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Problem With Standard If StateMent while using Pause

Started by ChR0NiC, November 10, 2003, 06:45 PM

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Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
   strcurrentchannel = ChannelName
   If strcurrentchannel = channel.text Then
   AddChat &H80000003, "Joined channel: " & ChannelName & ""
   AddChat vbRed, "Bnet Disconnected"
   AddChat vbGreen, "Moving onto next name: " & VarUser & " : " & VarPass
   Exit Sub
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub connectmsg1()
If Check1.Value = vbChecked Then
   CleanSlateBot1.Send connectmsg.text
   AddChat vbWhite, "<" & VarUser & "> " & connectmsg.text
   Exit Sub
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub stayconnected1()
Pause Text4.text
End Sub

Private Sub reconnectdelay1()
Pause recondelay.text
End Sub

This is for a name switcher I am making.
Ok when it hits connectmsg1 it does it then it should go to stayconnected1 which pauses it for the amount of time in the text4.text TextBox. But instead of doing that, when it hits pause it does the connectmsg1 over again. It does it 2 times instead of one. And same with once it gets to reconnectdelay1. It redoes Bnet Disconnect and moving onto next name. But if I take out the pauses it works fine. But I want to pauses so I don't get IP Banned from it connecting then saying a message then disconnecting and reconnecting so fast. So if anyone can help me out?? And don't steal my idea  >:(



No, it is used to keep illegals alive. So you don't have to log on them 1 by 1. This never switches keys or products. Just names and passwords, straight to the points one by one not randomly. I for one who has more than a few illegals, needs something like this so my names don't expire due to lack of activity. And the only problem I am having is that I can't seem to get it to work with reconnect delays and stay connected delay. Other than that it works great.


try chaning your pause code...vb sucks for pause

Public Declare Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects Lib "user32" (ByVal nCount As Long, pHandles As Long, ByVal fWaitAll As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long, ByVal dwWakeMask As Long) As Long

Public Sub Wait(ByVal inWaitSeconds As Single)
On Error Resume Next
Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 As Long = 0
Const WAIT_TIMEOUT As Long = &H102

Dim lastTick As Single
Dim timeout As Long
timeout = inWaitSeconds * 1000
lastTick = Timer

Select Case MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, 0, False, timeout, 255)
timeout = ((inWaitSeconds) - (Timer - lastTick)) * 1000
If timeout < 0 Then timeout = 0

Case Else
Exit Do

End Select

Loop While True

End Sub

try that something I found on the net works better then most of the ones I had tried.


Dim ReconDelay as Integer
Dim StayCon as Integer

ReconDelay = GetStuff("Config", "ReconDelay")
StayCon = GetStuff("Config", "StayConnected")
End Sub

Pause ReconDelay
Pause StayCon

Hope that helps!


Quote from: ChR0NiC on November 10, 2003, 06:51 PM
No, it is used to keep illegals alive. So you don't have to log on them 1 by 1. This never switches keys or products. Just names and passwords, straight to the points one by one not randomly. I for one who has more than a few illegals, needs something like this so my names don't expire due to lack of activity. And the only problem I am having is that I can't seem to get it to work with reconnect delays and stay connected delay. Other than that it works great.

A better way would to login as Starcraft Shareware 8 times (if all you have is 8 illegals). O wait nvm, ur using CSB... Alternaltly, you could use the Telnet chat Protocal instead of CSB...


Quote from: Freeware on November 11, 2003, 11:51 AM
Quote from: ChR0NiC on November 10, 2003, 06:51 PM
No, it is used to keep illegals alive. So you don't have to log on them 1 by 1. This never switches keys or products. Just names and passwords, straight to the points one by one not randomly. I for one who has more than a few illegals, needs something like this so my names don't expire due to lack of activity. And the only problem I am having is that I can't seem to get it to work with reconnect delays and stay connected delay. Other than that it works great.

A better way would to login as Starcraft Shareware 8 times (if all you have is 8 illegals). O wait nvm, ur using CSB... Alternaltly, you could use the Telnet chat Protocal instead of CSB...

Does CHAT work to keep names alive?  I guess it's possible.

And I'm not sure if a delay is required on CHAT, it may be that it's not, in which case life would be good.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: