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Started by Nodens, September 12, 2003, 02:55 PM

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Hey, I'm new and just wanting to find out if these are all the correct version bytes for 1.10.

Select Case varProduct
       Case "RATS"
           verByte = "C7"
           exeN = "starcraft"
           varFiles = App.Path & "\Star\"
       Case "PXES"
           verByte = "C7"
           exeN = "starcraft"
           varFiles = App.Path & "\Star\"
       Case "NB2W"
           verByte = "4F"
           exeN = "Warcraft II BNE"
           varFiles = App.Path & "\War2\"
       Case "RHSS"
           verByte = "A5"
           exeN = "starcraft"
           varFiles = App.Path & "\SSHR\"
       Case "RTSJ"
           verByte = "A9"
           exeN = "StarCraftJ"
           varFiles = App.Path & "\JSTR\"
   End Select



Quote from: Nodens on September 12, 2003, 02:55 PM
Hey, I'm new and just wanting to find out if these are all the correct version bytes for 1.10.

Not all games are version 1.10


Quote from: UserLoser on September 12, 2003, 03:53 PM
Not all games are version 1.10

yeah war2 is in ls in like 2.04 or something ( I don't remember and my war2 disk got scratched.)


Well, I just meant with the way bnet is right now. but ty for the extra info :P


Quote from: Nodens on September 12, 2003, 06:48 PM
Well, I just meant with the way bnet is right now. but ty for the extra info :P

BNET is not at version 1.10...BW is.  :P Nice point UserLoser