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Started by Inuyasha, November 28, 2003, 11:37 PM

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Has anyone heard from the maker of KaneBot? Its been almost 2 months I think since he updated this website last. I was also woundering if its possible to run Kanebot on wc3? If so how?

11/28/03Connecting to Battle.net...
11/28/03Connected to Battle.net. Commencing version/cdkey/login handshake...
11/28/03Waiting for the BNLS connection.
11/28/03Waiting for BNLS to send the game's version byte...
11/28/03Waiting for Battle.net to send the authorization information...
11/28/03Waiting for BNLS to confirm Battle.net's server signature...
11/28/03Waiting for BNLS to accept the login revision...
11/28/03Waiting for BNLS to send the version data and CD key encryption...
11/28/03Waiting for Battle.net to accept the game version and CD key(s)...
11/28/03Waiting for BNLS to send the login challenge data...
11/28/03Battle.net has accepted the game version and CD key(s).
11/28/03Unsupported packet received! Packet ID=0x0000004A
11/28/03Icons file information received.
11/28/03Cached icons file is invalid or non-existant. Downloading new file...
11/28/03Waiting for Battle.net to accept the login information...
11/28/03Connection to Battle.net failed.
11/28/03Logon to Battle.net failed.
11/28/03Could not download file icons-WAR3.bni.
11/28/03Getting default icons file...
11/28/03Cached icons file is the same. Loading icons from cache...
11/28/03Icons file icons.bni loaded successfully.

Once it gets to this point it just stops(ugh its not easy being a mac user ><! if only there was a bot like stealth for mac lol but i'll just keep dreaming and try to save up enough for a pc...whoops did i say that out loud  :-X  ) Anyway if someone could help me out that would be great!


Quote from: Inuyasha on November 28, 2003, 11:37 PM
Once it gets to this point it just stops(ugh its not easy being a mac user ><!Anyway if someone could help me out that would be great!

Being a Mac user is a choice.  You can quit at any time.  There may even be support groups in your area to help.

On the other note, this isn't a bot support forum.  If you're having problems with a specific bot, take it up with the author or other users of that bot.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Texas. The temp site is gone though. Aside from that, I haven't seen him for a long time.


Quote from: Undeference on November 29, 2003, 06:36 PM
Texas. The temp site is gone though. Aside from that, I haven't seen him for a long time.
Yes, from the L.A. area to the Houston area. Should close on a home this afternoon (finally!!!). It shouldn't be too much longer and I'll have my computer back. As for the temp site, the origional owner of the site apparently took it back over. The site is still available at http://www.wonderwarp.com/SirG3/kane.

Meanwhile, Kp is correct that this is not a bot support forum, so please, instead of putting questions here, direct any to me at [email protected] or [email protected], and I'll get to you when I have time available (which is rare).

Btw, sorry for bringing up an older topic... I'd send a privmsg, but other people who might be tempted to start another topic like this may see this one for a while.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Quote from: Kp on November 29, 2003, 11:30 AM
Being a Mac user is a choice.  You can quit at any time.  There may even be support groups in your area to help.