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Final Post

Started by Death-Merchant, November 07, 2003, 12:31 AM

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For all of those that it may concern, I'm not coming back.  Yes this may be good news to some and some of you probably just won't care.  I would like to say that vL is a poorly operated clan.  The only allow the most "leet" people into the clan.  For what reason I don't know.  Maybe they want to think they are the best clan on Battle.net.  Don't even ask for help because vL will just tell you to figure it out yourself and or tell you to find it yourself.  Also, vL are nothing but channel sitters.  What kind of enjoyment do you people get out of being idle fifteen hours out of the day?  Skywing, you suck as a programmer.  You have programs that you have made for Battle.net that can be viewed but aren't open to the public.  Why the hell would I want to look at screenshots of BinaryChat?  So I can pretend that I'm using it?  And ZeroBot doesn't even have any screenshots.  I'd say BNLS is the only decent thing you have made so far.  Also, you people assume things to much.  I tried to fill you in with some information and then you claim that I'm someone that I'm not.  You should consider other things such as, maybe I was on his network or he was on my network.  But, do you take time to think about these things? No.  You people will probably just take this post as bullshit.  I don't care if you do or don't.  I'm just trying to get a point across that this clan is to stuborn and is full of newbies.  So fuck you and have a nice day.  ;D


No no no. You have us all wrong.

First off, we don't consider us "elite" or a "clan" for that matter. We're a bunch of guys who sometimes come into the channel (yes some more than others, I agree) to interact with people who have may have similar inclinations toward us. We don't care about what the rest of battle.net thinks of us, just as we don't care much about the rest of battle.net. If Skywing wants to make programs and not share, why should you even care? If it's not for you, don't give a crap. If he's some dork who gets a kick out of making programs and not sharing, just ignore him. You care too much. People on bnet care too much about this vL. They think we're some sort of clan which really isn't the case. Therefore, all these "personal" battles people such as you start are utterly meaningless to us. We don't care about your creed, or what you stand for, or what you hate about our little organization. We don't care if you leave. We don't care if you come back and talk college football with us. I come on bnet rarely, but when I do, it's usually to talk to some of the vLs (I've known some of these guys for years, some of which from days when I actually did come on for the clan stuff). So anyway, in short, we just don't care. Leave us alone? fine. Mass load in our channel? Sure. Hate us? No prob. Love us? That's cool too. We basically exist as a group to do what we feel like. You're welcome to coexist with us in anyway you want. Believe, you're not the first. :)


I'd say we're pretty elitest.  But keep in mind that neither this clan, nor our channel, nor our forum are designed for you, they're designed by us, and I honestly prefer them.  Other channels give me a headache trying to filter through all the crap until you eventually find the useful stuff people say which is just annoying, ESPECIALLY people playing with bots ('time \lastseen !trigger `find, etc), that talk out loud!

Anyway, if that's the way you feel, then good riddance; but people who put up with the rules/regs here probably gain more than they ever lose.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


For all of those that it may concern, I'm not coming back. Yes this may be good news to some and some of you probably just won't care.
Yes you are right it was quite annoying having you around.
QuoteI would like to say that vL is a poorly operated clan. The only allow the most "leet" people into the clan. For what reason I don't know. Maybe they want to think they are the best clan on Battle.net.
vL members answered this best.
QuoteDon't even ask for help because vL will just tell you to figure it out yourself and or tell you to find it yourself.
Contrary to your beliefs I have learned a lot from hanging around these forums, and most of the help came from vL members themselves.
QuoteAlso, vL are nothing but channel sitters. What kind of enjoyment do you people get out of being idle fifteen hours out of the day?
Maybe they have better things to do than entertain people in the channel? I personally get a lot more enjoyment out of doing other things, than I ever have just sitting in a channel.
QuoteSkywing, you suck as a programmer. You have programs that you have made for Battle.net that can be viewed but aren't open to the public. Why the hell would I want to look at screenshots of BinaryChat? So I can pretend that I'm using it? And ZeroBot doesn't even have any screenshots.
He programs for himself and his friends... This makes him a sucky programmer? I am yet to understand that one.
QuoteI'd say BNLS is the only decent thing you have made so far.
Yes BNLS is quite a nice service, but how do you know it is the only decent vL project? You said yourself you haven't seen most of the others...
QuoteAlso, you people assume things to much. I tried to fill you in with some information and then you claim that I'm someone that I'm not. You should consider other things such as, maybe I was on his network or he was on my network. But, do you take time to think about these things? No.
This just makes you sound dumb. Whether he was on your network or you were on his, you both were apart of this bs. So who cares about assumptions.
QuoteYou people will probably just take this post as bullshit. I don't care if you do or don't. I'm just trying to get a point across that this clan is to stubborn and is full of newbies. So fuck you and have a nice day. ;D
I think you do care, otherwise you wouldn't have taken the time to take part in all of this bs, let alone make this ridiculous post. I think you are a deprived kid who is seeking attention from those you feel inferior too. Btw newbies is not the word for this occasion, but lamers is. I think we all know who the real lamers are.
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


Tuberload: I agree.
Death: Bye!  :-*



You claim to not be BlazingKnight, yet you have the same things against us? So I guess it doesn't matter if we banned you in the process of banning BlazingKnight then, does it?

Quote from: Death-Merchant on November 07, 2003, 12:31 AM
And ZeroBot doesn't even have any screenshots.

That's because ZeroBot has no visible interface.


Quote from: Spht on November 07, 2003, 06:21 AM
That's because ZeroBot has no visible interface.
I hate to disagree, but that's no excuse. BNLS has no GUI either and it still has a screenshot.


Quote from: Yoni on November 07, 2003, 06:53 AM
Quote from: Spht on November 07, 2003, 06:21 AM
That's because ZeroBot has no visible interface.
I hate to disagree, but that's no excuse. BNLS has no GUI either and it still has a screenshot.

Bah. I purposely said "no visible interface" to avoid people saying that it has a remotely accessible interface over Battle.net and Botnet or some other pun abuse, and now you come up with that!

A reason why there is no screen shots of ZeroBot('s name listed in running services) is probably because it's nothing that Skywing wants to advertise since no one has the client. BinaryChat is presented because it is being actively distributed, but in a controlled manner.

Soul Taker

This guy must love Ride the Lightning, he's been listening to it non-stop for about a week now.


Quote from: Death-Merchant on November 07, 2003, 12:31 AM
You have programs that you have made for Battle.net that can be viewed but aren't open to the public.  Why the hell would I want to look at screenshots of BinaryChat?  So I can pretend that I'm using it?

Look here for some screenshots of Blizzard's private game and it's for Battle.net - i like to sit here and pretend i'm playing it


I know I'm not a member, but I believe my idea has a totally untainted viewpoint.

I can honestly say that I've never heard any vL member refer to themselves as "l33t" in a manner that was not riddled with sarcasm. Also, nearly every clan you see claims to be "the best clan on Battle.Net" however, I can honestly say I've never heard a vL member claim that they were in the best clan on Battle.Net.

When you ask for help here, you are commonly given tips in how to help yourself rather than being spoon fed answers, the members seem to be more willing to help those who wish to learn and scorn those who wish to be spoon fed answers to their problems.

I don't know Skywing personally, and I'm not very farmiliar with much of his work, but I do know that he has done an impeccable job with BNLS, which is quite a task, I doubt that you have the knowlege and skills to pull it off. BNLS in itself is a massive component of lots of Battle.Net programming and Skywing and Yoni are nice enough to let us use it, even though they have no reason to, nor do they have to.

I pose a simple question: Why are you being so defensive?

On a final note so I can tie this up, I'd like to use a definition my psychology teacher used on our class syllabus. "Maturity or lack thereof is commonly expressed in one's language." (i.e. your use of "newb" and your use of other uncalled for language in your post.)

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Death, first of all I've never heard of you so I guess I have no opinion if you leave our forum or not.

I don't understand how you think vL is obligated to do anything for those not in the clan. Valhalla Legends wasn't formed to meet the requirements or the needs of those not eligable to be apart of our organization. The programs and knowlege we posess is ours to keep and at the discresion of the beholder will that information/data be leaked to the public.

As for you whining about vL members not helping, what DONT we help with? We've supplied the internet with a multi-form forum which pertains to almost ANY Computer Science topic. Not every member is a programmer, so sometimes you won't get the information you need. I think you just need to stop bitching because the majority of us help others without a second thought because its in our nature. We host computer science classes (thanks to Cuphead) and the people who decide to teach give up their personal time, member or not, to teach topics that are asked by the public.

As for telling people to find information themselves, the majority of the time we GIVE the answer if not spoon feed you it. The other times, where Grok is notorious for this and I DONT blame him, is we'll help you along the way by giving you hints. What is the point of GIVING you all the answers instead of helping you be more self sufficient? If we GIVE answers, that doesn't give you the chance to explore your options to find your own route of knowlege.

So stop your bitching about nothing and YOU fuck off and have a nice day.
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Quote from: Death-Merchant on November 07, 2003, 12:31 AMI would like to say that vL is a poorly operated clan.

The clan will be only 4 years old next month, and we've already lost 5 members.  You win.

QuoteThe only allow the most "leet" people into the clan.  For what reason I don't know.

I can explain this, as I have many times before.  It is purely out of selfish motivation to surround ourselves with intelligent, interesting, stimulating people with a common interest.  Oh wait, that would make us like nearly every other special interest group in the world, so that can't be it.

QuoteAlso, vL are nothing but channel sitters.  What kind of enjoyment do you people get out of being idle fifteen hours out of the day?

We do it for our bots.  Bots love to idle, and we love our bots, so we idle for their happiness.

QuoteSkywing, you suck as a programmer.

Post of the year.

QuoteAnd ZeroBot doesn't even have any screenshots.

Proof that Skywing sucks as a programmer!

Quotemaybe I was on his network or he was on my network.

That might be, but since it sounds like you despise all that we are, the collateral damage here is not significant.  You give us no reason to feel bad about your getting caught up in the bans.

I sincerely wish you adeiu and happiness in whatever you do next.


Quote from: Grok on November 08, 2003, 10:06 PM
Quote from: Death-Merchant on November 07, 2003, 12:31 AMI would like to say that vL is a poorly operated clan.

The clan will be only 4 years old next month, and we've already lost 5 members.  You win.

Proof that the operation of your clan just SUCKS. 5 whole members??? Sounds like you couldn't keep members around if you paid them.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I'd think it'd be easier just to ban him.