09:02 PM
um i met iago in vl to well when he was a non-vl member and he was ok kinda weird though

I've known iago for a long time and I'd hardly consider the fact that he "was" ok kinda weird... I think I speak for all in saying he still IS ok kinda weird  ;D
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


I don't go to the channel at all, but I met skywing over the summer in open tech support under the name "Jewb" and played UT with him a few times, then he disappeared. (School?) :P


Although a few of you are speaking the reality, alot of you aren't. Despite the constant whining about not wanting it, and granted I know Kp certainly doesn't fit into this but deep down, they like the attention. :P Why do you think its impossible to get linger in the channel, and yet readily available to view whats going on inside it? Its just a funny tease, one after anouther and trust me, considering some of the things I've done to some of the wayward guests who ventured into the vL channel, I can honestly say its funny as hell. Most of you are being manipulated and you still can't stay away. But don't feel bad, for those of you who this is important too, or atleast a factor in your daily events... well Why wouldn't you want to be around vL? Isn't it a custom to want to be around the best? Its been a simple factor through history and related to many environments in life, just apply it on something like battle.net and you have vL.

PS: Cookie ^^ We've been playing Ghost Recon.
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Hitmen on November 30, 2003, 10:09 PM
I don't go to the channel at all, but I met skywing over the summer in open tech support under the name "Jewb" and played UT with him a few times, then he disappeared. (School?) :P

I played UT with skywing a few times till one day i played and beat him then the next day my ut wouldnt work anymore  >:(

oh and i sometimes go to the channel to remind kp to update the name kp
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


I have met the vL members on the forum pretty much. Iv been in the channel a couple times, seems pretty cool and I have seen people coming asking for stuff. Even if you cant be a member of the clan, we should be glad that were in the forum and still being able to have conversations about stuff with the vL members.


I enjoy hanging out in vL because of the controlled enviroment mainly. You don't have a bunch of people flooding the channel with useless text. The most 'spam' I see on my bot is join/leave messages which can easily be filtered out. The annoying people are usually banned or ignored...either way they pose no annoyance towards me. I do have a few friends in the clan and that is another way I can talk with them besides third party messaging programs/ forums. I enjoy how people in there use English and how most of them have a (even if it's dry at times) sense of humor. Also, by hanging in the channel in the channel and reading their conversations/ having conversations with them..it makes you more intelligent as long as you pay attention  :P .