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New cat appearance

Started by Spht, July 30, 2003, 09:38 PM

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For those of you which are on my MSN contact list & have version 6.0, you will now get to see my cat even more!


You loser ;D

Mines better :o -

This is my 0xFF post!


Your cat seriously owns, Spht.


And by owns, he means sucks.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


My cat is > Sphts cat.

...I'll scan pics soon.


Quote from: Invert on July 31, 2003, 08:25 PM
My cat is > Sphts cat.

...I'll scan pics soon.

That I doubt! I have 3 cats, so bring it.


I have 3 dogs, and cats are scared of dogs. ;D


Quote from: UserLoser on July 31, 2003, 10:15 PM
I have 3 dogs, and cats are scared of dogs. ;D

I have one of each, and that's not true at all :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


According to movies & cartoons it is!


My girlfriend's dog doesn't bother her kitten ever since the it scratched the dog's nose up pretty badly.


Bah, you loser~!

*pretends i never read this* 8)


Quote from: K on July 31, 2003, 10:26 PM
My girlfriend's dog doesn't bother her kitten ever since the it scratched the dog's nose up pretty badly.

same thing happened with my dog/cat ( i think it was because the dog kept eating the cats food) oh and before you call PETA yes I feed my dog plenty...hes just a pig in the form of a dog


It works like this: Cats are clever. They understand that it's just a waste of time to get into a fight with a dog. They know they can win, but they don't feel like wasting their time on a stupid dog - exhausting themselves needlessly.

However, if the dog forces the issue, and it comes down to a fight, the cat *will* win.


my dogs just lazy

(well actually so is my cat...but he'll fight if needed....and well my dogs lazier)


My Black Lab Cries/shivers at any cat it see's then runs off whimpering. Even if its a Kitten.