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Welcome to the Java Forum!

Started by iago, November 21, 2003, 10:04 PM

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I actually stole these rules from the Visual Basic forum, so please don't tell Cuphead.

1) No flaming and/or blatant stupidity.
2) If you post anything that is related to another language in this forum, I am going to recommend that you be banned.  See the Visual Basic Java?  That means Visual Basic Java only.
3) If you post anything that is VB or VB .NET specific, prepend your topic's subject with [VB], [VB .NET] respectively.
4) If you call it Visual Basics Java Scripts or abbreviate it as "vB" "J", I will have you killed.

Ok, here's my rules:
1) No pushing
2) Wipe your feet
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I was so busy playing with Strike-Out that I forgot to mention: Java, Javascript, JSP, etc. are all good here, despite what St0rM.iD says.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


     After minutes of effort, and somewhere between 5 and 1,000 requests... We have created the Java Programming Forum.  All java related questions should find their home here.  I do not require but do promote the idea of tagging each thread with an abbreviation to the most related java based acronym, if general or business type applications to just scriptlets, [Java] will do, other examples may be such of [JS], [JSP], [JAX], [Java3D] and anything of the sort.  This will not guarantee your post be answered sooner but may help me and other individuals determine what your focus is, but also help us target (or avoid) what we're in the mood for, or are equipped to answer.  I don't prefer and personally am not fully equipped to answer but also welcome JScript and J# questions here and promise to do my best to answer.  I understand a lot of people are unfamiliar with what Java is really best used for, and despite what some have heard, it is appropriate (and preferred) in many situations.

    On a somewhat off-topic approach I do plan on (and allow) threads relating questions to the language itself, so do not be afraid to post here if its not a strictly programming based question, and also plan on explaining the core functionality of java and its many aspects of use.  Java is now the one of the leading career languages, preferred by IT departments and taught in schools world-wide.  I will teach you why.  This forum may take a while to get up and running but I can assure you the more you know about Java and the perks of having it as a YAL(yet another language) in your arsenal, You will find a language which is fully capable, expandable and productive.  Finally as a fair notice, I will pick favorites among those who show more willingness to learn, continuous progress and contribute as much as they can while maintaining somewhat non-pathetic lives.

    Thanks again,
    - Hostile  :)
- Hostile is sexy.