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Started by Thing, July 27, 2003, 07:21 PM

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That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


You have a good point, I HAVE been there before and it IS time to go back!

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



17 beers to create one flash file, that seems to be a lot. I hope that wasn't all in one night cause people get stomachs pumped after that much.


Quote from: drake on July 31, 2003, 06:05 PM
17 beers to create one flash file, that seems to be a lot. I hope that wasn't all in one night cause people get stomachs pumped after that much.



is that hardly enough to get your stomach pumped? Well if that is what you mean then I must remind you it differs between people but I have seen a guy who is 6 foot 5 get incredibly drunk after about 10 and there is no way he could handle 17 without passing out or getting his stomach pumped. He is big too!


It depends on what you're drinking.  If I drink 17 cans of coke, I'll probably get sick.  It also depends how long it takes; perhaps they drink 17 beers and make the file over the course of a week :) [edit] which is actually what Drake said to begin with.. good job :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


lol 17 non alcoholic beers  :o

The reaon I brought it up was cause the video intro when loading says it took 17 beers  :)