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Wither Be WMD?

Started by Grok, September 07, 2003, 07:43 PM

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The American President is doing a live speech.  Lots of talk about IRAQ, lots of talk about terrorism.

Nothing said about weapons of mass destruction.  Nothing said about how 25 million Americans are going to get a job.  Nothing about our tumbling economy.

If you don't find any weapons of mass destruction, admit you were wrong.

I somehow doubt we'll hear either.


Obviously it was a bluff, but perhaps it was all about oil. My theory anyways.



Quote from: Adron on September 07, 2003, 10:32 PM
Bacon. Canadian.

lol, the people of the US had to be united against a common enemy somehow, so Iraq was the natural choice :)

Also, on topic, I like how Bush's eyebrows both go upwards at the middle, making him look like he cares so much about everything.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I'm watching it now, and it sounds to me a lot like on Star Trek DS9 when the Cardassians occupied Bajor, and the Bajorans could only do strategic terrorist attacks against the Cardassians because the Cardassians were so much more powerful than the Bajorans.  I wonder if the Iraqis feel the same way, that they have been unjustly occupied and this is all they can do to fight back...
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker

Quote from: iago on September 08, 2003, 01:25 AM
I'm watching it now, and it sounds to me a lot like on Star Trek DS9 when the Cardassians occupied Bajor, and the Bajorans could only do strategic terrorist attacks against the Cardassians because the Cardassians were so much more powerful than the Bajorans.  I wonder if the Iraqis feel the same way, that they have been unjustly occupied and this is all they can do to fight back...
Uh... what?  :P


Quote from: Soul Taker on September 08, 2003, 01:59 AM
Uh... what?  :P

I didn't really understand that either, for I haven't watched DS-9. I googled for it though and came to the conclusion that the Cardassians were some much more powerful force than the Bajorans. The Cardassians were so much more powerful than the only thing the Bajorans could do to dent them were small terrorist attacks - you can't win against the evil enemy by going out with one against twenty, and trying would be stupid. So, make the best of it.


Quote from: iago on September 08, 2003, 01:25 AM
I'm watching it now, and it sounds to me a lot like on Star Trek DS9 when the Cardassians occupied Bajor, and the Bajorans could only do strategic terrorist attacks against the Cardassians because the Cardassians were so much more powerful than the Bajorans.  I wonder if the Iraqis feel the same way, that they have been unjustly occupied and this is all they can do to fight back...
I've never seen DS9, But I've seen scenarios of this (maybe through history class, mostly through starcraft :P). Sometimes the opposed force will go all out with suicidal tendencies in order to do as much damage as possible to their oppressor (usually if they have an ally that is against the oppressor).

I (being a Canadian) decided to watch it because it is relevant to what goes on in Canada, and thought it was a load of bullcrap. He just said that they were countinuing a war against Iraq for 25minutes... Nothing else really along any matters such as Grok posted (unemployment, economy). Is it possible that he will let the economy slip and then bring it back up with some sort of a super plan? Doubtfully... He deosn't seem that intelligent.

My 2cents.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on September 08, 2003, 06:44 AM
He just said that they were countinuing a war against Iraq for 25minutes... Nothing else really along any matters such as Grok posted (unemployment, economy).

Is it possible that he is focusing on a war instead of on the difficult questions? Avoiding issues that are important to his people in their daily life because it's easier to deal with a war where there's "our side, we're the good guys" and "their side, they're the bad guys"?

Quote from: Adron on September 07, 2003, 10:32 PM
Bacon. Canadian.


I noticed he said that, since Iraq is freed, Europe, the US, Japan, and the Middle East will benefit.  I guess that means, screw canada, central america, south america, australia, and the rest of asia :(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on September 08, 2003, 07:54 AM
I noticed he said that, since Iraq is freed, Europe, the US, Japan, and the Middle East will benefit.  I guess that means, screw canada, central america, south america, australia, and the rest of asia :(

Haha, I wonder if that was carefully thought out of him... Taking every chance he can get to bash Canada? :P


I doubt it, because he also failed to mention Australia, and Australia helped with the attack.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Well, maybe he holds a personal grudge against Australia or something :P


Wherever you live, you shouldn't be assessing whether or not some event will help you based on whether George Dubya says it will help you.  Decide for yourself whether it will help you and don't be excited at being included in his opinion list, or disappointed at not being on the same list.

George Dubya has just asked for an 'additional' $87 billion to fight this war.  Wasn't it only a few months ago that he asked for $80 billion for an approximate 5 years occupation?

How did we spend the whole $80 billion in 10% of the planned timeframe?  Or was the original number just a lie.

Now they're saying "can't turn back now" ... "must finish the job" .. etc.   I even heard congressmen saying "even if we were wrong about why we went in there ... even if no weapons of mass destruction were found ... we have a committment to complete the job we are there for..."   HUH?  Isn't the job we're there for to eliminate WMD?

My government lies.


Well, right now it wouldn't make sense to turn back, would seem too much like wrecking someones place without a cause and then leaving without helping to fix what you just ruined.