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In Reguards to Gremlin's Post..

Started by Bsd, October 24, 2003, 10:50 AM

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I just erased a whole post of roasting people for treating those who post on this forum like CRAP.
Bottom line, I think you guys should take it easy on those who enquire about joining, etc... Newbish as they may be, take it easy on them.. I can remember when a few of you vL'ers weren't so "elite" over course of my 5 years on battle.net.. All I am saying is take it  easy on the "kids'..They have a hard enough time as it is. When they strive for something like joining vL and get roasted on site.. Well.. I think that is kind of shitty.. You pretty much insult there intelligence not to mention  make them feel like shit in any way possible.. What if I were to make a post like that? Would you insult me for wanting to join vL? How would you even know what me or any other person is capable of... NUFF SAID, I am just gonna end this post like this: Tone down the attitude guys, you really need to take it easier on those who aren't "part of the crew".. You guys are just ruthless... =/


Hmm, wouldn't surprise me if we are indeed. We want people to look around a bit themselves before asking though. People coming up here and asking to join, without even knowing what we do (info on what we do, what joining means for you and how to join are all on the web site), well, they haven't really tried. And they're with 95% certainty not the people we'd want to join. That gives us no reason to give them information on how to join, or even to encourage them to stay at the time being.


Adron: I understand that half the people on battle.net have asked to join vL for a chance at "winbot" or whatever it is that vL is famous for..Yes I do see that 95% of the people aren't qualified to join vL and wouldn't even get through leader voting, much less a vL given test.. That doesn't mean they should be treated like crap.. Hey, if I was some kid who heard about a winbot I would try and get at it as well..  Sure they blindly want to join vL not knowing what it is that you do or stand for.. That's just your everyday bandwagoner's and newbies, still doesn't mean you should roast them ;)


Hmmno, we shouldn't *roast* them. But still, typically they get instructed to go find out on their own ("finding out the requirements is your first test"), or, get pointed to the web page. If they at that time don't go do their research, I don't see why we should waste more time on them other than to amuse ourselves at their expense.


Yes.. but I remember getting approved to test for vL and just getting to that point wasn't very easy.. Now correct me *Grok* if I am wrong, but you were there when I was going to go up for vL membership.. I didn't just walk in the door and ask did I?  Most people just don't understand that reading the guidelines page and posting I want to join isn't quite how it works..Those who I have seen do such in the past  have gotten flamed *roasted* for it... I am just saying people need to take it easy with there attitudes all around, not just when people are posting about membership.. vL members ban whom they  please without even getting to know who they are speaking with.. They'd rather flex their elite "vL ban muscle" on them.. So, for those who decide they want to join vl and have what it takes, I say give them the time.. I don't even see that much happening..


I can agree about people sometimes not being given a proper chance. Mostly because of the automated bans built into the bot. Still, vL isn't about growing, and members shouldn't have to waste a lot of their time on people wanting to join but not having what it takes. Sometimes we have to focus on doing what we want to do, not just growing.


Bsd, you are correct.  You asked after you had been around us long enough to have some idea what we're about.  But I do remember that you still carried misconceptions about us, and you might still.

In my experience alone, most vL members don't grasp what vL is about until after they are members for several weeks or longer.  And those are the people we [em]want[/em] to join.

However I do not believe we [em]roast[/em] people for a simple join inquiry.  Show me posts where I'm wrong and you'll have found an exception.  Show me that we do it over 25% of the time and I'll say I'm wrong and that we roast 'em.

Suggesting to them that they 'figure it out' or 'read the website' does not qualify as roasting, however.  A person with minimal common sense wanting to join would click around the clan website to find join requirements.

Like Adron said though -- if these people haven't even read our tiny website, they don't know enough or care enough about us that we should want them as members.

If you have been reading the forums the last couple weeks, you'll have noticed that after one such join request/exchange, I posted a "How to Join Valhalla Legends" message.

That being true, I find it difficult to agree with your position that we mistreat a signficant number of people who want to join, but your observations are welcomed.



Quote from: Adron on October 24, 2003, 11:46 AM
I can agree about people sometimes not being given a proper chance. Mostly because of the automated bans built into the bot. Still, vL isn't about growing, and members shouldn't have to waste a lot of their time on people wanting to join but not having what it takes. Sometimes we have to focus on doing what we want to do, not just growing.

Quite true, and it has to seem unfair to outsiders.  However this makes Valhalla Legends unique among battle.net clans (at least).  In programming terms, you could say the design requirements of the clan include isolation from and exclusion of everyone else.  So much so that we have no concept of alliances that other clans do; the notion is not even entertained.

Each vL member is the clan.  The leaders have most of the burden -- to serve those members.  Adron, myself, and Skywing spend probably 50 hours a year filtering through candidates for membership.

Some of those filters can be done pretty quickly.  An early filter, and one used heavily, is to see if wannabe has even read the "About [vL]" page and understood the join requirements.


shit i think that kids think that if they can program in C++ or whatever they think they can join and its all gonna be programming this and programming that maybe if you made it more clear that vl isn't just programming it'd draw a different response from some people just a thought shit i remember i was gonna be tested on what   linux or unix?


Yes, I believe you were going to be tested by Azure, and in his absence, Thing.

Did you ever hook up with Azzy?


nah he was always ultra-afk

*ps - I don't think thing likes me :(


I may be a counter example to part of that, in that I didn't know a lot when I joined, but I was in the process of learning a lot, and still, for the most part, am.  

On the other hand, I didn't join the channel and ask to join.  I hung around the channel, played games with Grok/Joker/occasinally Skywing, and got to know the leaders before ever asking for a test.  
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Bsd on October 24, 2003, 12:27 PM
*ps - I don't think thing likes me :(

I think you brought that on yourself...


Quote from: iago on October 24, 2003, 12:41 PMOn the other hand, I didn't join the channel and ask to join.  I hung around the channel, played games with Grok/Joker/occasinally Skywing, and got to know the leaders before ever asking for a test.  

But since we felt sorry for you being a mutant, we made an exception and passed you.