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Banning 10 Peeps

Started by BlazingKnight, August 29, 2003, 09:20 PM

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Heres what UserLoser said

Maybe he thought of the idea that I thought of...  Design a bot that loads two bots to the same channel, and both are designed to hold OPs.  Example: .ban * could clear 10 users in less than one second from the channel!  The bots would simply split up the queue.  And for things like .say Hello, it would send 'Hello' from the bot that hasn't sent a message in the longest time out of the two of them.

So can 1 bot ban 5 users without flooding?


I have worked on this, and so far it's just a basic moderation bot with a few commands for now, and only loads two bots.  I want to eventually support about 5 or 6 Warcraft III clients, for clan channels, shamens, ect.  That would be 30 bans a second with good flood protection =) - Byebye massbots.  Also, I have two bots up at channel Op UCRASHSERVERS on Europe right now as I'm typing this testing it with about 20 other people =)

Spht, I'll still use RB if I ever find a clan to stay with :P


wouldnt /clan private get rid of massbots?


Quote from: ___/\___ on August 29, 2003, 11:17 PM
wouldnt /clan private get rid of massbots?

It'd only stop them from being able to join - but if they're already in the channel, then what are you going to do!?



Cool. I like the WC III idea. I know the chewy can ban 4 bots in a row. Will the ops flood on the 5th one?


depends on the length and time of the last messages sent.  If you were to just connect to Battle.net, and send five 40-45 length messages in less than a second, or very quickly, you won't flood off.


So theoretically speaking you could send as many bans as you wanted to as long as you could do it before battle.net responded?


no that wouldn't work, i found that out the hard way :P


So what is the max number of bots that you've banned w/o being IP banned?


Eurijik! used to do the same with zds and welcome messages over a year or two ago.


Quote from: BlazingKnight on August 29, 2003, 11:38 PM
So theoretically speaking you could send as many bans as you wanted to as long as you could do it before battle.net responded?

Pretty pointless since the bans would be nullified by your flooding yourself out.


He meant you can send as many bans as you want as long as the combined length of the strings doesnt go over the maximum bytes/time battle.net allows, or something like that (the bnet flood protection appears to be more complicated).